How to excavate a human burial

Lessons from a dinosaur expert

How to excavate a human burial: Lessons from a dinosaur expert

By Kate Wong |

SACRAMENTO—It is one of the most poignant scenes ever captured in the human fossil record—a woman and two children buried together some 5,300 years ago on a bed of flowers, holding hands. They lived by the shores of a shallow freshwater lake in what is now Niger, at a time when the Sahara was green. A team led by famed dinosaur hunter Paul Sereno of the University of Chicago discovered this burial and hundreds of others at a site called Gobero in the Ténéré Desert, which is part of the Sahara. On April 1, Sereno told attendees here at the annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology what his team has discovered about Gobero since he unveiled the finds in 2008.

Further excavation at the site, which spans the time from around 10,000 to 5,000 years ago, is on hold until Niger stabilizes politically, but the team has been busy working on materials recovered previously. One area of focus is pollen analysis, because the site preserves a rich pollen record. Sereno and his colleagues concluded that the individuals in the triple burial had been placed atop flowers based on pollen found in the grave. More recently, pollen recovered from a burial of a 10-year-old girl wearing an exquisite bracelet fashioned from a hippo tusk revealed that holly was placed under her feet and head. This holly has not turned up anywhere else at the site.

The team has also been analyzing the hardened plaque on the teeth of the Gobero individuals to piece together what they ate. And studies of pea-size structures called otoliths from fish remains, which preserve annual and seasonal growth rings, reveal when people caught the fish—data that are aiding in the reconstruction of how the Gobero diet changed throughout the year.

Analyses of a skeleton of an adult female, meanwhile, have shown that she was shot in the leg with a stone projectile. Whether the incident was accidental or intentional remains unclear, but Sereno is hoping to figure out exactly what kind of projectile was used. Artifacts found at the site include large projectile points and tiny microliths, as well as a number of different kinds of harpoons—none of which scientists expected to see in a population of this age in this part of the world.

The picture emerging from these and other findings suggests that the ancient Gobero people settled mostly in one place (as opposed to being nomadic), by the shores of this ancient lake. They used a wider variety of tools than previously thought and sustained themselves without growing food. Instead they lived as hunter-gatherers. Meanwhile, at a site just a couple hundred miles north of Gobero called Adrar Bous, people were subsisting as cattle herders. “These were contemporary populations living very differently,” Sereno observes.

Many of these finds might not have come to light if not for the combination of traditional and unorthodox excavation techniques Sereno employed. When his team happened upon the spectacular Stone Age cemetery while hunting for dinosaurs, the archaeologists he contacted about it were not happy. Sereno wanted to incorporate excavation methods he employs when digging up dinosaurs and other fossilized animals, removing blocks of sediment containing the fragile skeletons, covering them with protective plaster jackets and sending them to his lab in Chicago for preparation. He envisioned doing a special kind of preparation that exposes the bones on either side of the slab while preserving the original positions of the bones. "They thought I would destroy the site," he told Scientific American. The usual archaeological approach would be to photograph the skeletons in situ and then remove them bone by bone from their resting spots. Sereno felt it was important to save not just the bones, but also the elaborate poses of the skeletons, the placement of the artifacts, and other precious evidence. “I wanted to preserve it for [Niger]” and minimize the loss of information, he says. Eventually, the original fossils will be returned to Niger and put on public display, and Sereno will keep a cast of the remains.


Fukushima Updates

Fairewinds Associates

Periodic Chain Reaction at Fukushima

Newly Released TEPCO Data Provides Evidence of Periodic Chain Reaction at Fukushima Unit 1

Newly released TEPCO data provides evidence of periodic chain reaction at Fukushima Unit 1 from Fairewinds Associates on Vimeo.

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I WANT TO ESCAPE JAPAN! Japanese Protesters Take To The Streets In Tokyo

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Fukushima Fallout Forecast

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Potential April 6th Fukushima Fallout Forecast Shows U.S. West Coast Under Threat


April 3rd, 2011

This is a POTENTIAL radiation release produced by officials within the Department of Atmospheric and Climate Research (ATMOS) at the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU).

No one knows 100% what the levels of radiation will actually be and unfortunately, due to outright censorship here in the United States, we only have information from the few foreign agencies that are actually producing real predictions/weather models.

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Ireland: property tax all in year

Irish Government ordered by the EU/IMF to impose a property tax on all homeowners within a year

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Irish Government ordered by the EU/IMF to impose a property tax on all homeowners within a year

Property tax on way within year

Irish Independent

April 01, 2011

THE Government has been ordered by the EU/IMF to impose a property tax on all homeowners within a year.

The controversial annual tax is expected to be announced in December’s Budget — even though it was not in the Programme for Government.

The imposition of the tax and the precise timeline for its roll-out are key requirements for Ireland to avail of the EU/IMF €85bn bailout package.

And the Department of the Environment confirmed that the tax will rise within a year of being introduced.

Ireland EU The War Is Waged

Boston Wealth

April 2nd, 2011

An interesting and disturbing development is being reported from the Irish Independent regarding the previous bailout package negotiated in 2010.  Ireland is no longer a sovereign state, plain and simple if it allows this to happen.

“The Government has been ordered by the EU/IMF to impose a property tax on all homeowners within a year.”

“The controversial annual tax is expected to be announced in December’s Budget — even though it was not in the Programme for Government.”

“And the Department of the Environment confirmed that the tax will rise within a year of being introduced.”

Whether this is in response to Ireland’s demand that bond holders are involved in the 24 billion euro capital injection needed for Irish banks or not no one will never know but the timing is quite interesting. Truly amazing that not only will an additional tax be implemented but after one year it will be raised. Seems to me this is pushing people beyond their breaking point here.

The Irish administration responded by saying only that such a tax would be “considered.”

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Radiation CA Tap Water: 18,100% norm

Radiation Found In San Francisco, CA Tap Water – 18,100% Above Drinking Water Limit

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Despite countless reassurances that no harmful levels of radiation from the Japan nuclear fallout would hit the US from the EPA, the University of Berkley in California is now reporting that rainwater in San Francisco water has now been detected at levels 18,100% above federal drinking water standards.

Again, with just about all other news of the radiation hitting the US, the news is once again reported to the public over a week after it was first detected.

Iodine-131 was measured in a rainwater sample taken on the roof of Etcheverry Hall on UC Berkeley campus, March 23, 2011 from 9:06-18:00 PDT. The 3 Liters of rainwater collected contained 134 Becquerels of Iodine for an average of 20.1 Becquerel per liter, which equates to 543 Picocuries per liter .

The federal drinking water limit for Iodine-131 is 3 Picocuries per liter, putting the rainwater sample at 18,100% above the federal drinking water limit.


CA drinking water 181 times normal level

NY Times contributor confirms California rainwater 181 times above drinking water standards for radioactive iodine-131

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ENE News

April 3, 2011

Federal officials have still not published any official data on nuclear fallout from Japan disaster

[Emphasis Added]

… Radiation from Japan rained on Berkeley during recent storms at levels that exceeded drinking water standards by 181 times and has been detected in multiple milk samples…

Radiation falling with rain can cover grass that is eaten by cows and other animals. It can also fall on food crops or accumulate in reservoirs that are used for irrigation or drinking water. Seafood can also be affected. …

A rooftop water monitoring program managed by UC Berkeley’s Department of Nuclear Engineering detected substantial spikes in rain-borne iodine-131 during torrential downpours a week ago. …

The levels exceeded federal drinking water thresholds, known as maximum contaminant levels, or MCL, by as much as 181 times. …

Patty Lovera, assistant director at the nonprofit Food and Water Watch:

“The official mantra from a lot of folks in government is, ‘Oh, it’s OK in low levels.’”

“But low levels add up. We would like to see a more coherent strategy for monitoring air and water in agricultural areas and then using that data to come up with a plan, if you need one, to go look at the food system.”

Read the report here.

Bay Citizen via NY Times here.