Why the 2520 Prophecy is Not Important
By Dwayne Lemon
Audio: 2520
There are individuals today that will take a figure that was on William Millers chart and they will use that figure as a means of saying if you do not believe in this number called the 2520, you are an apostate. There are certain individuals saying that. There are Adventists today that go around saying there is a 2520 prophecy. We have fallen away from the truth God has given us as a people. We were taught how to study the Bible. The Spirit of God leads us line upon line, precept upon precept but most people took a chart with a number on it and took an abstract quotation from the Spirit of Prophecy where Ellen White spoke highly of the chart and nothing should be altered on it but they DID NOT FINISH the statement. She said nothing should be altered on it accept by inspiration. In other words, if inspiration says something on this chart was wrong, then they have an authority to remove it. People forgot about that so they went around talking about a 2520 and allowing groups and camps to come together and it became an instrument that the devil used to create a segregation among the people of God. In a time where were 71 times in the Spirit of Prophecy we are told to press together, press together, press together, there are individuals trying to separate over something that doesn’t even exist. You say what do you mean? I will tell you exactly.
Leviticus 26
2520 or 2300
Which one is longer? 2520 right? A child can understand that right? Why is it that if 2520 is the longest time prophecy then why does EGW say 2300 days is the longest time prophecy in the Bible?
There will always be false and fanatical movements made by persons in the church who claim to be led of God–those who will run before they are sent and will give day and date for the occurrence of unfulfilled prophecy. The enemy is pleased to have them do this, for their successive failures and leading into false lines cause confusion and unbelief.–2SM 84 (1897). {LDE 35.2}
No Time Prophecy Beyond 1844
I plainly stated at the Jackson camp meeting to these fanatical parties that they were doing the work of the adversary of souls; they were in darkness. They claimed to have great light that probation would close in October, 1884. I there stated in public that the Lord had been pleased to show me that there would be no definite time in the message given of God since 1844.–2SM 73 (1885). {LDE 35.3}
Our position has been one of waiting and watching, with no time-proclamation to intervene between the close of the prophetic periods in 1844 and the time of our Lord’s coming.–10MR 270 (1888). {LDE 36.1}
The people will not have another message upon definite time. After this period of time [Revelation 10:4-6], reaching from 1842 to 1844, there can be no definite tracing of the prophetic time. The longest reckoning reaches to the autumn of 1844.–7BC 971 (1900). {LDE 36.2}
How simple is that? Are you saying that the prophet suddenly had a mathematical challenge in her mind? A child can understand 2520 is more than 2300 but the prophet of God under inspiration says the longest prophecy in the bible is the 2300 days. That should have settled it right there. But because individuals are holding onto ignorance God had to magnify it even further.
There are many precious truths contained in the Word of God, but it is “present truth” that the flock needs now. I have seen the danger of the messengers running off from the important points of present truth, to dwell upon subjects that are not calculated to unite the flock and sanctify the soul. {EW 63.1}
She then says in the next paragraph what present truth was.
But such subjects as the sanctuary, in connection with the 2300 days, the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, are perfectly calculated to explain the past Advent movement and show what our present position is, establish the faith of the doubting, and give certainty to the glorious future. These, I have frequently seen, were the principal subjects on which the messengers should dwell. {EW 63.2}
She says NOTHING about 2520 days! 2520 is veering off points of present truth. The sanctuary in connection with the 2300 days, the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, these are perfectly calculated to unite the flock, sanctify the soul and show the glorious future of the advent movement. Nothing about 2520. If that is not enough, there was a 1843 chart. If someone says the prophet said in 1843 chart nothing should be altered. Therefore inspiration was saying nothing should be altered on the chart. If that were true, then do you know we have a prophet and a group of pioneers that violated the very command of God? You ought to know why.
1843, 1850, 1863
In 1843 there was a chart by William Miller with 2520 on it. In 1850 there was another chart with the 2520 on it. But in 1863 there was another chart and guess what? No 2520 on it. There was no 2520 on the chart in 1863, neither the charts to come thereafter. No 2520. If that is not enough I leave the best for last. The pioneers came together. This is James White himself. James White the husband of the prophet. If you know Adventist history, there were certain things that James White taught that Ellen White didn’t agree with and Ellen White had to check them. She had to let him know, no this is not right, the Lord has shown me otherwise and she was being faithful in Ephesians 4:11-14 one of the functions of a prophet is to make sure that the brethren are not tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine. However, they studied Leviticus 26 and said this;
So then, there is no prophetic period in Lev. xxvi; {January 26, 1864 JWe, ARSH 68.12}
How clear of this? We have hundreds possibly thousands who have allowed themselves to be broken away over something that doesn’t exist.
…and those who imagine that such a thing exists, and are puzzling themselves over the adjustment of its several dates, are simply beating the air. To ignore, or treat with neglect, a prophetic period where one is plainly given, is censurable in the extreme. It is an equally futile, though not so heinous, a course, to endeavor to create one where none exists. {January 26, 1864 JWe, ARSH 68.12}
2520 is not a real prophecy and yet we have individuals teaching this but not only teaching it and using it as a catalyst to begin to tell us that in 9/11 supposedly according to a reinterpretation of the trumpets that now in 9/11 supposedly this is when the loud cry started and they misunderstand Life Sketches page 411. They never connected it to Testimonies volume 7 page 141. They never did line upon line, the same Holy Spirit that inspired the writings of the bible is the same Holy Spirit that inspired the writings of Ellen White. Therefore the same method that the Holy Spirit uses to study the bible is the same method we should use to study the sop. When you study the sop you should study what? Line upon line. What they did is looked at LS page 411 and said look at that, tis talking about the towers going down and the lord will shake terribly the earth and then Revelation 18:1-3 shall come to pass. Therefore, 9/11 took place therefore revelation 18 must come to pass because God shook terribly the earth and therefore they began giving the loud and now they teach people the doctrine that the loud cry started at 9/11. They did not compare it to Testimonies Volume seven page 141 where the prophet of God makes it very clear that passing of the national Sunday law, then God will shake terribly the earth. They didn’t study line upon line. They are modern day Pharisees, individuals who are taking the words of God and claiming to be stickers for truth claiming to be followers of the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy but at the same time they are fading away from bible truth.
This is a transcript from Dwayne Lemon’s sermon ‘Persecution Within’ 36 minutes in;
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