City Of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania To Be Takenover By The State

Pennsylvania lawmakers on Tuesday announced a plan that would make possible a state takeover of the capital of Harrisburg where local officials have failed to resolve a $300 million debt crisis.

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Takeover plan for Harrisburg, Pennsylvania detailed

A trash truck enters the Harrisburg Incinerator in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, March 10, 2010. REUTERS/Tim Shaffer

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Pennsylvania lawmakers on Tuesday announced a plan that would make possible a state takeover of the capital of Harrisburg where local officials have failed to resolve a $300 million debt crisis.

State Senator Jeff Piccola and Representative Glen Grell said the deal would allow Governor Tom Corbett to declare a state of fiscal emergency in Harrisburg and develop an emergency action plan to provide for the city's vital services.

The Harrisburg City Council will have one month to adopt a plan to "bring the city on the path to recovery," the lawmakers said in a statement. If it fails, Corbett can petition a judge to appoint a receiver, who will have the ability to create and implement a final long-term recovery plan for the city.

"The city, and for that matter the entire region, cannot afford to have more delay," said Grell. "Harrisburg's fiscal condition impacts us all."

Harrisburg's troubles stem from a complicated financing scheme used to fund a state-of-the-art revamping of its trash-burning incinerator, which left the city saddled with debt.

The bill could go before the two houses of the Republican-controlled state legislature as early as this week. A spokesman for the Republican governor would not immediately comment on whether Corbett would sign it if passed.

Harrisburg is one of a handful of cities that have considered filing for a rare municipal bankruptcy as a way to address fiscal difficulties in the wake of the recession.

Corbett and some lawmakers have opposed such a move for Harrisburg, saying the city would be better off in a rescue plan under the state's program for distressed cities.

In July, the Harrisburg City Council rejected a state-approved rescue plan, which called on it to renegotiate labor deals, cut jobs and sell or lease its most valuable assets, including the incinerator and parking garages.

Last month, the council rejected a similar plan that had been crafted by Mayor Linda Thompson, saying that both plans were overly burdensome for Harrisburg residents and did not ask enough of the county, bond holders and the bond insurer.


Warning: Asteroid "2011- SE58" May Hit Earth Today 9/27/2011

Obama is underground at Denver Airport!

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Warning: Asteroid "2011- SE58" May Hit Earth On 9/27/11?

Theologian Paul Begley of Indiana is "stunned" to find out that an Asteroid may crash into earth on 9/27/2011 the same day President Obama will be underground deep,deep,deep, in Denver den or bunker! Whaaaat? Are You Serious?

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Nobody told us about this new comet that is coming our way on 9/27/11. We are too focused on Elenin but 2011 SE58 is going to come too close for comfort and it might hit the earth at the same time that Elenin is coming by. Too much stuff going on on 9/27/11. Be vigilant and get ready!!

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Ball of fire in Buenos Aires Hits Home Causing Explosion Killing One Woman

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Ball of fire in Buenos Aires 26/9/2011 - 3

Ball of fire in Buenos Aires 26/9/2011 - 3.
(Original title: "Internacional: Incertidumbre en Argentina por supuesta caída de un meteorito").

[ ATTENTION: NEW BALL OF FIRE FALLING FROM EARTH!! This time in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 26 de septiembre 2011. ]

[ Text imported from:

" One woman died and six other people were injured as a result of the meteor event. A local resident told Radio 10 that the explosion was caused by a flaming object that fell from the sky and completely destroyed a house and several cars. 'It was a veritable earthquake,' she said.

The event took place a few minutes before 2 a.m. in a property located at the intersection Luis Vernet and Los Andes streets in Monte Grande, municipality of Esteban Echeverria.

The causes of the explosion remain unknown, but local residents claim 'a fireball fell from the sky.'

There was an overpowering smell like gunpowder, recalled one of the people living in the area, in statements made to C5N. 'There is no explanation for what took place,' added Cayetano, another resident, to Radio 10. He then added: 'A neighbor woman came out running because she could see a blue fireball falling from above'.

Guillermo Perez, commander of the local fire brigade, remarked that the causes of the incident remain unknown, while acknowledging that the first story points to 'an object that fell from the sky.'

'I heard that version, but can't confirm it at first instance. It is necessary to go by an expert investigation to see what really happened,' he told Radio 10. Perez confirmed that two houses and a business were 'completely destroyed.'

As a result of the event, an elderly woman trapped under the debris perished while another six were rescued. Firefighters told C5N that these were subsequently taken to a local hospital.

The fatality is among the victims living in the house where the explosion took place. Three of the injured are members of the household and the other three are from the adjacent house, affected by the explosion. The injured parties are out of danger, C5N explained.

According to neighbors, the explosion was even heard in such neighboring communities as Ezeiza and Temperley, to the south of Greater Buenos Aires." ]

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[ Texto importado del citado canal:

"Gran incertidumbre causó la caída de un objeto en Buenos Aires que causó la muerte de una mujer y dejó a otras seis personas heridas. Testigos aseguran haber visto que una bola de fuego azul provocó el incidente." ].

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Asteroid "2011-SE58" Will It Hit Earth Today 9/27/2011?

ALERT : Asteroid 2011 SE58 Impact Information Today Tue. 9/27/2011

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ALERT : Comet 2011 SE58 Impact Information and Similarities to Comet Elenin 9/26/2011

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Teenage girl dies in Japan 'exorcism'

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Teenage girl dies in Japan 'exorcism'

A 13-year-old girl suffocated after she was strapped down and doused with
water by her father and a monk who were trying to expel an "evil spirit",
Japanese police said Tuesday.

Fifty-six-year-old monk Kazuaki Kinoshita and the girl's 50-year-old father
Atsushi Maishigi were accused of what police described as "waterfall
service": strapping the victim Tomomi Maishigi to a chair and dousing
her face with water.

News reports said the two men poured water over her as an "exorcism"
with the father holding the girl down while the monk chanted sutras.

Miss Maishigi's mother called an ambulance after her daughter fell
unconscious, but it was too late. She was confirmed dead early the next

"The cause of death is suffocation," the police official said.

A police spokesman said the attack allegedly took place in Kumamoto in the
country's south on the night of August 27.

Reports said the the girl's parents had turned to the monk after the youngster
had suffered several years of mental and physical ill health that doctors
had not been able to resolve.

The monk, who belongs to a religious group deriving from a Buddhist sect, said
that the girl was possessed by an evil spirit, the private network TBS said.

Her parents had taken her to one of the group's facilities equipped with a
water pump and made her go through the dousing practice about 100 times
before, the broadcaster said.

The pump pulls water from underground and draws it to a height of 2.5 metres
(eight feet), from where it falls on the person sitting below, TBS said.


ALERT : Comet 2011 SE58 Impact Information and Similarities to Comet Ele...

Upcoming Earth-asteroid encounters: Today 2011 SE58 will be very close to Earth

Minimum Distance (AU) 0.00158493505800611
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Earth Asteroids
Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs)
are space rocks larger than approximately 100m that
can come closer to Earth than 0.05 AU. None of the
known PHAs is on a collision course with our planet,
although astronomers are finding new
all the time.
September 27, 2011 there were 1250
potentially hazardous asteroids.
& Upcoming Earth-asteroid encounters:

2011 SQ32
Sep 20
7.5 LD
44 m
2011 SK68
Sep 21
5.8 LD
13 m
2007 TD
Sep 22
6.2 LD
58 m
2011 SE58
Sep 27
0.6 LD
13 m
2011 SO5
Sep 29
5.6 LD
34 m
2002 AG29
Oct 9
77.1 LD
1.0 km
2011 SS25
Oct 12
70.4 LD
1.2 km
2000 OJ8
Oct 13
49.8 LD
2.4 km
2009 TM8
Oct 17
0.9 LD
8 m
2011 FZ2
Nov 7
75.9 LD
1.6 km
2005 YU55
Nov 8
0.8 LD
175 m
1994 CK1
Nov 16
68.8 LD
1.5 km
1996 FG3
Nov 23
39.5 LD
1.1 km
2003 WM7
Dec 9
47.6 LD
1.5 km
Notes: LD means
"Lunar Distance." 1 LD = 384,401 km, the distance
between Earth and the Moon. 1 LD also equals 0.00256
AU. MAG is the visual magnitude of the asteroid on
the date of closest approach.