Gingrich’s Affairs For Love Of Country

Gingrich’s ‘Passion for the Country’ Led Him to Have Affairs

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Jim Newell

Gingrich's 'Passion for the Country' Led Him to Have Affairs Presidential half-contender Newt Gingrich sat down with the Christian Broadcasting Network to discuss such past indiscretions as cheating on his two previous wives with their eventual successors. And Gingrich, at least "partially," blamed his conduct during these episodes on his love for America. Wait, what?

He tells CBN's David Brody that "there's no question at times of my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked far too hard and things happened in my life that were not appropriate."

This should settle the issue for good. He was serving his country so dutifully that he couldn't help but get an America Boner, for which the only antidote was Callista. Are you writing this down, guys?

[via the Washington Post]


Charlie Sheen’s House Is Being Raided

Charlie Sheen’s House Is Being Raided By Police Right Now

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Adrian Chen

Charlie Sheen's House Is Being Raided By Police Right NowAccording to TMZ, Police are raiding Charlie Sheen's Beverly Hill's home in a "pre-planned raid" tonight:

Sources tell us the LAPD has been conducting an investigation into criminal activity — possibly drugs or weapons. And someone who is at the house tells us cops may be attempting to put Charlie on an involuntary — 5150 — psychiatric hold.

LAPD confirms they're at the house. Sheen just announced a couple of live shows. So, bright side: The inevitable awfulness of these shows is now the least of his problems.

Update: or... maybe not? Charlie Sheen just tweeted: "all good here on homefront. all reports are false. I'll explain more very soon." (Although you can clearly see the police in this live helicopter camera over Sheen's house.)

[Image via INF]


Running a Lot Will Kill You

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Hamilton Nolan

Running a Lot Will Kill YouWill running kill you, as you always suspected, and as you vocally informed your mom and dad and P.E. coach and personal trainer and random passersby at the gym and the park and on the subway? Yes. Yes it will.

Well—it won't kill you. Only people who are in shape. Study!

None of the younger athletes or the older nonathletes had fibrosis in their hearts. But half of the older lifelong athletes showed some heart muscle scarring. The affected men were, in each case, those who'd trained the longest and hardest. Spending more years exercising strenuously or completing more marathon or ultramarathon races was, in this study, associated with a greater likelihood of heart damage.

The real shame here is that internet websites that aren't as scientifically sound as we are will twist these scientific findings for a few extra "page views" and blare out sensationalist headlines like "Exercise Will Kill You." Get it straight, America: it's not exercise that'll kill you. Just running. Which sucks big time, anyhow. Plus makes you look all skinny and haggard. Stick to real exercise. Squat harder. Live longer.


Guilty of Publishing Anarchist Cookbook

British Man Found Guilty of Publishing ‘Terrorist Information’

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John Cook

British Man Found Guilty of Publishing 'Terrorist Information'Terence Brown is a British man who sells The Anarchist's Cookbook—not the original one, but an updated version with information from all the latest terror movements—for $35 on CD-ROM. He was just convicted of violating England's Terrorism Act, and the judge warned him that he will almost certainly go to prison.

The CDs contained guides to making letter bombs and sneaking across borders, and contained excerpts from a wide variety of sources, including what British papers describe as an "information from an Al Qaeda training manual." Hey look, here's an Al Qaeda training manual, released by the Department of Justice. Arrest them!

On this side of the pond, we went through the whole Anarchist's Cookbook panic back in 1971. It ended differently. The FBI put together a 170-plus file on its author William Powell, but never even approached him for an interview, let alone arrest him. Now he's a teacher who wishes the thing had never been published. Anyway, if you live in England, be sure to avoid consuming any illegal information. Cheers!


Raw Video: Pa. House Fire Leaves 7 Children Dead

Pantheism and the Alpha of Heresies

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Pantheism and the Alpha of Heresies

Pantheism and the Alpha of Heresies

The difficulties that have arisen have been very hard to meet, and they are far from being settled yet. One, and another, and still another are presented to me as having been led to accept the pleasing fables that mean the sanctification of sin. Living Temple contains the alpha of a train of heresies. There heresies are similar to those that I met in my first labors in connection with the cause in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, then in Boston, Roxbury, New Bedford, and other parts of Massachusetts. Through them the evil one worked upon the minds of men and women. {11MR 247.1}

There was a Mrs. Minor, who had been to Jerusalem. When she returned she advocated some of these sentimental, spiritualistic [SPIRITUALISM AS HERE USED REFERS TO A METHOD OF INTERPRETATION EMPLOYED AFTER THE GREAT DISAPPOINTMENT OF OCTOBER 22, 1844, WHEREBY PLAIN TRUTHS OF THE BIBLE WERE SPIRITUALIZED AWAY.] sophistries. She invited me to visit her and relate what the Lord shown me. Brother Nichols took my sister and self to her home in Roxbury, where we found a company of about twenty assembled. Among them were brethren and sisters whom I loved and highly esteemed. They had believed the testimonies that I had borne to the people. But they had been led astray by spiritualistic ideas which were nothing less than a love-sick sentimentalism. The power of God came upon me as I warned them of their dangers, and some said they had never expected to see so much of the blessing of God this side of the Eden above. I bore them a message similar to the message I have been bearing for the last two months. I was instructed that the ideas they had accepted were but the alpha of a great deception. I had to meet similar delusions in Portsmouth and in Boston. {11MR 247.2}

These doctrines led to free-loveism, and my heart was sorely grieved as I saw the result they brought to those who accepted them. One family who for years had lived happily together was broken up. A man and his wife, well advanced in years, were separated. The husband left his wife and children, and established other family relations. We seemed to be able to do nothing to break the spell upon these persons. The precious truths of the Bible had no influence over them. {11MR 248.1}

This same hypnotic influence is seen working among our people today. Ever since my return to America a heavy burden has rested upon me. Everywhere I see the power of the enemy. Were it not for the armies of the Lord's host, led by Michael, the destruction that Satan would be pleased to witness would come to the people of God. They would be discomfited and brought to shame. But the Lord will work for His people. He will not suffer them to be defeated. {11MR 248.2}

We have a most solemn work to do. I have been instructed that some of our ministering brethren are working with clouded vision. They see men as trees walking. {11MR 248.3}

Unless Brethren Jones, Tenney, Waggoner, and others who have been flattered by the leaders of the medical work are especially worked by the Holy Spirit, they will never see things as they are. It is hard for those who have been charmed by seductive, flattering, soul-destroying theories to see where these theories will lead, or to discern, wherein their spiritual eyesight has been defective. {11MR 248.4}

Dr. Kellogg has been beguiled by beautiful, philosophical theories that are contrary to the truth. He is standing as a guide and instructor of youth. But for a long time he has been presented to me as a man walking in strange paths. He has not been working with the Lord. If his blind eyes could be anointed with the heavenly eyesalve, and he would then look at himself in the moral looking glass, he would see his sad condition and understand that unless he breaks his heart before God, and makes an entire reformation, he will surely receive of the judgments of God. The Lord will not forever bear with his perversity. {11MR 249.1}

I am instructed to say that Dr. Kellogg is not yet soundly converted, and cannot be until by genuine faith he receives Christ as his Saviour. He needs to feel the divine power that will work in him the change of heart represented in the Scriptures as the new birth. Neither his words nor his actions can be depended on. He is surrounded by circumstances that tend to stimulate his pride and increase his vanity. He does not see his peril, nor does he see the dangerous path which he has been following. {11MR 249.2}

If he were openly united with the world, his course would be less dangerous to the people of God. {11MR 249.3}

God reads the heart. He understands the motives which cannot be discerned by men. The question was asked by one of authority, "How can God accept such a man, though his professions and his assertions be ever so strong?" For a long time he has been deceived by the enemy. After the South Lancaster Conference, [THE 1899 GENERAL CONFERENCE SESSION WAS HELD AT SOUTH LANCASTER, MA.] he was for a time in the valley of decision, but since he decided what course he would pursue he has been making many false paths for his feet. {11MR 249.4}

His course in urging the adoption of binding agreements, and in leaning upon the arm of the law instead of upon the arm of God, has led him farther and farther from the truth. Yet the Lord says, "Let him now accept My word. If he will wear My yoke he shall be My chosen physician, My human helper." {11MR 250.1}

At the time of the General Conference in Battle Creek, [THE 1901 GENERAL CONFERENCE SESSION WAS HELD AT BATTLE CREEK, MI.] the Lord mercifully gave him another opportunity to change his course. He has waited for him to humble his heart. All obstructions were removed, even those that his own course had built up. But he was again deceived by the flatteries and sophistries of the enemy. Last spring he began a work of repentance. But he did not make thorough work. {11MR 250.2}

The Lord has a message for Dr. Kellogg. Holding up the Bible, one of authority said to him, "On this Book shalt thou meditate day and night. Then you will have much less confidence in your own wisdom and methods, and in the agreements and arrangements that you have formulated. You have greatly dishonored God. But He gives you another invitation. If you hear and obey His word, you will have power to become one of the sons of God. Make straight paths for your feet, lest the lame be turned out of the way. Unless in the cares of your accumulated responsibilities you take God as your guide, you will continue to act a part displeasing to God, and the blood of souls will be charged to your account.

"The Word of God is to be a lamp to your feet. That precious, sacred Word, is not to be appealed to to uphold any spiritualistic, philosophical views regarding God, for He is dishonored by such views. {11MR 251.1}

"No greater deception could be presented to the minds of men than the representation you have made of God in the pleasing fables you have advocated. Souls will be lost through the sowing of the sentiments found in Living Temple. In presenting error you have united with the prince of darkness in his work of seducing souls to eternal ruin. {11MR 251.2}

"The influence you have obtained with worldlings is not the credit to you that you have supposed it to be. Unless you change, decidedly change, your life will be a savor of death unto death instead of a savor of life unto life. {11MR 251.3}

"Make the Word of God the man of your counsel. It will be a lamp unto your feet, and a light unto your path. Study the Word to see what God has revealed in regard to who He is. He is 'the Almighty,' 'from everlasting,' an unerring Guide. Upon whom else would you venture to depend in times of difficulty? What folly could be greater than to set aside the wisdom of God, and accept the wisdom of him who fell from his exalted position in heaven as a covering cherub, and who has become the head of an apostate race? Will you unite with the arch-deceiver? Will you receive his deceptive falsehoods? Shall it continue to be said of you, 'Thou art weighed in the balances of the sanctuary, and art found wanting'?" {11MR 251.4}

My brother, heed the invitation of Christ, "Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls" (Matthew 11:29). Your safety depends on linking up with Christ, and learning from Him.

You have much to unlearn. Your example has not been in harmony with the example of Christ. You could do nothing more objectionable than to put aside the wisdom of God, and set up your own ideas as of greatest merit for healing diseased bodies and souls, belittling and disparaging the remedy prescribed by the eternal God, and superseding the divine instruction. {11MR 252.1}

God is in earnest with you. You have sought to set aside God's revealed will, teaching for doctrine the opinions and the speculations of finite human agencies through whom Satan works to destroy. Let the Word of God be your lesson book. Guided by it, you will be led to think wisely; you will reveal steadfastness of purpose; and you will build upon the true foundation. {11MR 252.2}
If you are transformed, and your character is formed after the character of Christ, it will be pleasing to God for you to remain in a position of responsibility. If you refuse to be transformed, if you look to men of the world, and cherish worldly ambition, turning from God to human beings, you will become an instrument of deception in the hands of Satan until at last you will have no power to break away from the snare. If you continue to work as you have been working, you will become one of the chief of sinners. But the eternal God has thoughts of mercy toward you, and He will abundantly pardon you through Jesus Christ if you will repent and turn to Him with full purpose of heart. {11MR 252.3}

Christ does not want you to lose your soul. He wants you to take hold of His saving grace, that He may do a thorough work in your heart. Now is your opportunity to decide whether you will have eternal life or eternal death. It will be a tremendous struggle for you to make a thorough work of repentance. Those who have not seen the inwardness of your character will flatter and sympathize with you, seeking to establish you in your sins. {11MR 252.4}

To such a man as Dr. Paulson the reception of spiritualistic ideas means much more than it can ever mean to you. When he realizes how near he has come to making shipwreck of his faith, when he sees that he has been giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, it may cost him his life. He will ever feel the wound. It is hard for you, but tenfold harder for such men as Dr. Paulson to recover from the shock.

My heart is heavily burdened over these matters. The knowledge of what these things will mean to you unless you change has induced me to urge you to become intelligent in regard to your condition, and to take your position for the truth.--Letter 265, 1903, pp. 1-7. (To Dr. J. H. Kellogg and His Associates, November 26, 1903.)

White Estate Washington, D. C. November 12, 1981

Manuscript Releases Vol. 11, pp. 247-253.

7.2 earthquake hits northern Japan

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Magnitude 7.2 earthquake hits northern Japan

TOKYO – A magnitude 7.2 earthquake has hit northern Japan, shaking buildings in Tokyo and prompting the country's meteorological agency to issue a tsunami alert for the northeastern coast. There are no immediate reports of damage or injuries, but officials are still assessing the situation.

The meteorological agency says the quake hit at 11:45 a.m. local time Wednesday and was centered about 200 miles (300 kilometers) north of Tokyo at a depth of about 6.2 miles (10 kilometers).

It warned that a tsunami of about 20 inches (50 centimeters) would hit the coast around noon Wednesday, but that time passed without any reports of a wave reaching the shore.

There was a 6.3 magnitude aftershock shortly after the main quake.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

TOKYO (AP) — A magnitude 7.2 earthquake has hit northern Japan, prompting the country's meteorological agency to issue a tsunami alert for the northeastern coast.

It warns that a tsunami of about 20 inches (50 centimeters) will hit the coast around noon Wednesday.


NPR Execs Caught in Candid Chat

Stung: NPR Execs Caught in Candid Chat With Would-be Muslim Donors

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Stung: NPR Execs Caught in Candid Chat With Would-be Muslim Donors

A video made surreptitiously by a conservative sting artist shows phony, would-be Muslim donors meeting with two NPR fundraisers who are caught on the tape making candid, awkward comments about the Republican Party -- and also talking bluntly about the ouster of commentator Juan Williams.

Slate's David Weigel posted the video and a report on the incident. The sting operation, produced by conservative activist James O'Keefe, shows NPR fundraisers Ron Schiller (who has since left NPR) and Betsy Liley at lunch with two men masquerading as wealthy Muslim donors. That the NPR people appear to tell the supposed contributors what they want to hear is not an unusual approach for fundraisers.

But against the backdrop of a possible cut off of NPR funding proposed by the GOP-controlled U.S. House, Schiller can be heard saying that "very little of our funding comes from the government." That is correct. Then, talking about the GOP, he adds: "The current Republican Party, particularly the tea party, is fanatically involved in people's personal lives and very fundamental Christian -- and I wouldn't even call it Christian." In answer to a leading question about the tea party movement, he adds, "Basically, they believe in white, middle America, gun toting -- it's pretty scary. They're seriously racist..."

Schiller, who has left his job as NPR Foundation's senior vice president for development, goes on to say that he is proud that NPR let Juan Williams go last year after Williams said on Fox News he would be concerned if he boarded a plane with fellow passengers in Muslim garb. "He lost all credibility and that breaks your ethics as a journalist." Schiller says.

NPR, in a statement, said: "The fraudulent organization represented in the video repeatedly pressed us to accept a $5 million check, with no strings attached, which we repeatedly refused to accept. We are appalled by the comments made by Ron Schiller in the video, which are contrary to what NPR stands for. Mr. Schiller announced last week he is leaving NPR for another job."

O'Keefe's Project Veritas gained notoriety in 2009 in another covertly made video that showed individuals posing as a pimp and prostitute seeming to get advice on gaming the tax system from a representative of ACORN, a liberal community activist organization. O'Keefe want too far last year when he and three others were charged with attempting to tamper with the phone lines in Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu's New Orleans office. He pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor, received three years' probation, a $1,500 fine and 100 hours of community service.

NPR Muslim Brotherhood Investigation Part I

Prisoners Help Build Patriot Missiles

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Prisoners Help Build Patriot Missiles

This spring, the United Arab Emirates is expected to close a deal for $7 billion dollars’ worth of American arms. Nearly half of the cash will be spent on Patriot missiles, which cost as much as $5.9 million apiece.

But what makes those eye-popping sums even more shocking is that some of the workers manufacturing parts for those Patriot missiles are prisoners, earning as little as 23 cents an hour. (Credit Justin Rohrlich with the catch.)

The work is done by Unicor,  previously known as Federal Prison Industries. It’s a government-owned corporation, established during the Depression, that employs about 20,000 inmates in 70 prisons to make everything from clothing to office furniture to solar panels to military electronics.

One of the company’s high-tech specialties: Patriot missile parts. “UNICOR/FPI supplies numerous electronic components and services for guided missiles, including the Patriot Advanced Capability (PAC-3) missile,” Unicor’s website explains. “We assemble and distribute the Intermediate Frequency Processor (IFP) for the PAC-3s seeker. The IFP receives and filters radio-frequency signals that guide the missile toward its target.”

The missiles are then marketed worldwide — sometimes by Washington’s top officials. Last year, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates pitched the Patriots to the Turkish government last year, a diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks reveals: “SecDef stressed that ‘nothing can compete with the PAC-3 when it comes to capabilities.’”

Patriot assemblers Raytheon and Lockheed Martin aren’t the only defense contractors relying on prison help. As Rohrlich notes, Unicor “inmates also make cable assemblies for the McDonnell Douglas/Boeing F-15, the General Dynamics/Lockheed Martin F-16, Bell/Textron’s Cobra helicopter, as well as electro-optical equipment for the BAE Systems Bradley Fighting Vehicle’s laser rangefinder.”

Unicor used to make helmets for the military, as well. But that work was suspended when 44,000 helmets were recalled for shoddy quality.

Government agencies — with the exception of the Defense Department and the CIA — are required to buy goods from Unicor, according to a Congressional Research Service report (.pdf). And no wonder: the labor costs are bordering on zero. “Inmates earn from $0.23 per hour up to a maximum of $1.15 per hour, depending on their proficiency and educational level, among other things,” the report notes.

Last year, Unicor grossed $772 million, according to its most recent financial report (.pdf). Traditionally, inmate salaries make up about five percent of that total.

Unicor insists that the deal is a good one for inmates — and for the government. The manufacturing work offers a chance for job training, which “improves the likelihood that inmates will remain crime-free upon their release,” the company says in its report. (Some reports suggest that Unicor prisoners are as much as 24% less likely to return to crime.)

The work also keeps the inmates in check, Unicor insists. “In the face of an escalating inmate population and an increasing percentage of inmates with histories of violence, FPI’s programs have helped ease tension and avert volatile situations, thereby protecting lives and federal property,” the company says. “Prisons without meaningful activities for inmates are dangerous prisons, and dangerous prisons are expensive prisons.”

Photo: U.S. Army

See Also: