Egyptian Revolution?

Egyptian Revolution? Globalists Own Both Horses In Two Horse Race

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Paul Joseph Watson

March 10, 2011

Egyptian Revolution? Globalists Own Both Horses In Two Horse Race 100311top
Image: Wikimedia Commons
So soon we’ll find out who is the real revolutionaries;

And I don’t want my people to be tricked by mercenaries.

Bob Marley.

Globalist stooge Mohamed ElBaradei is being groomed by the elite to successfully hijack the revolution in Egypt and fend off presidential rival Amr Moussa, who himself is a favored candidate for the US military-industrial complex, meaning that the globalists will own both horses in a two horse race – welcome to “democracy,” new world order style.

“When the door of presidential nominations opens, I intend to nominate myself,” ElBaradei said on a live talk show on ONTV channel,” reports

As we have painstakingly documented, ElBaradei is a pied piper working for the very same globalists and NGO’s that autocrat leader Hosni Mubarak dutifully served for nearly 30 years before his ouster.

ElBaradei serves on the Board of Trustees of the International Crisis Group, a shadowy NGO (non-governmental organization) that enjoys an annual budget of over $15 million and is bankrolled by the likes of Carnegie, the Ford Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as George Soros’ Open Society Institute. Soros himself serves as a member of the organization’s Executive Committee.

In other words, this is a major geopolitical steering group for the global elite.

Another powerful globalist who sits on the board of International Crisis Group, Zbigniew Brzezinski, warned last year that the international hierarchy, of which he is a key component, was under threat from a “global awakening” that would be led by young radicals in third world countries. Having accurately predicted the wave of revolt now spreading like wildfire across the globe, Brzezinski and his fellow globalists are preparing to pick up the pieces in order to continue business as usual, while the people who risked their lives for real change will be the victims of a monumental deception. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

ElBaradei’s rival, Amr Mohammed Moussa, who is currently ahead of ElBaradei in the polls, is seen as a more independent candidate, having forcefully scorned Israel in the past for its treatment of Palestinians as well as their actions in the Gaza flotilla raid.

However, many see Moussa as little more than a continuation of the Mubarak regime, with Moussa serving as Mubarak’s foreign minister for a decade before becoming chief of the Arab League in 2001. Moussa was heckled on Tuesday night by audience members at his first campaign speech, as participants accused him of being subservient to Mubarak having supported the ousted dictator’s bid for a sixth term in office.

Indeed, according to veteran journalist Seymour Hersh, Moussa was the US military-industrial complex’s chosen one to replace Mubarak from the very beginning, so in Moussa and ElBaradei, the globalists own both horses in a two horse race.

During a February 8 interview with Al Jazeera, Hersh said that Moussa was considered America’s favored “Plan B” should Mubarak resign, “whether he knows it or not.”

As Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya writes, there is now a “counter-revolution” unfolding in Egypt, and Moussa is one of its agitators.

“Unqualified figures are emerging, which claim to be speaking or leading the Arab people. This includes the so-called committee of “Wise Men” in Egypt. These unelected figures are supposedly negotiating with the Mubarak regime on behalf of the Egyptian population, but they have no legitimacy as representatives of the people. The Secretary-General of the Arab League, Amr Moussa, is amongst them. Secretary-General Moussa has also said that he is interested in becoming a future cabinet minister in Cairo. All of these figures are either regime insiders or agents of the status quo,” writes Nazemroaya.

The power vacuum in Egypt has caused violence to flare up again in recent days as the army previously loyal to Mubarak resorts to violence in a bid to clear protesters, the kind of brutality that the mass media was obsessively reporting when Mubarak was still in power but now couldn’t seem to care less about.

It seems as though Egyptians are about to get a taste of how “democracy” works in the western world, with the population being offered a choice of two equally compromised candidates and being forced to choose the lesser of two evils, instead of having the ability to elect a real leader who will legitimately represent the people and offer a genuine alternative to the corrupt regime that was removed last month.

Our warning in January that the stage was being set for “Sham Afghanistan-style rigged elections….where the Egyptian people are given the false decision of choosing between two globalist-controlled puppets,” is now coming to fruition.

While the revolution in Egypt was driven by people with genuine grievances who rightfully removed a despot, the aftermath is beginning to resemble the all too familiar playbook of the likes of Brzezinski and Soros, and we are once again witnessing the globalists’ trick of hijacking circumstances to seize power and ensure governments in the region are subservient to their vision of a new world order, to the detriment of their own populations.

Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America’s most listened to late night talk show.


New Homeland Security Documents

Newly Obtained Homeland Security Documents Reveal Radical Shift In Internet Policy

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David Segal

The Huffington Post

March 9, 2011

Until a few weeks ago, Brian McCarthy ran a website,, that linked to various sites where you could watch online streams of TV shows and sports networks. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) seized his domain name in late January. All you’ll find there now is a “This domain has been seized” warning, complete with a screeching eagle dive-bombing your face as he clutches a banner that reads “Protection is our trademark.” Then, in an unprecedented move, on Friday they arrested McCarthy and charged him with criminal copyright infringement — punishable by five years in prison.

Demand Progress just obtained a copy of the complaint that DHS and ICE made against him: they do not even allege that he made a copy of anything. Just that he ran what they call a “linking website” which linked to various sites with infringing material.


B 16 Recalls ADOLFO Nichols's Childhood

B 16 Recalls ADOLFO Nichols's Childhood Era Franco Spain

B 16 Recalls ADOLFO Nichols's Childhood Era Franco Spain

Adolfo Nichols born April 29, 1936, in northern Spain, weeks before the July 17, 1936 Spanish Civil War, ending April 1, 1939- in recalling Wlodimir Ledochowski's anti-modernism, one's got to wonder about what they have coming for us next...

Springtime for Franco and Pope Benedict
Norman Markowitz
December 9 2010

A friend sent me a troubling story from Spain. Pope Benedict, the former Cardinal Ratzinger, once a conservative theological brain-truster for Pope John Paul in his battles against liberation theology and progressive forces in the Roman Catholic Church, said in a speech that "in Spain, a strong aggressive lay mentality, an anti-clericalism and secularization has been born as we experienced in the 1930s."

Benedict was condemning the social legislation of the Socialist-led Spanish government, which has permitted abortion, liberalized divorce, and even legalized gay marriage.

He went on to say that Spain was a major center for a return to faith because Spain had played such a central role in "reviving" Christianity in past centuries. He didn't say what he meant specifically. Was it the Spanish Inquisition, Spanish colonialism's destruction of tens of millions of native peoples in the Western Hemisphere, the maintenance of a feudal social order that made Spain by the 19th century a weak backward nation, an example of what no one wanted to be?

My friend was outraged by the Pope's implicit defense of the fascist dictatorship that ousted the Spanish Republic and ruled Spain from the end of the 1930s until the death of the fascist dictator, Francisco Franco, in 1975. Let's look at what really happened.

In the 1920s and '30s Spain was at its core a feudal society without effective civil rights and liberties, a society in which the higher orders of the Catholic Church controlled vast amounts of land and other resources, making the Church a key component rather than a mere servant of the Spanish ruling class.

After five years of political struggle, in which the church supported reactionary forces and parties in Spain, a people's front coalition of liberals, socialists and communists defeated conservative and reactionary forces in a national election

In its 1931 constitution the Spanish Republic established religious freedom, which had never existed in Spain, as well as the separation of church and state and an end to the Catholic Church's control of education, and most importantly, placed restrictions upon church property.

It also sought to institute land reforms which would have returned poor church-controlled lands to the poor.

The most reactionary sectors of Spanish capital then supported General Francisco Franco's coup against the government. When the coup faltered in the face of worker and peasant resistance, Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy entered the conflict to provide troops, weapons, planes and funds to Franco's forces.

In the bloody three-year civil war which followed, only the Soviet Union provided significant aid to the Spanish Republic. The global Catholic Church supported Franco's armies, not openly in defense of fascism, but on anti-Communist grounds, often countering the accounts of the atrocities committed by Franco's forces against workers and peasants with stories of attacks on monasteries and church-controlled feudal estates and the killing of clergy by the poor and other supporters of the Republic.

Following Franco's victory in 1939, a single party fascist state was established, property was returned to the upper classes and the church, and civil liberties and religious freedom were abolished (the latter for all non- Catholics, including Protestant Christians).

Hundreds of thousands of anti-fascist supporters of the Republic were murdered in the years which immediately followed Franco's victory, when Pope Benedict as a German teenager was a member of the Hitler Youth and then a draftee in the German Army.

Most commentators on the Pope maintain that he came from a passively anti-Nazi conservative Catholic family and was never an active supporter of the Hitler regime. But the crimes of German fascism and its central role in the establishment of Spanish fascism are still there. The German government, for example, provides Holocaust reparations to the victims and families of Spanish Republican fighters whom the Nazis captured in France and other countries and murdered systematically.

The Spanish Civil War served as a dress rehearsal for World War II, for the European fascist forces and the destruction of the Spanish Republic was their first major military victory.

The development of the Cold War and U.S. support beginning in the Eisenhower administration permitted Franco's regime to survive for 30 years after the 1945 victory over German and Italian fascism. The hopes of exiled Spanish anti-fascists for Spain's liberation, which the Soviet Union called for at the end of the war, never materialized.

If Benedict wanted to deal more seriously with Spanish history, he might take a page from Judaism and find his own Yom Kippur, a day of contemplation and atonement for the sins of his church against the Spanish people, in its hoarding of wealth and support for exploitation and oppression over the centuries.

He might atone for the Spanish Inquisition, the church's support for Spanish fascism during and after the Spanish Civil War, and perhaps its attempt to use the state to interfere in the lives of women and gays today by its call for state bans on abortion, contraception, divorce and gay marriage.

The Pope's official statements proclaiming mystical love and faith in Jesus through the Catholic Church as a road to peace and salvation can only be seen as smug and arrogant when they turn a blind eye to the institutional inequality and injustice which creates violence and hate and then feeds on it. Fascism was and is an expression of the violence and hate that lives through and feeds on inequality and injustice.

The Pope's statements in Spain should be seen as an insult not only to the Spanish people but to secular and religious people everywhere who seek knowledge which will help them fight social injustice rather than use ideology to preserve and protect wealth and power.

Photo: Nazi SS Reichsfurer Heinrich Himmler, second from left, and other Nazi officials, with Gen. Francisco Franco, second from right, in Spain, October 1940. (wikimedia/German Federal Archive CC 30.0)

Miami Dade Crime Fighting Drone

Dade Cops Waiting To Get Crime Fighting Drone Airborne

Video: Cops Waiting To Get Crime Fighting Drone Airborne&flvUri=&partnerclipid=

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Dade Cops Waiting To Get Crime Fighting Drone Airborne

Miami Police Drone

MIAMI (CBS4) – Miami-Dade’s newest crime fighting tool is a literal ‘eye in the sky’.

The Micro Air Vehicle, or MAV for short, is a small radio controlled drone aircraft equipped with a portable camera system. Miami-Dade Sgt. Andrew Cohen said drone will be used to gather real time information in situations which may be too dangerous for officers.

“If an SRT (Special Response Team) has to go into an area they don’t know what’s there, we don’t know what is in the backyard,” said Cohen, “They want to know if there are dogs in the backyard, if there is a shed, things that could be a threat to us.”

The MAV is used by the military to scan dangerous areas before troops are sent in. Miami-Dade police used a $50,000 grant to buy one, but not everyone is happy with the purchase.

“What happens when they fly over backyards and they see something without a warrant that they want to take against,” said ACLU Executive Director Howard Simon.

Police admit the MAV, if flown low enough, has the ability to look into people’s home, but that is not its intended purpose.

“If this thing is deployed, it’s only going to be used in situations where we already have an ongoing police scene,” said Cohen. “They are going to know we are there because we will have tactical teams, SRT teams, we’re going to have a perimeter, it’s going to be secure.”

Meanwhile the police department is awaiting approval from the FAA before they can use the MAV. They have submitted the application, but the approval process can take up to six months.


The mother of all potholes

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The mother of all potholes

Pothole accident /NTI Media/Rex

A Shropshire driver found himself in a hole lot of trouble when his 4x4 crashed into a water-filled crater in the road.

Chris Nedic and his two sons, Chris and Carl, had to jump to safety when their Nissan Navara dropped headfirst into the huge 4ft deep pothole.

The incident occurred when the three men were driving home along the A464 near Albrighton.

Chris junior, 23, escaped with minor cuts and bruises while Carl, 25, had to receive hospital treatment for injuries to his back and leg.

Meanwhile, Chris senior was injured slightly when he fell into the hole trying to rescue the vehicle.

According to police, only the size of the new £24,000 vehicle saved them from being completely submerged.

The huge hole was caused by two burst water pipes, an incident that left around 2,000 homes in the area without water.

Chris junior said: "I thought I was a goner. We are lucky to be alive".

Ambulance crews were sent to the accident scene but were forced to retreat after paramedics feared a second hole was opening up.

An ambulance spokesman said: "Had it been a small car, the whole vehicle might have been submerged and that could have led to a very different situation."


March 19 Moon Trigger Natural Disasters?

Will March 19 'Supermoon' Trigger Natural Disasters?

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Will March 19 'Supermoon' Trigger Natural Disasters?

Natalie Wolchover, Life's Little Mysteries Staff Writer
Tidal forces between the moon and the Earth have slowed the moon

Tidal forces between the moon and the Earth have slowed the moon's rotation so that one side of the moon always faces toward our planet. Though several spacecraft have imaged the far side of the moon before, NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter is providing new details region. This image, taken by instruments onboard LRO, highlights the moon's topography, with the highest elevations up above 20,000 feet in red and the lowest areas down below 20,000 feet in blue.


On March 19, the moon will swing around Earth more closely than it has in the past 18 years, lighting up the night sky from just 221,567 miles (356,577 kilometers) away. On top of that, it will be full. And one astrologer believes it could inflict massive damage on the planet.

Richard Nolle, a noted astrologer who runs the website, has famously termed the upcoming full moon at lunar perigee (the closest approach during its orbit) an "extreme supermoon."

When the moon goes super-extreme, Nolle says, chaos will ensue: Huge storms, earthquakes, volcanoes and other natural disasters can be expected to wreak havoc on Earth. (It should be noted that astrology is not a real science, but merely makes connections between astronomical and mystical events.)

But do we really need to start stocking survival shelters in preparation for the supermoon? [Photos: Our Changing Moon]

The question is not actually so crazy. In fact scientists have studied related scenarios for decades. Even under normal conditions, the moon is close enough to Earth to make its weighty presence felt: It causes the ebb and flow of the ocean tides.

The moon's gravity can even cause small but measureable ebbs and flows in the continents, called "land tides" or "solid Earth tides," too. The tides are greatest during full and new moons, when the sun and moon are aligned either on the same or opposite sides of the Earth.

According to John Vidale, a seismologist at the University of Washington in Seattle and director of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network, particularly dramatic land and ocean tides do trigger earthquakes. "Both the moon and sun do stress the Earth a tiny bit, and when we look hard we can see a very small increase in tectonic activity when they're aligned," Vidale told Life's Little Mysteries, a sister site to

At times of full and new moons, "you see a less-than-1-percent increase in earthquake activity, and a slightly higher response in volcanoes."

The effect of tides on seismic activity is greatest in subduction zones such as the Pacific Northwest, where one tectonic plate is sliding under another. William Wilcock, another seismologist at the University of Washington, explained: "When you have a low tide, there's less water, so the pressure on the seafloor is smaller. That pressure is clamping the fault together, so when it's not there, it makes it easier for the fault to slip."

According to Wilcock, earthquake activity in subduction zones at low tides is 10 percent higher than at other times of the day, but he hasn't observed any correlations between earthquake activity and especially low tides at new and full moons. Vidale has observed only a very small correlation.

What about during a lunar perigee? Can we expect more earthquakes and volcanic eruptions on March 19, when the full moon will be so close?

The moon's gravitational pull at lunarperigee, the scientists say, is not different enough from its pull at other times to significantly change the height of the tides and thus the likelihood of natural disasters. [Infographic:  Phases of the Moon Explained]

"A lot of studies have been done on this kind of thing by USGS scientists and others," John Bellini, a geophysicist at the U.S. Geological Survey, told Life's Little Mysteries. "They haven't found anything significant at all."

Vidale concurred. "Practically speaking, you'll never see any effect of lunar perigee," he said. "It's somewhere between 'It has no effect' and 'It's so small you don't see any effect.'"

The bottom line is, the upcoming supermoon won't cause a preponderance of earthquakes, although the idea isn't a crazy one.

"Earthquakes don't respond as much to the tides as you'd think they would. There should actually be more of an effect," said Vidale.

Most natural disasters have nothing to do with the moon at all. The Earth has a lot of pent up energy, and it releases it anytime the buildup gets too great. The supermoon probably won't push it past the tipping point, but we'll know for sure, one way or the other, by March 20.

This story was provided by Life's Little Mysteries, a sister site of

Follow Natalie Wolchover on Twitter @nattyover


Doing Away with Hell? Part Two

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Doing Away with Hell? Part Two

The doctrine of hell has recently come under vicious attack, both from secularists and even from some evangelicals. In many ways, the assault has been a covert one. Like a slowly encroaching tide, a whole complex of interrelated cultural, theological, and philosophical changes have conspired to undermine the traditional understanding of hell. Yesterday, we considered the first and perhaps most important of those changes — a radically altered view of God. But other issues have played a part, as well.

A second issue that has contributed to the modern denial of hell is a changed view of justice. Retributive justice has been the hallmark of human law since premodern times. This concept assumes that punishment is a natural and necessary component of justice. Nevertheless, retributive justice has been under assault for many years in western cultures, and this has led to modifications in the doctrine of hell.

The utilitarian philosophers, such as John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham argued that retribution is an unacceptable form of justice. Rejecting clear and absolute moral norms, they argued that justice demands restoration rather than retribution. Criminals were no longer seen as evil and deserving of punishment but were seen as persons in need of correction. The goal — for all but the most egregious sinners — was restoration and rehabilitation. The shift from the prison to the penitentiary was supposed to be a shift from a place of punishment to a place of penance, but apparently no one told the prisoners.

C. S. Lewis rejected this idea as an assault upon the very concept of justice. “We demand of a cure not whether it is just but whether it succeeds. Thus when we cease to consider what the criminal deserves and consider only what will cure him or deter others, we have tacitly removed him from the sphere of justice altogether; instead of a person, a subject of rights, we now have a mere object, a patient, a ‘case’.”

Penal reforms followed, public executions ceased, and the public accepted the changes in the name of humanitarianism. Dutch criminologist Pieter Spierenburg pointed to “increasing inter-human identification” as the undercurrent of this shift. Individuals began to sympathize with the criminal, often thinking of themselves in the criminal’s place. The impact of this shift in the culture is apparent in a letter from one nineteenth century Anglican to another:

“The disbelief in the existence of retributive justice . . . is now so widely spread through nearly all classes of people, especially in regard to social and political questions . . . [that it] causes even men, whose theology teaches them to look upon God as a vindictive, lawless autocrat, to stigmatize as cruel and heathenish the belief that criminal law is bound to contemplate in punishment other ends beside the improvement of the offender himself and the deterring of others.”

The utilitarian concept of justice and deterrence has also given way to justice by popular opinion and cultural custom. The U.S. Constitution disallows “cruel and unusual punishment,” and the courts have offered evolving and conflicting rulings on what kind of punishment is thus excluded. At various times, the death penalty has been constitutionally permitted and forbidden, and in one recent U.S. Supreme Court decision, the justice writing the majority opinion actually cited data from opinion polls.

The transformations of legal practice and culture have redefined justice for many modern persons. Retribution is out, and rehabilitation is put in its place. Some theologians have simply incorporated this new theory of justice into their doctrines of hell. For the Roman Catholics, the doctrine of purgatory functions as the penitentiary. For some evangelicals, a period of time in hell — but not an eternity in hell — is the remedy.

Some theologians have questioned the moral integrity of eternal punishment by arguing that an infinite punishment is an unjust penalty for finite sins. Or, to put the argument in a slightly different form, eternal torment is no fitting punishment for temporal sins. The traditional doctrine of hell argues that an infinite penalty is just punishment for sin against the infinite holiness of God. This explains why all sinners are equally deserving of hell, but for salvation through faith in Christ.

A third shift in the larger culture concerns the advent of the psychological worldview. Human behavior has been redefined by the impact of humanistic psychologies that deny or reduce personal responsibility for wrongdoing. Various theories place the blame on external influences, biological factors, behavioral determinism, genetic predispositions, and the influence of the subconscious — and these variant theories barely scratch the surface.

The autonomous self becomes the great personal project for individuals, and their various crimes and misdemeanors are excused as growth experiences or ‘personal issues.’ Shame and guilt are banned from public discussion and dismissed as repressive. In such a culture, the finality of God’s sentencing of impenitent sinners to hell is just unthinkable.

A fourth shift concerns the concept of salvation. The vast majority of men and women throughout the centuries of western civilization have awakened in the morning and gone to sleep at night with the fear of hell never far from consciousness — until now. Sin has been redefined as a lack of self-esteem rather than as an insult to the glory of God. Salvation has been reconceived as liberation from oppression, internal or external. The gospel becomes a means of release from bondage to bad habits rather than rescue from a sentence of eternity in hell.

The theodicy issue arises immediately when evangelicals limit salvation to those who come to conscious faith in Christ during their earthly lives and define salvation as anything akin to justification by faith. To the modern mind, this seems absolutely unfair and scandalously discriminatory. Some evangelicals have thus modified the doctrine of salvation accordingly. This means that hell is either evacuated or minimized. Or, as one Catholic wit quipped, hell has been air-conditioned.

These shifts in the culture are but part of the picture. The most basic cause of controversy over the doctrine of hell is the challenge of theodicy. The traditional doctrine is just too out of step with the contemporary mind — too harsh and eternally fixed. In virtually every aspect, the modern mind is offended by the biblical concept of hell preserved in the traditional doctrine. For some who call themselves evangelicals, this is simply too much to bear.

We should note that compromise on the doctrine of hell is not limited to those who reject the traditional formulation. The reality is that few references to hell are likely to be heard even in conservative churches that would never deny the doctrine. Once again, the cultural environment is a major influence.

In his study of “seeker sensitive” churches, researcher Kimon Howland Sargeant notes that “today’s cultural pluralism fosters an under-emphasis on the ‘hard sell’ of Hell while contributing to an overemphasis on the ’soft sell’ of personal satisfaction through Jesus Christ.” The problem is thus more complex and pervasive than the theological rejection of hell–it also includes the avoidance of the issue in the face of cultural pressure.

The revision or rejection of the traditional doctrine of hell comes at a great cost. The entire system of theology is modified by effect, even if some revisionists refuse to take their revisions to their logical conclusions. Essentially, our very concepts of God and the gospel are at stake. What could be more important?

The temptation to revise the doctrine of hell — to remove the sting and scandal of everlasting conscious punishment — is understandable. But it is also a major test of evangelical conviction. This is no theological trifle. As one observer has asked, “Could it be that the only result of attempts, however well-meaning, to air-condition Hell, is to ensure that more and more people wind up there?”

Hell demands our attention in the present, confronting evangelicals with a critical test of theological and biblical integrity. Hell may be denied, but it will not disappear.

I am always glad to hear from readers. Write me at Follow regular updates on Twitter at

A much longer version of this essay appears in Hell Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents Eternal Punishment, edited by Christopher W. Morgan and Robert A. Peterson (Zondervan, 2004). I recommend this book to readers interested in knowing the background to current debates over the biblical doctrine of hell. A previous version of this essay was published here on November 30, 2004.


Ethiopia: Adventist churches burned

In Ethiopia, dozens of Christian churches, among them Adventist, burned in interfaith violence

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In Ethiopia, dozens of Christian churches, among them Adventist, burned in interfaith violence

Religious extremists blamed for attacks in region known for harmony

At least 30 Protestant churches in western Ethiopia, among them seven Seventh-day Adventist congregations, were burned down last week in a series of attacks by religious extremists from the region.

Unrest was first reported on March 2 and has since killed at least one Christian, wounded several others, left personal property destroyed and displaced thousands of Christians, reports indicate.

"The level of destruction is not fully and clearly confirmed," said Tamire Shaemalo, Communication director for the Adventist Church in Ethiopia, citing inconsistencies between reports.

Preliminary reports, however, indicate that dozens of Adventist homes were burned alongside the churches, members were robbed and food and farm animals were destroyed during the attacks, Shaemalo said. Church officials in Central Ethiopia estimate a total loss of more than 5 million birr (about US$30,000) in church property, including burned tithes and offerings, he added.

Some reports indicate the violence erupted in response to recent border skirmishes, in which Ethiopian soldiers sought to deter Muslim extremists. Others said the attacks were provoked when a Christian allegedly desecrated a copy of the Quran.

Police in Ethiopia yesterday arrested 130 religious extremists linked to the violence, Voice of America reported.

The attacks have ignited tensions in a region known for longstanding harmony between Muslim and Christians, church religious liberty advocates said.

"We are deeply troubled by what has happened in Ethiopia, where relations among religions have been relatively peaceful," said John Graz, director of the Adventist world church's department of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty.

"We hope that these incidents will not incite further violence in the region, and we encourage people of all faiths who stand for peace and religious freedom to work toward reconciliation," Graz added.

Ethiopia is about 60 percent Christian and 40 percent Muslim, census reports indicate. Approximately 170,000 Adventists worship in more than 800 churches across the country.

The Adventist Church in Ethiopia will send six church officials to join representatives from five other faith communities later this week at the Inter-Religious Council of Ethiopia, which is expected to survey the situation, Shaemalo said.


Saudi Royals Will ‘Cut Off Any Finger’

Saudi Royals Will ‘Cut Off Any Finger’ Raised Against Them

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Jeff Neumann

Saudi Royals Will 'Cut Off Any Finger' Raised Against ThemBracing for a planned "Day of Rage" tomorrow, Saudi Arabia's scumbag foreign minister Prince Saud al-Faisal said that the ruling family will "cut off any finger" that is raised against it. At a press conference yesterday, he told reporters:

"Reform cannot be achieved through protests ... The best way to achieve demands is through national dialogue."

Al-Faisal failed to mention that there's no such thing as "national dialogue" in Saudi Arabia, unless of course you're a member of his family. He seems to have been addressing the ungrateful citizens that King Abdullah tried to bribe with billions of dollars last month as he feared he could suffer the same fate as other deposed strongmen in the region.

A Facebook page calling for nationwide protests tomorrow has attracted thousands of fans, but we won't know until tomorrow what sort of turn out they can muster. We can be sure that there will be a heavy security presence on the streets. Hugh Miles, writing in the London Review of Books, quotes one of the group's organizers, who seems optimistic that members of the security forces are on the side of the protesters:

"I have been told by many members of the security forces that they sympathise with us 100 per cent and see us as saviours of them as well as of the nation."

The Saudi regime has for years been fighting a secret, dirty war against the Shi'ite minority in the country's south along the border with Yemen, often in unison with Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh who is also fighting Shi'ite rebels in his country's north all in the name of crushing "terrorists." Many of the disaffected protesters in both countries are Shia. Both countries' governments are also backed by massive arms shipments from the U.S. Out of every country in the world, Saudi Arabia by far spends the largest portion of its GDP on defense.

If the ruling family cracks down violently on Saudi protesters tomorrow, as they have repeatedly threatened to do, it will be interesting to see how long it takes Obama to speak up against our biggest ally in the region. Then again, with King Abdullah maintaining such tight control over the country, the scheduled protests could simply fail to materialize.

[Finger pointing Prince Saud al-Faisal via AP]


Michael Anti was booted off Facebook

Chinese Activists Less Welcome on Facebook Than Mark Zuckerberg’s Dog

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Adrian Chen

Chinese Activists Less Welcome on Facebook Than Mark Zuckerberg's DogBad timing: Just as Mark Zuckerberg's (admittedly cute) dog Beast joined Facebook, well-known Chinese activist Michael Anti (ne Zhao Jing) was booted off—his profile and hundreds of contacts vanished. The reason: Anti's use of an Westernized pen name to register his account violated Facebook's dumb, strict real name policy. "Facebook has always been based on a real name culture," is the company line.

Anti, who has written under his pen name for ten years and been awarded journalism fellowships at Cambridge and Harvard, is justifiably pissed. Especially since it's customary in China for people to adopt Westernized names to help English speakers. "It's insulting. They think my academic and journalistic work is less real than Zuckerberg's dog?" he asked the Guardian.

The short answer is, "Yes, they do." Facebook's policies implicitly favor the banal over the groundbreaking. So Egyptian and Chinese activists fighting oppressive governments aren't allowed to use pseudonyms, but there are all sorts of tools to let Westerners organize fundraisers for breast cancer research or their local dog shelter.

Speaking of dogs: Beast, Zuckerberg's new pet, is allowed to be on Facebook because he has a "fan page" page for public figures, not a personal page. Michael Anti could probably register a public fan page, too—even using his pen name. A fan page is good for building the brands of pop stars and famous dogs; not so good for a dissident who just wants to communicate. But it's pretty clear Facebook doesn't want people using their service to organize revolutions anyway.

And of course that's Facebook's prerogative, to make their service safer for dogs than for human rights activists. Woof. [Guardian]