Japanese gov’s trying to stop citizen measuring radiation

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Breaking News: Japanese gov’s trying to stop citizen measuring radiation

by Mochizuki

On this morning’s NHK “Sunday Debate” program, Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Secretary-General Nobuteru Ishihara stated, “Geiger counters costing between 40,000 and 50,000 yen ($500-600) provide patchy measurements. We have to try and stop citizens from taking their own radiation measurements.” It seems that he really doesn’t like the fact that citizens are taking their own radiation readings. Even if the figures are patchy, the measurements still tell us correctly whether the radiation level is high or low.

Ishihara Junior stated in the Sunday discussion of NHK: “That citizens measure here and there with cheap Geigercounters (that offer loose numerical values) has to be stopped!”.

In the Sunday discussion on NHK, the secretary general of the liberal democratic party, Ishihara said: “Citizens have instruments to measure radiation and take measurements (without prop maintenance). I will stop that ”

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47 Responses to “Breaking News: Japanese gov’s trying to stop citizen measuring radiation”

  1. Rick russell says:

    The government is worried about citizens inaccurate radiation detector readings?It seems Tepco and the Japanese government have lied and misled the citizens time and time again. As it is here in the US, the government and the nuclear industry are so closely connected that it be ones obvious that the government is not for the people ,but the corporations

    • Gary says:

      Soo True Dude,So True.

    • Nick says:

      Yes it is true, the politicians really are working for the Big Corporations and the rich. This is treasonous and we need to start prosecuting these liars or we will be sorry. As we speak legislation is being passed and deals made to give more power and control to the Elite. Our democracy has become a joke lately and will only get worse as the Corporate side controls the Media. Thus they get to hype and push their candidates and their message while downplaying all those that are against them. Democracy only works when the people are well informed about all of the issues. How else can we make an informed decision?

      Why is Obama working to give amnesty to illegal aliens? Because the Corporations want to lower wages and one way to do that is with supply and demand. The more workers we have looking for jobs and the fewer jobs means we have an over supply of workers and that opens the door for lower wages. Do not listen to their lies, but look at their actions. That is what tells the real story.

  2. [...] Fukushima Diairy, the Japanese government will stop citizens’ measurements, as can be read on this post link. Information war is taking a new turn in Japan. It will become impossible to detect any waste [...]

  3. Rich says:

    The question is : what political party will the Japanese citizens elect next time ?

    The Japanese Communist Party had this article about their policy regarding nuclear energy in March :

    The Japanese Greens party is small and has no info in English so I cannot tell what they propose :

    If the Japanese keep on voting for the same mafia next time, then they deserve their current situation.

    • Mochizuki says:

      Good question.Some people are starting to vote for Japan communism party,but I personally won’t go to the election.

    • adrienrain says:

      Unfortunately, however much the citizens of any one nuclear powered nation ‘deserve’ the abuse of the politicians they elect, radiation will not respect the boundaries of any country. It is in the wind’s dominion…………….. and the sea’s.

  4. [...] de Japón quiere que los ciudadanos dejen de realizar sus propias mediciones de radiación Tweet FukushimaDiary –Esta mañana (11/9), durante el “Debate del Domingo” de la cadena de televisión [...]

  5. Roy says:

    Español — El gobierno de Japón quiere que los ciudadanos dejen de realizar sus propias mediciones de radiación

    Esta mañana (11/9), durante el “Debate del Domingo” de la cadena de televisión NHK, el Secretario General del Partido Liberal Democrático de Japón, Nobuteru Ishihara, declaró, “Los contadores Geiger que cuestan entre 40.000 y 50.000 yenes (entre 358 y 568 €) proporcionan mediciones desiguales. Tenemos que intentar e impedir que los ciudadanos realicen sus propias mediciones de radiación.” Parece que no le gusta nada el hecho de que los ciudadanos realicen sus propias mediciones. Incluso en el caso de que las mediciones sean desiguales, las mediciones aún nos dicen correctamente si el nivel de radiación es alto o no.


    Ishihara Junior dijo durante la discusión del domingo en NHK: “Eso de que los ciudadanos midan aquí y allí con contadores Geiger baratos (que ofrecen valores númericos inexactos) tiene que parar”


    Durante la discusión del domingo en NHK, el secretario general del partido liberal democrático, Ishihara, dijo “Los ciudadanos tienen instrumentos para medir la radiación (sin el mantenimiento adecuado). Yo detendré eso.”


  6. [...] h/t Fukushima Diary: Japanese gov’s trying to stop citizen measuring radiation [...]

  7. Brotherpete says:

    Government and Power Utilities can try all they want to control the people, but truth will find a way. To the Japanese victims of this nuclear nightmare- make your voices loud and clear and dont stop fighting. They are letting you die to save their own bottom line. Very distubing that the USA is doing the same thing.

  8. [...] Japanese gov’s trying to stop citizen measuring radiation (Fukushima Diary, Sep. 11, 2011): On this morning’s NHK “Sunday Debate” program, Liberal [...]

  9. f8te says:

    Fucking govt assholes don’t care if their whole goddamn country dies of the shit! Not one bit! Govt toadies are the same regardless of race or location. They all need to be fucking shot on display to let everyone know we are not going to take this fucking shit anymore from any of you govt cocksuckers!!!!



  10. [...] Breaking News: Japanese gov’s trying to stop citizen measuring radiation [...]

  11. [...] Japanese gov’s trying to stop citizen measuring radiation [...]

  12. JOhn says:

    I will say it again to whoever is listening. Japan is dead. Yes the whole country is contaminated. The entire country should evacuate to Africa. But, it will never happen…not until it’s to late.

  13. Howard T. Lewis III says:

    We have the same sort of regimented idiocy in America. They need to taste the whip. My father ‘adjusted’ my hooligan behavior before I became old enough to top 30 or 40 pounds on the scale. Nothing like a dose of corporal punishment to dissuade a little monster from acting stupid. I think 2 rounds with boxer Mike Tyson will mellow these guys out. He might even decorate their ears for not listening to the people and real scientists.

  14. [...] patchy, the measurements still tell us correctly whether the radiation level is high or low.” Source. Eco World Content From Across The Internet. Featured on EcoPressed Inspiration from [...]

  15. Shut the lights off says:

    Here’s what I say….

    The end is here, people just don’t realize that they are dead already!

  16. Robert says:

    If the Japanee Government and Tepco are so cocerned about the acccuacy of people’s Geiger Counters, They should undertake to distribute accurate models to all people living in the affected areas. That is the least they should do.

  17. [...] Japan Govt Trying To Stop People From Measuring Radiation [...]

  18. [...] are also several unconfirmed reports that the Japanese government is trying to keep people from buying geiger counters to measure [...]

  19. [...] are also several unconfirmed reports that the Japanese government is trying to keep people from buying geiger counters to measure [...]

  20. JJ says:

    You know the Japanese: gotta keep up appearances and save face. Anyone who has ever worked in a Japanese corporation will know.

  21. [...] Japanese gov’s trying to stop citizen measuring radiation | Fukushima Diary 石原ジュニアの馬鹿発言が日本の評価を更に落としている Source: [...]

  22. [...] are also several unconfirmed reports that the Japanese government is trying to keep people from buying geiger counters to measure [...]

  23. [...] are also several unconfirmed reports that the Japanese government is trying to keep people from buying geiger counters to measure [...]

  24. [...] Heute morgen hat der Generalsekretär der liberaldemokratischen Partei (LPD), Nobuteru Ishihara erklärt, dass „Geigerzähler, die zwischen 40.000 und 50.000 Yen kosten (500-600 $) führen zu lückenhaften Messungen. Wir müssen versuchen, die Bürger davon abzuhalten, ihre eigenen Strahlungsmessungen durchzuführen“. Es scheint, als würde er die Tatsache, dass Bürger ihre eigenen Messungen durchführen, wirklich nicht mögen. Sogar wenn die Messungen lückenhaft sind, zeigen uns die Messungen korrekt an, ob die Strahlenbelastung niedrig oder hoch ist. [...]

  25. [...] are also several unconfirmed reports that the Japanese government is trying to keep people from buying geiger counters to measure [...]

  26. ドイツ語の訳を校正しました。

    Heute morgen hat der Generalsekretär der liberaldemokratischen Partei (LPD), Nobuteru Ishihara erklärt, dass „Geigerzähler, die zwischen 40.000 und 50.000 Yen kosten (380-450 €) zu lückenhaften Messungen führen. Wir müssen versuchen, die Bürger davon abzuhalten, ihre eigenen Strahlungsmessungen durchzuführen“. Es scheint, als würde er die Tatsache, dass Bürger ihre eigenen Messungen durchführen, wirklich nicht mögen. Sogar wenn die Messungen lückenhaft sind, zeigen uns die Messungen korrekt an, ob die Strahlenbelastung niedrig oder hoch ist.

    Ishihara Junior äußerte in der sonntäglichen Diskussionsrunde des NHK: „Bürger messen hier und da mit billigen Geigerzählern (, die lückenhafte Werte liefern [d.h. es wird in unregelmäßigen Abständen gemessen]). Das muss gestoppt werden!“ Was soll das?

    Twitter 3:

    In der sonntäglichen Diskussionsrunde auf NHK sagte der Generalsekretär der liberaldemokratischen Partei, Ishihara: “Bürger besitzen Instrumente, um radioaktive Strahlung zu messen und messen diese (ohne die Daten ordentlich zu verwalten). Ich werde das stoppen.“ – eine unfassbare Äußerung.

  27. [...] are also several unconfirmed reports that the Japanese government is trying to keep people from buying geiger counters to measure [...]

  28. [...] are also several unconfirmed reports that the Japanese government is trying to keep people from buying geiger counters to measure [...]

  29. [...] are also several unconfirmed reports that the Japanese government is trying to keep people from buying geiger counters to measure [...]

  30. [...] are also several unconfirmed reports that the Japanese government is trying to keep people from buying geiger counters to measure [...]

  31. [...] are also several unconfirmed reports that the Japanese government is trying to keep people from buying geiger counters to measure [...]

  32. s says:

    The Government is trying to control the information and the truth of the situation.

    If you are in Japan..the simple answer is if you want to must leave.

    They will leave you to die and mutate. Leave now…overthrow your government.

    Leave and stop paying your taxes..GET OUT NOW.

    Before the rest of the world will no longer allow you to leave.

    • Mochizuki says:

      YES.Now I’m doing my best to get out of Japan. but it feels like I’m having my own body teared out because I have to leave my pets (turtles) in this contaminated land.

  33. [...] are also several unconfirmed reports that the Japanese government is trying to keep people from buying geiger counters to measure [...]

  34. [...] are also several unconfirmed reports that the Japanese government is trying to keep people from buying geiger counters to measure [...]

  35. [...] are also several unconfirmed reports that the Japanese government is trying to keep people from buying geiger counters to measure [...]

  36. [...] Breaking News: Japanese gov’s trying to stop citizen measuring radiation [...]


CARITAS IN VERITATE: The Papacy has declared itself the "World's Robin Hood"

The Papacy has declared itself the "World's Robin Hood" and he has instructed our government to forceably take (steal) your wealth and your property and redistribute it to somebody else and you get to call it "Charity".

What a GREAT guy!, don't you think?

Papal Encyclical, "Caritas in Veritate" (Charity in Truth). Here it is:

And here is a common sense explanation of "Caritas in Veritate".

Failure to read and understand the Papal Encyclicals, "Rerum Novarum" and "Charitas in Veritate" leaves one clueless about what is really happening in this world and why and who is the real cause of it and for what purpose.

Those who do understand have a moral obligation to educate others.

The New World Order is a Global Government, a Global Economic System, and a Global Religion fashioned by the Papacy, implemented by the governments of the world, and imposed upon you by force! No option is available except that which Christ alone offers.

Tom Friess

Inquisition Update

Social Justice and Rerum Novarum used for the Redistribution of Wealth

Our government is imposing and implementing the tenets of this Papal Encyclical. Why? Because our government serves the Papacy and NOT the people of this country! And that goes for every country and every government of the world. Those who resist get a taste of American Shock and Awe!

Tom Friess

Inquisition Update

Amplify’d from

Social Justice and Rerum Novarum used for the Redistribution of Wealth

Are 'Catholic social teachings' something new. I certainly cannot locate this in old theology anywhere. Has progressive movement just perverted the Catholic denomination to suit the needs of a Marxists agenda? The progressives got a grasp on Catholicism in the late 1800's The Catholic Church was ordained with this Marxist philosophy in 1891. "Promotion of human dignity through just distribution of wealth." ~ Pope Leo XIII May 15, 1891. This is about year after the progressive movement took hold in the United States. This school of thought came from a publication called Rerum Novarum. It is often referenced today in the move to a new world order

See more at

Social Justice and Rerum Novarum used for the Redistribution of Wealth

Our government is imposing and implementing the tenets of this Papal Encyclical. Why? Because our government serves the Papacy and NOT the people of this country! And that goes for every country and every government of the world. Those who resist get a taste of American Shock and Awe!

Tom Friess
Inquisition Update

The UN's Diabolical Plan for the World

"Agenda 21" The UN's diabolical plan for the world is explained on the "Glenn Beck Show"

AGENDA 21 - There are people that want to transform America and put our problems into the hands of the rest of the world. The best thing we can do is link arms together, neighbor to neighbor and reach out to our houses of worship and community centers and take care of each other like God and the Founders intended us to. But a growing number of people are latching on to the idea of globalism...groundwork is being laid right now for government control on a global level. These people have mastered the art of hiding it in plain sight and then just dismissing it as a joke...such is the case with Agenda 21. What is Agenda 21? Find out on this video. 6-15-11

Response by: Tom Friess, Inquisition Update: Beck's thesis is "Socialism = Bad, Conservatism = Good." But Agenda 21 and "Social Justice" and "Sustainable Growth" and "Global Redistribution of Wealth" and "Global Government" are not Socialist buzz words, but VATICAN buzz words to describe a PAPAL Global Agenda. And the Vatican equally uses both the Liberals and Conservatives to implement this Global Papal Agenda. Not one word about that, is there? So, Beck condemns the "Progressives" and thereby puts the hope and attention of the people on the "Conservatives" as their best hope. But the "Conservative Party" is the Pope's "War Party", which not only supports Papal Globalism, but conquers the rest of the world for the Pope!

Beck condemns the UN (the Pope's Surrogate Global Governing Authority), but Beck never tells us that our government, both, Liberal/Socialist/Progressive and Conservative/Fascist/Republican, are equally committed to submit to UN authority and to implement its policies, including Agenda 21!

Beck gratuitously invokes Christ, but never once reveals ANTICHRIST. Because if he did, then the world might take note of the Pope's Encyclicals, "Rerum Novarum" and "Caritas in Veritate" and the entire body of the Roman Catholic Church's teaching on "Social Justice", which reveals that the Papacy alone is the author and finisher of this Global Papal Initiative and that the Pope is the power behind the power of the UN and the Liberals and the Conservatives!

Beck gratuitously invokes the "Founding Fathers". But Beck will never reveal that the vast majority of the Founding Fathers were Deists, Pantheists, Universalists, Catholics and JESUIT CONTROLLED FREEMASONS!, veritable Antichrists themselves, every single one, all of whom have the same Antichrist Global Agenda! Not one word about that, is there?

Neither does Beck reveal that his faith, Mormonism, is FREEMASONRY, and that he is as much an Antichrist Papal Globalist and as much a contributor to the Pope's New World Order as those he condemns. And he does it all without revealing who is truly behind it all, the Biblical Antichrist, the Pope of Rome!

Glen Beck is just another disinformation specialist just like Alex Jones! Their goal is to gain the people's trust while they preoccupy them and deceive them and distract them; all the while protecting the Pope and his "earthly kingdom", the New World Order. Why do you think Glen Beck and Alex Jones get the most play? No true man of the Truth would be allowed on the mainstream media. No true man of the Truth would get as much support or air-time or widespread distribution. No true man of the Truth would have so many "parrots" and "imitators". No true man of the Truth could generate so much filthy lucre, either for themselves or for their Jesuit-controlled sponsors and networks!

When was the last time you ever heard Beck or Jones tell the world, "the dragon gave him (the Pope) his seat and power and great authority?" More than that, when was the first time? When did Beck or Jones ever compare or contrast Roman Catholic Canon Law with God's Holy Immutable Law, or that the New World Order is modeled upon Roman Catholic Canon Law in direct contradiction to God's Holy Law? When did Jones or Beck EVER reveal to the world that the kings of the earth, including our own, Democratic and Republican, are ruled by "that Great City, that mighty City which reigneth over the kings of the earth," VATICAN CITY? When did Beck or Jones EVER disclose to the world that WWI, WWII, the Vietnam War and the current "War on Terror" were/are U.S. led Papal Proxy Wars, Crusades, Inquisitions, and that the United States is the Pope's Global Inquisitor, "the second beast" of Revelation chapter 13, which causes the whole world to worship (obey) the First Beast, the Papacy? When will Beck or Jones EVER reveal to the world that the New World Order endgame is to seat the Pope on Mt. Moriah in Jerusalem as the World Sovereign Governor and Priest? When will Beck or Jones EVER reveal to the world that the Federal Reserve to which our national debt is owed and all such like Central Banks around the world are JESUIT BANKS and that the Rothschilds are the "Guardians of the Vatican Treasury?" (Rulers of Evil pg 160)

Beck and Jones are the premier disinformation specialists in this country! Beck and Jones are not condemned for what they reveal, but are wholly condemned for what they conceal! Neither of them have the courage to tell the WHOLE truth! Neither of them serve God's people; they serve their own bellies! And all the information in this video is a total useless waste unless the WHOLE truth is told.

Tom Friess

Inquisition Update

Deceived Christians, Everything you've been told about the war on terror is a lie!

Amplify’d from

Deceived Christians

Everything you've
been told about the war on terror is a lie!

by David J. Stewart

to right: According to Greek Mythology, the Greeks had laid siege against the
ancient city of Troy (Trojans) for over 10 years, but to no avail.  So
they devised a clever plan.  They left a horse as a gift and pretended to
retreat.  During the night, spies hidden within the horse came out and
opened the gates to the city, allowing the Greek army to invade and utterly
annihilate the Trojans.  All men were killed, women and children became

What is it going to take to wake up
America's Christians?  I am so saddened at the woeful ignorance of most
believers.  We are accepting a Trojan horse by allowing Washington
officials to infringe upon our Bill of Rights and violate the U.S.
.  I was once as ignorant as anyone else; but, due to a series
of unfortunate events in my own life, God opened my eyes.  Since then, I
have not turned back from seeking the truth about America, and trying to wake people
up, especially my fellow Christian brothers and sisters in the Lord.  We
are headed for a police state!  The
irony is that I thought I had known the truth for most of my life; but I
didn't have a clue.  I had found the Truth of God's Word, and trusted the
precious Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior; but I was ignorant
concerning Satan's work in the world, and what was really going on in America. 
I was part of the problem and didn't even realize it, as most Christians don't
today.   The problem was that I had never thought for myself. 
Every pastor I ever had ever known led me to vote Republican, and so I did. 
Every pastor I had ever known led me to support our military's efforts without
question, and so I did.  I never dared question the Republican party. 
It wasn't until I was older that God pulled my head out from where the sun
don't shine, which
is where most believers still have their head stuck.  I am not being
critical of my pastors, not at all.  What I am saying is that we have ALL
been greatly deceived concerning so many things.  It's almost
unbelievable, so unbelievable that few Christians today will even listen to
good sense and consider the facts and evidences.  Some foolish believers
may laugh at my efforts to wake people up, but you won't be laughing when your
freedom is gone.

Pastors and Preachers Have Been Deceived!

I was recently reading
a book that condemns Islam, written by one of America's most popular
Independent Baptist preachers.  I won't mention the man's name, ministry,
or the name of his book, because I respect the man's ministry; however, he's
woefully blind concerning the truth about George W. Bush and the war on
terror.  Here's a small quote from his book to give you an idea just how
blinded most Christian leaders are to the truth...

"All of us
were thrilled when President George W. Bush faced the cameras and addressed
the American people with such openness, such candor, such resolute
determination and conviction!

Thankfully, he set in motion every
resource at his command to bring the murderous lunatics to justice and to wipe
out every known vestige of terrorism on the planet.  As I write, the
effort is moving forward successfully and with continued commitment to be
victorious.  We are fully supportive of the war effort."

This is so tragic! 
Doesn't anyone do their homework?  No, and that's the big problem! 
Most Christian leaders are no better than the average ignorant U.S. citizen or
church member who is brainwashed by the television.  In fact, many people
are being brainwashed by ignorant preachers.  I say this respectfully.  Why doesn't anyone listen to Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney?  She is one
of our elected officials.  She stated in February of 2006 that a
is controlling America!  Here's
a video of
Congresswoman McKinney grilling Donald Rumsfeld
over DynCorp's sex slaves,
missing trillions of dollars from the Defense Department's budget, and
the unannounced government war games on the morning of 911. 
Congressman Ron Paul has repeatedly warned the American people about the

dangers of the Patriot Act
, and the
Police State
!  Yet, Most of America's preachers, evangelists, and
pastors could care less.  Why won't they search the matter for the truth? 
Are they afraid of losing financial support?  Are they afraid they might
find the truth?  Or is it that they just don't care?  There is NO
excuse!  What kind of preacher can ignore all the corruption and evils in
our government, and only preach sugar-coated sermons to his congregation? 
I'll tell you, a blinded or careless preacher!  It is ludicrous for a
pastor to maintain the attitude that
Satan must run his course
, while not even lifting a finger to do something
about it.  Look, God doesn't expect us to do more than He has enabled us
to do; but, we can all share the truth with others.  Ephesians 5:11
commands us to EXPOSE the works of darkness.
The Independent Baptist
preacher which I mentioned above, in his book, goes on to state at the end of
his book...

"Folks, nap time is over! ... The threat if Islam is very real!  It is a
threat to our faith, to our country and to our personal safety.  Freedom
and free enterprise are at stake.  Our way of life provokes the
antagonism and hostility of Islam.  We must not dialogue with Islam as
though it were some ideology within which we can fraternize.  It is not!"

Ironically, the
preacher who made the above quote about waking up is sound asleep himself
concerning the truth.  Evidently he doesn't understand (or believe) in

New World Order
.  It is not the Islamic people who are our enemies;
but, the Jewish controlled Illuminati.  Not the Jews; but, the
Illuminati.  What is the Illuminati?  It is a secretive group of
some of the world's richest and most powerful people, who have ALL sold their
souls to Satan, the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4).  They are
all members of occult organizations such as: Skull and Bones,
Bohemian Grove
, Freemasonry, Rosicrucians, Kabbalah,
Judaism, and many more.  This is how Satan controls the world's
governments.  He uses esoteric occult organizations.  Don't believe
me, watch this video now for starters...

Mystery Babylon and the Illuminati
(free 1 hour video by Texe Marrs)

Very few Christians
realize that our nation was founded by occult

, and that Washington D.C. forms a large Pentagram.  The
Pentagon building forms the center of a large
Look at a

one dollar bill
.  It's convenient for America's preachers to continue
demonizing Muslims for 911; but, it wasn't Islam, or Bin Laden, that
orchestrated 911.  It was the New World Order gang, which includes Jews
and Muslims.  I am not defending the false religion of Islam.  1st
John 2:22 is clear that true Muslims are anti-Christs and liars.  I
didn't say it, God did.  Get mad at God.  John 14:6 declares that
Jesus is the ONLY way to Heaven, and only by faith in Christ alone as
Saviour can a person be saved.

The Truth About the War on Terror

real threat to our faith is within America itself and; not, Islam. 
Few people realize that the Bin Laden family and the Bushs are very close
friends and business associates.  While Afghanistan and Iraq have been
wrongly demonized, Saudi Arabia has gone overlooked.  It is utterly
hypocritical that Christian leaders would praise George W. Bush, when
Bush has openly stated that
Christians and Muslims worship the SAME God.  Look at the photos of Mr.
Bush kissing and holding hands with Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah at his ranch
in Crawford, Texas April 25, 2005.  Now Bush wants to give control of
U.S. ports to the Saudi's!  Wake up!  Read this...

"Most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudi Arabian. The Saudi ruling family
has been a major source of funding for terrorists. Both the Clinton and Bush
administration impeded FBI investigations into Saudi Arabia. No President
has ever had such a close relation with a foreign government as the Bushes
have with Saudi Arabia. More than $1.4 billion in investments and contracts
went from the House of Saud over the past two decades to companies
associated with the Bush family.


John O'Neill
, the FBI's former top bin Laden investigator, said shortly
before his death in the World Trade Center, "all the answers, everything
needed to dismantle Osama bin Laden's organization can be found in Saudi
Arabia." O'Neill also said that America's failure to stop bin Laden could be
traced to one word - oil." -SOURCE

Did you read that
statement by former FBI Deputy Director, John O'Neill, "all the answers,
everything needed to dismantle Osama bin Laden's organization can be found in
Saudi Arabia.
"  Is it any wonder why he was murdered on 911,

the first day on his new job as director of security at the trade towers

And why did Bush sign Presidential Directive Order
The average preacher in America could care less about the truth, the victims
of 911, or the evil criminals in Washington who are getting away with treason. 
It's so much easier to blame Islamic Muslims; but, those who do are only
showing their utter ignorance concerning the
FACTS and SOLID evidence.

The Truth is that 911
was an orchestrated attack by the global elite (including a small number of
high ranking officials within our own government), as a pretext to create a
POLICE STATE in America. 
The War on Terror is
a big scam
!  It's been over four years now since 911.  Yet, the
Patriot Act is was recently made

!  Halliburton just received a
to build concentration camps in the U.S.  Who do you think
will be placed into those camps?  That's right--Christians, patriots, and
Constitutionalists!--basically anyone who stands against the New World Order. 
Preachers will be
arrested and
for speaking out against homosexuality, abortion, etc. 
The American people have been horrible misled about nearly everything. 
While our nation's borders

remain wide open
, our children are been unconstitutionally sent, as
, to conquer a nation 10,000 miles away. 
100,000 innocent Iraqi's have been murdered
(note: as of 2008 the death
count is now over
).  Look at what our
Depleted Uranium
has done.  This is not about terrorism, but about thug tyranny and abuse
of power... at
the expense of American citizens.  Every penny of the hundreds-of-billions-of-dollars being spent (stolen) in Iraq has been BILLED AS DEBT to
the American people.  The

Federal Reserve
(privately owned by the New World Order gang) prints the

FIAT money
out of thin air, borrows it to the U.S. Government, and then our
national debt skyrockets.  Every preacher who fails to speak out against
the evil Federal Reserve bank is just as guilty as Arthur Anderson's
accountants who cooked the books at Enron.  This is our country, let's
EXPOSES the works of darkness which are destroying America as Ephesians 5:11
commands us to do!  Let's stand up against the evil doers and workers of
iniquity as Psalm 94:16 commands us to!

The entire Iraqi
Invasion was based upon a BIG LIE. We broke nearly all of the Ten
Commandments by invading Iraq. America made false accusations against Iraq
(Exodus 20:16), killed their innocent (Exodus 20:13) and stole their oil
(Exodus 20:15) because evil wealthy men coveted their land and resources
(Exodus 20:17)...

"These are the things that
ye shall do; Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbour; execute the
judgment of truth and peace in your gates: And let none of you imagine
evil in your hearts against his neighbour; and love no false oath: for
all these are things that I hate, saith the LORD." —Zechariah 8:16,17

Brethren, I Would Not Have You Ignorant!

Considering everything
I just told you, which is only the tip of the iceberg, how foolish and
ignorant do preacher's sound to those of us who know what's really going on in
America.  We don't know everything, but we have enough sense to look at
the FACTS and EVIDENCE and think for ourselves.  For example, trillions
of dollars are missing from the Defense Department (and other Departments). 
According to Donald
, it was a computer glitch.  The company paid to maintain the
government's computers in 2001 was paid $20,000,000,000!  The money is
gone!  No one has accounted for the money!  I'm a tax-payer!  I
have a right to ask questions and expect truthful answers!  It's time for
America's preachers to start worrying about what's going on here at home. 
Listen to the misguided preacher's words once more...

"Folks, nap time is over! ... The threat if Islam is very real!  It is a
threat to our faith, to our country and to our personal safety..."

The real threats to
America are the Federal Reserve bankers, criminal Washington Politicians, open
borders, reckless spending, the stealing of trillions of tax-payer dollars,
the lying propaganda machine, apathetic government politicians, the
evil war
in Iraq
, dead churches, and hundreds of other evils right here at home... but
Islam is the least of our worries!  Perhaps the greatest threat to
America are the ignorant pastors, evangelists, and preachers who
keep praising
and supporting
the Devil's criminal gang who are committed to the destruction
of America. 
Islam was never a threat to America.  It is the
treasonous acts by members our own U.S. government, and the SILENCE of
the remaining members of government, and of America's churches, and of
tax-paying citizens, that will bring our ultimate destruction as a once free
and sovereign nation.  As a U.S. citizen and tax-payer, I have every
right to speak out against the corruption, evils, and
criminal activities of
government officials. 

The "War on Terror" has
all been
fabricated to justify the conquering and enslavement of innocent
people, the theft of their resources, and the formation of a global police
state.  The people of Iraq may think they are now free; but they are not. 
They are slaves to the New World Order, just as we are in America. 
Control of our national parks have already been given over to the UN. 
Children all across America are being FORCED to take dangerous drugs. 
Parents who refuse are forced into expensive court battles, or else have their
children confiscated by Child Protection Services.  Increasingly,
citizen's homes and properties are being confiscated by "immanent domain" laws
to build Casinos, hotels, and other private enterprise ventures.  The
American people owe nearly $10,000,000,000,000 to a group of PRIVATE bankers,
known as the "Federal Reserve" bank. 
We are slaves to these evil men,
whether we believe it or not.  They're a bunch of
rotten liars
!  Even the Bible states, "The rich ruleth
over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender
" (Proverb 22:7). 

We are fools for tolerating this
government abuse.  America will soon owe
China over

in bond debts.  Each and every American CITIZEN is
responsible for this debt, and we owe far more than you can imagine.  Pay
day is coming, and the UN will march on American soil one day to confiscate
our properties.  Why do you think
Halliburton just
received a contract
to build more concentration camps on U.S. soil? 
It's because our government leaders know that they can only lie to the public
for so long.  All of Washington's deceptive smoke and mirrors are not
going to be able to hide the truth forever--it's just a matter of time!
They've been lying to America's citizens for decades, and a time of reckoning
is inevitable.  They've even stolen our Social Security money... lousy
evil crooks!  It's not just "government corruption," it's rotten evil to
the core!

I did not write this
article to attack preachers, for I am one myself.  I wrote this article
in an attempt to help pull your head out of the sand, and hope
that God's Holy Spirit will open your eyes concerning the truth.  We need
to start proclaiming the truth about these many evils in our nation.  Don't
get mad at me, thank me for caring enough to try to wake you up.  There
is NO war on terror, only the subversion of the United States from within. 
I ask you to stand with me, for Christ's sake, against the evils of our day
(Psalm 94:16).  Do your homework, educate other believers, and fight the
good fight of faith!  May God
bless you with enlightenment, wisdom, and the courage to fight against evil.  Please forgive me if I seem to be unkind,
I certainly don't intend to be.  Remember, the truth can be dealt; but a
lie cannot. 

"Having eyes, see ye
not? and having ears, hear ye not?..."
—Mark 8:18

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