Laurie Roth For President 2012

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Another woman jumps into race for president

Claims Obama's birth certificate is verified forgery, a major issue

By Joe Kovacs
Laurie Roth on the cover of Cash Box Magazine

Just when you thought the field of candidates for president in 2012 was full, a national radio talk-show host is now in the race, claiming Barack Obama is not even eligible for office because he has presented a forged birth certificate to the nation.

Laurie Roth from Washington state is running not as a Republican, but as a self-described patriot and conservative on the American Independent Party ticket. She says she's already on the ballot in California, and will take steps to make sure her name is listed in the other 49 states.

She joins Republican Michele Bachmann as one of at least two women seeking the Oval Office in 2012. Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has indicated she will not be tossing her hat in the ring during this election cycle.

"I know this will be like climbing up Mount Everest in a bikini with no
oxygen as far as difficulty," Roth said, "but I love my country and believe I have
the right ideas at the right time – not political, not legal, and not
international but boldly American and freedom-loving."

Roth is a singer/songwriter with five CD albums to her credit, with one track landing her on Billboard's top 40 and on the cover of Cash Box Magazine. She also holds a Ph.D. in counseling and a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.

On her list of issues, she highlights her contention Obama is not even legally eligible to hold the presidency.

"He has presented a verified forgery of his long-form birth certificate on April 27, 2011," she said.

Among other complaints against Obama, Roth says the president forced an unconstitutional health-care bill, sued and stood against his own governors, threatened and targeted coal plants for closure, breached the War Powers Act of 1973 by putting America into an illegal war in Libya, insulted and turned against Israel, and has failed to secure the nation's borders.

As far as her goals as president, Roth says, "I will overhaul our entire tax system."

She's looking to abolish all current taxes and institute a federal 2 percent point-of-purchase consumption tax she believes will create millions of jobs.

Laurie Roth

"No group will be exempt," she says, claiming annual collected revenues would be in the range of $10 to $20 trillion, "while citizens are liberated from massive, controlling tax oppression."

All other taxes on income, payroll, capital gains, gasoline, property and estates would be eradicated under her plan.

Another pledge by Roth is to become totally energy independent in four years.

"America will be the largest exporter of energy in the world," says Roth. "Disconnect from OPEC. Employ 20 million people in energy infrastructure jobs [including] natural gas, oil, nuclear, solar and alternative fuels."

Roth also says she's looking to restore America's international relationships and image, institute fair-trade agreements and stand against Islamic fundamentalism and radicalism.

She's also unabashedly promoting Judeo-Christian values.

"This includes our nation's historical strength from God and the Holy Bible – including Christian principles – prayer, freedom, exceptionalism and supporting a movement away from regulation, taxation and litigation. Those who disagree are not assailed."

Her online biography notes, "She is equally at home on horseback or motorcycle and enjoys scuba diving. She loves to watch NASCAR Nextel Cup Racing and has always liked vintage cars. Her favorite food is ... well ... just a hamburger, but with the works!" 

She's just published a book titled, "The People's President," outlining her stances.


Revealed: publisher owned by the Catholic Church sells pornography

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Revealed: publisher owned by the Catholic Church sells pornography

Germany's bishops promise to stop the company's distribution of erotic novels

Germany's biggest Catholic-owned publishing house has been rocked by disclosures that it has been selling thousands of pornographic novels with titles such as Sluts Boarding School and Lawyer's Whore with the full assent of the country's leading bishops.

The revelations made in the publishing-industry newsletter Buchreport concern Weltbild, a company with an annual €1.7bn (£1.5bn) turnover and 6,400 employees. It is Germany's largest bookseller after Amazon and wholly owned by the Catholic Church.

Buchreport revealed that Weltbild's massive assortment of titles available to customers online includes some 2,500 "erotic" books with unmistakably lewd titles including Call Me Slut!, Take Me Here, Take Me Now! and Lawyer's Whore, to name a few. The publisher's website also pictures the titles' lascivious dust jackets that feature colour photographs of scantily clad women in high heels and erotic underwear.

Yesterday, Carel Haff, Weltbild's managing director, was quoted as saying that the revelations had provoked "a very intense and critical dialogue" within the company. He said discussions were under way about possibly limiting the assortment of titles that would be available in future.

Catholic bishops responded with a statement claiming that "a filtering system failure" at the publishing house had allowed the books to stray on to the market. "We will put a stop to the distribution of possibly pornographic content in future," they said.

But Bernhard Müller, editor of the Catholic magazine PUR, dismissed the clerics' reaction as grossly hypocritical. He alleged that the pornography scandal at Weltbild had been going on for at least a decade with the Church's full knowledge. Mr Müller said that in 2008, a group of concerned Catholics had sent bishops a 70-page document containing irrefutable evidence that Weltbild published books that promoted pornography, Satanism and magic. They demanded that the publisher withdraw the titles.

But their protests appear to have been completely ignored. Writing in the Die Welt newspaper, Mr Müller said most of the bishops refused to respond to the charges. "The sudden proclaimed astonishment of many church leaders that pornographic material is being distributed by their publishing house, is play acting – bad play acting," Mr Müller said. "Believers have been complaining to their bishops about this for years."

The Catholic Church bought Weltbild more than 30 years ago. The publisher has gradually transformed itself into one of Germany's largest media companies with the help of some €182mof Catholic Church tax levied on believers. To increase its profits, in 1998 the company merged with five other publishing houses that market pornographic titles. One of them is Droemer Knaur, which is 50 per cent church-owned. Another is Blue Panther Books, which was excluded from the list of participating publishers at this year's Frankfurt Book Fair allegedly because of the pornographic content of is titles.

It emerged yesterday that in an attempt to clear itself of potential embarrassment over the sale of porn, the Catholic Church tried to sell Weltbild in 2009. But the bishops apparently abandoned the idea after they failed to get the price they were asking.


Catholic Church Abuse Cases: Dutch Church Sets Up Compensation Panel

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Catholic Church Abuse Cases: Dutch Church Sets Up Compensation Panel

The new church in Delft.
Catholic Church Abuses

THE HAGUE, Netherlands — The Dutch branch of the Catholic church has agreed to launch a compensation system that clears the way for victims of abuse by priests and other church workers to receive payments of up to euro100,000 ($138,000).

The country's Bishops' Conference and Conference of Religious Orders said in a statement Monday the new compensation system will likely come into effect next month.

Thousands of past cases of alleged sexual abuse by Dutch priests are under investigation by an independent but church-funded commission in the Netherlands, where the Catholic church has more than 4 million members.

The new compensation system has a scale of payments starting at euro5,000 ($6,886) and rising to a maximum of euro100,000 depending on the nature of the abuse.


11-5-11 Canary Islands volcano coming up out of the ocean Godzilla!!

Ireland Closes Embassy to the Vatican over Child Pedophile Sex Abuse - 2011

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Ireland Closes Embassy to the Vatican over Child Pedophile Sex Abuse - 2011

NOTE: I appreciate all the great comments on the last video. There was more info that came to light, so I modified and reposted it. Your comments, views, and ratings really help the videos to circulate and get exposure. And the more we expose Rome, the quicker and more voracious the judgments come upon her.

The Vatican recalled its Nuncio to Ireland in reaction to Ireland's "over-reaction" the Vatican's policy of covering up pedophilia cases; cases which have been as recent as 2009.

In response to the Vatican, Ireland is the first primarily Catholic country to close its embassy to the Vatican.

It took great courage for the leaders and parliament of Ireland to break off relations. We read in Scripture that the harlot of Revelation 17 will be stripped and burned by its once loyal subjects.

The stripping and burning began in 1798 when the pope was led away in chains by Napoleon's army. In 1870, Unified Italy broke down the walls and made the pope the prisoner of the Vatican. Religious Babylon was brought down on time.

Now we are seeing the stripping and burning of POLITICAL and ECONOMIC Babylon. As the Roman institution is suffering huge strikes against its political clout, the EU is in chaos. It is no wonder the papacy has called for a "one world bank".

tags: vatican pope sex abuse sexual pedophile pedophilia priest bishop ireland irish case assault rape benedict xvi 2011 papacy rome

See more at

Vatican Pope: A New World Order, One World Religion & Central Bank NWO 2011

Ireland Closes Embassy to the Vatican over Child Pedophile Sex Abuse - 2011

Asteroid hunting and Rocket Watching - SpacePod 2011.11.07

Tibetan nun burns herself to death in China

Persecuted Christian? Don't expect these pastors to speak up

About half of all the pastors in America's churches today do not want to tell their congregations that there are forces in the world that persecute Christians for their beliefs, because it's a "downer," according to the results of a startling new poll.

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Persecuted Christian? Don't expect these pastors to speak up

Half don't plan to mention martyrs – but 3 in 4 members say they want to know

By Michael Carl
(Image from Open Doors USA)

About half of all the pastors in America's churches today do not want to tell their congregations that there are forces in the world that persecute Christians for their beliefs, because it's a "downer," according to the results of a startling new poll.

The Barna Research Associates survey, commissioned by Open Doors USA, says a significant majority of American Christians, some three out of four, want to hear about the persecuted church.

But the same study showed that 52 percent of America's pastors don't want to talk about persecution and have no plans to talk about it.

But the same survey said only 48 percent of the pastors want to discuss the issue.

Open Doors President Carl Moeller says the survey shows that American Christians are not isolationists.

"Much of what we've been hearing from people and in my experience of speaking with people all over the country would indicate that American Christians really want to know what's happening to their brothers and sisters in Christ all around the world, particularly those that are suffering for their faith in Christ," Moeller said.

Moeller said that perception led him to commission the study.

"And so, we did a survey with Barna that was two parts. The first part was asking pastors when they think they might preach on persecution or the suffering church around the world," Moeller said.

"We had several options there, but 48 percent said they weren't ever planning on preaching about persecuted Christians. Some said they would be preaching on it sometime in the future and a few said they preach on it regularly," Moeller said.

"That 48 percent kind of stuck with me. 'Wow, 48 percent never plan to talk about the persecuted church," Moeller said.

Moeller said the story was different in part two of the study.

"Seventy-four percent of American Christians who go to church regularly said they would like to hear sermons from time-to-time on the suffering church or persecuted Christians," Moeller said.

"That was a huge gap, we thought. Almost half of the pastors in American were never planning on preaching on something but three-quarters, almost three-quarters of their congregations want to hear on it regularly," Moeller said.

"We thought that that was worthy of reporting back to the American press and to the American church, pastors in particular," he said.

"People are really hungry; they want to know, they want to pray. They want to do something, speak out, take action, on behalf of suffering Christians wherever they can," Moeller said.

Christian human rights group International Christian Concern's Middle East Area Specialist Aidan Clay believes the problem comes from the pulpits.

"The persecuted church reminds us that the decision to follow Christ is all or nothing," Clay said. "It reminds us that Jesus promises persecution in the Scriptures and that the Christian life was not intended to be easy."

Clay said the reality about Christian persecution isn't popular.

"That's a difficult teaching to swallow in some American churches today that are centered on self-improvement and feel-good sermons. And, perhaps pastors fear that the topic of Christian persecution will drive complacent Christians or those who are unsure what they believe out of the church," Clay said.

Clay said he's pleasantly surprised that the message of persecution has a solid impact on American Christians.

"However, I’ve learned when speaking to Western Christians that the opposite is true. Upon hearing the stories of the persecuted, Western Christians are enlivened, driven to prayer, and begin seeking ways to assist and raise awareness," Clay said.

"Even complacent Christians often find greater purpose when awakened to the harsh realities Christians face in other parts of the world. We are strengthened and encouraged when hearing the stories of Christians who remain joyful and continue to trust God after being imprisoned or even tortured for following Jesus," Clay said.

Moeller agreed, saying that sometimes persecution stories bring out the best in American churches.

"Persecution teaches us what the global church, the suffering church, has learned that maybe we've forgotten. I think that maybe there's a disconnect in this way," Moeller said.

"When we speak about persecution, the initial perspective that Americans have is that it's a horrible message of suffering and destruction. The straight fact of the matter is that it's actually a story of inspirational courage and fortitude and faith," he said.

"There's great inspiration that comes from being exposed to what the suffering church is going through. So if I can put it this way: I think American pastors are still hoping to mobilize their congregations to a level of engagement with the Gospel," Moeller said.

"But they have forgotten that we can be inspired, not just by clever stories about our neighborhood evangelism which can give us techniques in how to share our faith, but we can be inspired by the big story of Christ's church expanding," Moeller said.

"It's an epic story that can inspire the church to reach out," Moeller said.

Moeller added that the story of the persecuted church can teach the American church something that many other lessons cannot.

"Just because people are concerned about their own personal lives doesn't mean that they can't draw strength and encouragement from those that are going through suffering," Moeller said.

"I like to refer to my mom who said a very wise thing to me one time. She said, 'Carl, experience is not the best teacher. Someone else's experience is the best teacher," Moeller said.

"In many ways, the American church is longing for the kind of personal purpose and satisfaction that comes from being deeply connected to God's plan for the world," Moeller said.

"They (American Christians) are finding a deep hunger to be connected to deep things for their own personal benefit, to grow in their faith by being inspired by the suffering church," Moeller said.

"I think once people understand that there are Christians who are standing firm, they want to know, 'How can I also stand firm in the struggles in my life,'" Moeller said.

Clay said that some Christians even gain comfort from the stories of persecuted believers.

"And, there is great comfort in knowing that we are not alone, but part of the same church that was built and has endured because of the trials, sufferings and perseverance of faithful men and women before us who never gave up despite the cost," Clay said.

"Those are the footsteps that we follow. When hearing about the devotion of today's persecuted Christians, we are motivated to honor their sacrifices by living out our own faith purposefully in obedience to Scripture," Clay said.

If you would like to sound off on this issue, participate in today's WND Poll.