When Roman Catholic doctrine states that Jesus Christ must obey the priest and come down from Heaven to go on the altar, this doctrine is identical to Witchcraft!


Subtitle: When Roman Catholic doctrine states that Jesus Christ must obey the priest and come down from Heaven to go on the altar, this doctrine is identical to Witchcraft!

Once again, we have conclusive proof, within Roman Catholic doctrine, that Roman Catholicism is identical -- repeat, identical -- with Witchcraft. In this instance, the Catholic teaching regarding the power of the priest over supernatural forces (Jesus Christ) is identical to the Witchcraft teaching regarding the power the witch has over supernatural forces [demons]. In both cases, the supernatural being is FORCED to do that which they do not want to do, i.e., to serve the human who has control over him.

In other words, the Catholic priest is just a witch dressed in different clothes!

Let us first examine Roman Catholic belief. Once again, we are quoting from Roman Catholic sources. The first source to be quoted is from St. Thomas, reprinted in the Catholic book, "Faith of Millions", John O'Brien, Ph.D., LL.D., 268-269, "nihil obstat" by Rev. T. E. Dillon-Censor Librorum and "imprimatur" by John Francis Noll, D.D. -Bishop of Fort Wayne.

" Power of Consecrating: The supreme power of the priestly office is the power of consecrating. 'No act is greater,' says St. Thomas, 'than the consecration of the body of Christ.' In this essential phase of the sacred ministry, the power of the priest is not surpassed by that of the bishop, the archbishop, the cardinal or the pope. Indeed it is equal to that of Jesus Christ. For in this role the priest speaks with the voice and the authority of God Himself. WHEN THE PRIEST PRONOUNCES THE TREMENDOUS WORDS OF CONSECRATION, HE REACHES UP INTO HEAVENS, BRINGS CHRIST DOWN FROM HIS THRONE, AND PLACES HIM UPON OUR ALTAR TO BE OFFERED UP AGAIN AS THE VICTIM FOR THE SINS OF MAN."

"It is a power greater than that of monarchs and emperors: it is greater than that of saints and angels, greater than that of Seraphim and Cherubim. Indeed it is greater even than the power of the Virgin Mary. For, while the Blessed Virgin was the human agency by which Christ became incarnate a single time, THE PRIEST BRINGS CHRIST DOWN FROM HEAVEN, AND RENDERS HIM PRESENT ON OUR ALTAR AS THE ETERNAL VICTIM FOR THE SINS OF MAN - NOT ONCE BUT A THOUSAND TIMES! THE PRIEST SPEAKS AND LO! CHRIST THE ETERNAL AND OMNIPOTENT GOD, BOWS HIS HEAD IN HUMBLE OBEDIENCE TO THE PRIEST'S COMMAND."

"Of what sublime dignity is the office of the Christian priest who is thus privileged to act as the ambassador and the vicegerent of Christ on earth! He continues the essential ministry of Christ; he teaches the faithful with the authority of Christ, he pardons the penitent sinner with the power of Christ, he offers up again the same sacrifice of adoration and atonement which Christ offered on Calvary. No wonder that the name which spiritual writers are especially found of applying to the priest is that of 'alter Christus.' FOR THE PRIEST IS AND SHOULD BE ANOTHER CHRIST" (Faith of Millions, John O'Brien, Ph.D., LL.D., 268-269)("nihil obstat" by Rev. T. E. Dillon-Censor Librorum and "imprimatur" by John Francis Noll, D.D. -Bishop of Fort Wayne). Emphasis added.

No greater abomination is possible than the statement, above, detailing the Roman Catholic doctrine concerning the supposed power of the priest during Mass or Communion. We wish to point out that this belief is identical to the belief of a witch!!

In Witchcraft, the attraction to a person to learn the arduous and dangerous art of the Craft is the belief that, once the witch speaks the right incantations, and has made the correct physical preparations, a demon must materialize into this dimension and must do the bidding of the witch. Even if he does not want to obey, the demon must obey! This is identical to the belief St. Thomas articulated, above! Listen again to that part of St. Thomas' writing.


Obviously, Jesus Christ would not want to go through the agony of the cross again, with all its shame, pain, and separation from the Father. Therefore, when Jesus supposedly "bows His head" and obeys the priest to come down once again to the altar, He is doing something He really does not want to do. But, He must, because the priest has pronounced the right incantations [the Mass, for example] and He has made the correct physical preparations. Therefore, Jesus must come down to the altar to be sacrificed again.

This belief is identical to standard Witchcraft. The only significant difference is that the Witch has to very carefully bring the demon into this dimension, because the demon is going to materialize cursing, spitting, and fighting, whereas Jesus is pictured as coming into our realm in a loving manner. In fact, the Witch has to carefully prepare a 9-foot circle on the ground or the floor, and the Witch must be very careful not to step outside the circle, nor allow any of the members of the coven to do so. If anyone steps outside the circle, they step outside their protection and will suffer instant death at the hands of the demon. The only reason the Catholic priest does not have to stay inside a circle, and does not have to have members of the congregation inside the same circle is that the Catholic practice of Witchcraft is symbolic whereas the Witch's practice is very real.

Let us briefly examine St. Thomas' words of blasphemy that the Catholic priest forces Jesus to come down on the altar to be sacrificed "NOT ONCE BUT A THOUSAND TIMES". As we stated in RC113, "Mass Shown To Be Unbiblical", God adamantly declared that Jesus Christ was only to be sacrificed ONCE AND FOR ALL!! We quoted several Biblical texts from a Roman Catholic Bible in RC113, but we want to quote one of them again. Listen:

"...Jesus [also] became the guarantee of an [even] better covenant...He has no need, as did the high priests, to offer sacrifice day after day, first for His own sins and then for those of the people; He did that once for all when He offered Himself". (Hebrews 7:22, 27; The New American Bible, Catholic Bible Press, 1986)

Time and time again, the writer to the Hebrews reiterates that Jesus Christ was sacrificed ONCE AND FOR ALL for our sins. God the Father made a special point to demonstrate this reality in the life of Moses.

In Exodus 17:5-6, God commanded Moses to strike a rock so that water would come gushing out to provide critically needed water to the Israelites and their animals. Centuries later, the Apostle Paul would state that "this rock was Jesus Christ" [1 Corinthians 10:4]. However, later, in Numbers 20:7-8, God commanded Moses to again bring water out of a rock, but this time, God told Moses to "speak" to the rock. However, Moses did not obey God by speaking to the rock; rather, he struck the rock to bring forth the water, which did flow to supply the needs of the people and their animals.

However, God was mightily displeased with Moses, as we read in Numbers 20:11-12. Why was God so displeased with Moses for striking the rock rather than speaking to it? After all, Moses' disobedience seems very slight and not at all significant enough for God to punish Moses by not allowing him to go into the Promised Land. God was mightily displeased for two reasons.

First, Moses sought to take credit for the water pouring out of the rock.

Secondly, God was giving us an example that the future Messiah [Jesus Christ, the Rock] was not to be struck more than once! Jesus was STRUCK on the cross for our sins, providing a Substitutionary Sacrifice for our sins. But, Jesus was to be STRUCK ONCE AND FOR ALL!

God is so angry with anyone or any "church" that seeks to strike Jesus more than once that He issued the following warning to the writer to the Hebrews. Listen carefully, as your eternal soul is at stake here.

"For it is impossible in the case of those who have once been enlightened ... and then have fallen away, to bring them to repentance again, since they are recrucifying the Son of God for themselves and holding Him up to contempt". (Hebrews 6:6; The New American Bible, Catholic Bible Press, 1986)

From a Roman Catholic Bible, we find these words of warning. As long as you are continually recrucifying Jesus Christ on your altars, you cannot be saved! Only Satan would want to defame Jesus by crucifying Him again and again, for the cross represented Satan's only victory over Jesus, a temporary one at that [Read RC113 for full details of this shocking truth].

Under the guise of pious, and Christian, words, the Catholic priest recreates Satan's temporary victory over Jesus thousands and ten thousands of times! Satan must be laughing all the way to Hell. But, more importantly, no Catholic adherent can be saved as long as they partake in these infamous and blasphemous ceremonies! Your eternal soul is further damned every time you attend a Mass or a Communion.

But, you say, perhaps this shocking doctrine that the priest has the same power as witches to bring the supernatural into our dimension against his will is not believed today. St. Thomas, after all, lived a long time ago, and the Roman Catholic Church has changed much since then. If that is what you believe, let us quote another Catholic source, much later than St. Thomas.

"...The Consecration reproduces and extends the MYSTIC MEMORIAL of the Last Supper 
when Jesus, who was facing betrayal and death, freely offered his Body and His Blood 
for the redemption of mankind. In this lies the essence of the Mass ... Christ, therefore, is seen to be the author of the form, the actions, the very words of the Consecration. In this moment, THE PRIEST QUITE LITERALLY BECOMES CHRIST HIMSELF; HIS OWN PERSONALITY IS BLOTTED OUT; IT IS ABSORBED IN THAT OF THE EVERLASTING PRIEST WHO IS, AT ONE TIME, THE OFFERED VICTIM AND THE SUPREME OFFICIANT."

"For this reason it is Our Lord's own movements, as reported by the Gospel which determine what the priest does: just as the Master did, the celebrant now raises his eyes on high; as Jesus blest the bread, so does he...the words, too, which the celebrant says are words used by Jesus, 'those great and wondrous words,' as Athanasius called them, those words which in their simple directness, offer a contrast to the rich formularies wherein they are enshrined. It is as though God would show that He has no need for a multiplicity of verbiage."

"Nevertheless, what we have in the liturgical formularies is no merely textual reproduction of the evangelical account: something has been added in the course of the centuries. Such are certain adjectives, as those which describe the hands of Our Lord as sanctas ac venerabiles (holy and worthy of respect), or the word (inspired by Psalm 22:5) by which the chalice is called praeclarum, or glorious ... Since the medieval period we find, in the midst of the consecratiory formula for the wine, the words: Mysterium fidei, the mystery or sacrament of faith. Their meaning is that here shines forth the essence of the Christian faith for now truly, really , substantially (such as the Tridentine terminology), the bread and the wine are become the Body and the Blood of Jesus Christ" ("This Is The Mass", Daniel-Rops, Sheen, Karsh, Hawthorn, "nihil obstat" by Joseph H. Brady, S.T. D. Censor Librorum, "imprimatur" by Thomas A. Boland, S.T.D. Archbishop of Newark, 100).

In fact, this modern American book, following, was meant for priests only, which is why many of the words are in Latin.

"Our Lord was immolated on Calvary. He offers Himself again every morning at the
altar by the hands of His priest. The sacrifice of the Mass is essentially the same
as that of the Cross. What share has the priest in that sacrifice ? Where does he
find the victim ? Ubi est victima, could he, like Isaac of old, ask when ascending
the steps of the altar. Listen : Hoc est corpus meum, says this priest bending over a
small piece of bread. What happens? Agnoscite quod agitis: The divine Victim is
present: Ave verum corpus! 'Hic est calix sanguinis mei,' continues the priest: We
adore the divine Victim sacrificed to God. Agnoscite quod agitis. The priest says:
Hoc est corpus meum, he has to say it for the validity of the consecration. Meum! But
it is not he who says these words; his voice indeed we hear, but he is only the
instrument of the Sovereign Priest: our Lord speaks through His minister. The glory
of this minister consists precisely in disappearing, in allowing Jesus to act through
his personality: Sacerdos alter Christus.This Christ now offering Himself to God by
the hands of the priest is the same Christ who is in heaven. Same happiness, same
power, same majesty. He is performing the same acts, offering the same adorations,
the same thanksgiving, the same prayers. He, the object of the beatitude of the
elect, is now in the hands of the priest: Agnoscite quod agitis. But if really the
priest causes our Lord to be present on the altar, if he offers Him, whilst Jesus is
now in heaven, have we not to conclude that it is from the very bosom of the Father
that the priest draws this divine Victim? Agnoscite quod agitis" (Our Priesthood,
Rev.Joseph Bruneau, S.D.D., 149-151)("nihil obstat" by M.F. Dinneen, S.S.,D.D.
-Censor deputatus, "imprimatur" by James Cardinal Gibbons -Archbishop of Baltimore,
"Re-Imprimatur" by Michael J. Curley -Archbishop of Baltimore).

Did you notice the words used in this section, above, " Hoc est corpus meum"? This is the phrase which Satanists later changed slightly to "Hocus Pocus"!

How important are spoken words in the ceremony to the Witch during the ceremony during which he is forcing the supernatural demon to appear and to do his bidding? The answer is, the spoken words are most important, for without them, the Witch is impotent at best and dead at the hands of the demon in the worst case scenario!

Furthermore, the most preferred language of the Witch is Latin, for it is in Latin that the most potency is achieved. Listen to the testimony of a former Satanist, Doc Marquis. "Catholicism and witchcraft are one and the same ... Until recently, most of the rites of witchcraft were said in Latin. Even in certain cult circles, many of the rituals are still said in Latin. Why was it, when the witches stopped using Latin as much as they did, about 20 years ago, that the Catholic Mass was stopped being orated in Latin? Today, it [the Mass] is spoken primarily in American English, the same way the witch's mass is held." ["Secrets of the Illuminati", by Doc Marquis, USCCCN NATIONAL CLEARINGHOUSE ON SATANIC CRIME IN AMERICA, Page 214].

Notice that the words which Catholic theologian Joseph Brady says were added over the centuries are words in Latin! Doc told me personally that liturgical ceremonies said in Latin possess much greater inherent power than if they were said in any other language on Earth, including English! For this reason, witches will hold their most secret ceremonies in Latin, even today!

But, the bottom line of revelation from Doc Marquis, former Black Magick Satanic priest, was simply, "Catholicism and witchcraft are one and the same".

Now, please allow us to share some of the other similarities between the ceremonies of Witchcraft and Roman Catholicism, drawing again from Doc Marquis' book, ["Secrets of the Illuminati", above:

 Altar -- the altar is central to the Mass. Like the altar in Witchcraft, the Catholic altar is used to celebrate the "Mysteries" of the Mass. In Witchcraft, altars are used for two basic reasons. 1) Practice certain metaphysical rites. Whether the rite is the casting of spells or a ceremony dedicated to occult deities, the altar in Witchcraft holds the "tools" of Magick. 2) Practice sacrifice, either animal or human.

 Roman Catholic Human Sacrifice -- Of course, the Catholic doctrine of Transubstantiation ensures that a human sacrifice is committed during every Mass! In this terrible doctrine, Jesus Christ is supposedly forced down from Heaven to be sacrificed again. However, instead of being sacrificed on a cross again, Jesus is sacrificed on an altar just as pagan as the altar of the Satanist! Where does it say in the Bible that Jesus was ever to be sacrificed on an altar? Nowhere! Instead, Old Testament prophecies state that Messiah was to be "lifted up" on a "tree" [Deuteronomy 21:22-23; Psalms 22:1, 6, 16; Zechariah 12:10], to be sacrificed for the sins of the many! Thus, Satan wins again, because the cross is central to our Salvation [Romans 3:24-25; Ephesians 2:16; Colossians 1:20; 2:14]. By placing Jesus on an altar, the Catholic Church de-emphasizes the cross, replacing it with a pagan altar.

 Chalice -- Catholic author, Brady, quoted above, mentions the chalice as "glorious", and in a few moments you will understand to whom it is "glorious". In Witchcraft, the chalice is used in a very special manner. "When a witch does a human sacrifice, after the victim's throat is sliced open, the spilled blood will be collected in a chalice, just as the Catholics do, except that the witch's chalice holds the real thing." [Marquis, page 209].

Of course, the chalice for the Roman Catholic IS filled with real blood, isn't it? Through the doctrine of Transubstantiation, the priest causes the wine to change into Jesus' real blood! Don't you see, without the doctrine of Transubstantiation, the Roman Catholic priest cannot carry out the same ceremony as witches carry out; however, with the doctrine of Transubstantiation, the Catholic priest is performing the same human sacrifice as is the Black Magick witch! Now, you can understand why it is that Transubstantiation is so critical to the Roman Catholic Church, and why she defends it so desperately.

 Candles -- used by both the Roman Catholic Church and witches during their ceremonies.

 Incense -- Catholic priests will "take a philter, or incense burner, walk around the altar, and then wave it out toward the crowd with an invocation. Afterward, it will be put away. Not only will witches use incense but they will consecrate their altar and their fellow witches in the exact same manner that the Catholics do." [Marquis, page 212] Additionally, incense is used as an agent of purification. [Ibid., page 216]

 Bells -- In the Roman Catholic service, bells are baptized and are used by altar boys assisting the priest during the ceremony. "Bells are another tool used by witches. When the bells are sounded, they are supposed to send out metaphysical soundwaves to the gods who will attend and listen to the service. The bells of the Catholic Mass are usually attended by the altar boys. Altar boys are the personal assistants of the priest. In occult circles, the high priest or priestess also has such attendants. There is no difference." {Marquis, pages 212-213]

 Wands for Blessing -- "Have you ever noticed that, when the Pope, Cardinal, or priests want to give a huge blessing, they will take out a golden scepter or wand, dip it in holy water, and then wave it on the people?

"Wands are nothing new in the occult. When a witch wants to direct his power, he can do it by means and use of wands. He can also use it to consecrate a circle with a pentacle inside. This is supposed to keep all summoned demonic forces under control." [Marquis, page 215]

 Holy Water -- Catholic priests consecrate Holy Water by mixing salt with the water and them praying over it. Every object and every Catholic who is touched by this Holy Water is supposed to be blessed.

A Witch will purify himself and all his instruments by mixing water with salt and then praying over it. Here is one part of the ceremony used to consecrate a witch's knife, or athame. "May the Sacred Water and the smoke in the Holy Incense drive out any impurities in the knife, that it may be pure and cleansed, ready to serve me and my gods in any way I desire. So mote it be." [Marquis, page 217]

"The main point is, that a witch's holy water is made up in the same fashion as that of the Catholic priest. Please keep in mind that everything we have talked about, concerning the Catholic Mass, is what is done in a witch's mass ... Witches have had all this for thousands of years." [Marquis, page 217]

 The Host -- The round wafer supposedly turns into the actual body of Jesus Christ, according to the Catholic doctrine of Transubstantiation. Of course, we know this cannot ever really happen, because the Bible expressly forbids the eating of human flesh! However, this mystical Catholic doctrine was declared by Pope Honorius in 1220 A.D. This round circle of bread bears the three letters I.H.S. Contrary to what Catholics say this means, I.H.S. stands for the Satanic trinity, Isis, Horus, and Semiramis. [Marquis, page 219]. An occult book has this brief statement to be made in support of Marquis' statement. "In fact , for all that these three letters are in wide use within churches, the device really belongs to the magical tradition ..." ["Magic Symbols", by Frederick Goodman, Brian Todd Publishing House, Ltd., page 33].

For that matter, the very round shape of the host dates back to Antiquity, to the Egyptian Satanists! They devised the round shape to honor their Sun God, whose name was "Ra". God cursed Sun God Ra in His judgment of Egypt in Exodus 10:21-23. Therefore, this cursed doctrine of Transubstantiation even uses a cursed pagan round wafer!

 Both Witchcraft and Catholicism celebrate the five basic elements. The occultist symbolizes these five elements on a pentacle, or a five-pointed star. These five basic elements are:

 Spirit -- The spirit of the water god they slay every day

 Water -- The Holy Water they use to bless themselves and to baptize

  Air -- Symbolically used through the incense in their rituals

  Fire -- Used in tangent with the burning of the incense

  Earth -- Literally made up in their water from the bread of the earth and figuratively used as the flesh of their slain deity. [Marquis, page 222]

Now we know why many elements of obvious Paganism exists within the Catholic Church.

Now we know why:

 Pope John Paul II and Pope Paul VI used the Satanic Bent Crucifix during their outdoors and even some indoor celebrations. [See RC100 "Bent Crucifix]. Satanists invented this distorted figure of an emaciated Jesus on a bent cross as a symbol of Antichrist. Therefore, Pope John Paul II is forcing all Catholic faithful to bow before a symbol of Antichrist!

 The Virgin Mary is called the "Queen of Heaven" just as was the Babylonian Virgin Mother, Semiramis. God condemned this worship of the Queen of Heaven in Jeremiah 44:16-29. [See RC109, Queen of Heaven for full details]

 Catholics believe in Purgatory just as have almost all Pagan religions since Babylon! Purgatory continues to be taught, even though the Bible teaches that the souls of the saved are immediately in Paradise upon death [Luke 23:43]. See RC111, RC111a, and RC111b for full details.

 The Satanic New World Order Plan calls the Pope a "proper receptor" to Antichrist [See RC104] and why they have chosen the Pope as the supreme religious leader of the coming global religion of Antichrist. This part of the Plan designates the Pope as the False Prophet of Revelation 13.

 The Catholic Church has rewritten the 10 Commandments so that God's prohibition against worshipping or praying to, an idol, was removed. To keep the Commandments at 10, the Catholic Church then divided the original 10th Commandment into 2 commandments [See RC108].

 The Catholic Church urges its faithful to pray the Babylonian Rosary, even though Jesus Christ personally forbade such praying! [See RC115]

 The Catholic Church has invented all sorts of ways to be saved other than through a simple faith in the perfect and finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Scapulars, Sale of Indulgences, and Confession to a human priest all take the place in your heart for the simple truth.

We urge all dear Roman Catholic faithful to take to your inner hearts and mind the words that we have spoken to you in this article. Your ardent zeal for the tenets of Roman Catholicism will not save you when you are participating in a patently false religion. Please take the words of the Apostle Paul to heart, as he addressed the misplaced zealous nature of the poor, misguided Jew who refused to believe in Jesus Christ.

"I bear them witness that they have a certain zeal and enthusiasm for God, but it is not enlightened and according to correct and vital knowledge." [Romans 10:2, Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Commentary]

You are worshipping in the same way. Your zeal is commendable, but it is not according to "correct and vital knowledge". Please turn now to Jesus Christ, and trust in Him and His sacrifice alone for your salvation! The time of the End of the Age is sweeping down upon all mankind like an overwhelming flood, and all false religions will be swept away, along with all adherents. Please do not allow yourself and your loved ones to be among those victims.

Please turn now to our Salvation Page to see how simple and direct Biblical salvation through Jesus Christ alone truly is. Your heart will be set free from sin, and all fear of Judgment and Death will disappear. For the first time, you will be absolutely assured of Heaven, as completely as though you were already there.

For the first time, you will truly understand and appreciate what Jesus meant when He said:

 " And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." [John 8:32]

 " If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.: [John 8:36]



If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that nothing will not hurt you spiritually. You will also know the greatest heart peace that the greatest God can give to one of His own children.

If you would like to become Born Again, and come to know this wonderful heart peace, turn to our Salvation Page now.

Return to What Saith Rome


The Inquisitions

The Inquisitions

For several centuries throughout the Middle Ages, several inquisitions were initiated by the Catholic Church in union with the state in several countries in Europe. The purpose of the inquisitions was to locate, punish and prevent many heresies that were causing disturbances among society. The most well-known inquisitions took place in three countries; France, Italy, and Spain and did not take place in other countries. While the Inquisitions were intended to better society, in many cases they lead to abuses which has lead to controversy and speculation about the Catholic Church by some. Below we quickly summarize the three Inquisitions in France, Italy, and Spain and then present some conclusions.

France (1229)

Started by Pope Gregory IX, this inquisition was called particularly to fight the Albigensian heresies in Southern France and to uphold the truth for secular and ecclesiastical justice. This inquisition was known to eventually become cruel and unreasonable and was eventually abolished.

Italy (Rome) (1542)

The Roman Inquisition was started by Pope Paul III for the whole world to safeguard faith and morals. This Inquisition was noted to be more lenient than the other two Inquisitions.

Spain (1400's - 1700's)

This inquisition was started by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella and empowered by Pope Sixtus IV. This Inquisition was erected to proceed against Judaism, crypto-Jews and other apostates whose secret activities were dangerous to church and state. It was also extended to the Christian Moors who were in danger of apostasy at the time and was also used to defend against the uprise of Protestantism. Defending against polygamy, bigamy, perjury, forgery, shamming revelations and masquerading as priests were some of the primary goals of this inquisition. This inquisition was known to become the most cruel and unjust of the three and was very influenced by civil power and often in defiance of the Holy See.


Homeland Security teams up with Walmart

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Homeland Security teams up with Walmart for safety (for the Inquistion)

Walmart will join the Department of Homeland Security in a program called "If You See Something, Say Something" which encourages the American public to take an active role in ensuring the safety and security of the nation, DHS said Monday.

"Homeland security starts with hometown security, and each of us plays a critical role in keeping our country and communities safe," Secretary Janet Napolitano said as she thanked Walmart and the more than 320 stores who joined the national campaign Monday.

Participating stores, eventually including 588 from 27 states, will play a short video message at select checkout locations to remind shoppers to contact local law enforcement to report suspicious activity, said a DHS statement.

"This partnership will help millions of shoppers across the nation identify and report indicators of terrorism, crime and other threats to law enforcement authorities," Napolitano said.

The "If You See Something, Say Something" campaign was originally implemented by New York City's Metropolitan Transportation Authority as a simple and effective program that engages the public and key front-line employees to report indicators of terrorism, crime and other threats to authorities, according to the DHS statement.

The program has already partnered with the Mall of America, the American Hotel & Lodging Association, Amtrak, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, sports and general aviation industries, and other organizations across the country, DHS said.


Hillary Clinton declares information war

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Hillary Clinton declares international information war

The US is losing the global information war, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared while appearing before a congressional committee to ask for extra funds to spread US propaganda through new media.

Clinton said existing private channels are not good enough to handle the job, naming as rivals Al Jazeera, China's CCTV and RT – which she watches, she added.

Clinton was defending her department’s budget in front of the House’s Committee on Foreign Affairs on Wednesday.

Clinton said the US should step up its propaganda effort and get back “in the game” of doing “what we do best.”

“During the Cold War we did a great job in getting America’s message out. After the Berlin Wall fell we said, ‘Okay, fine, enough of that, we are done,’ and unfortunately we are paying a big price for it,” she said. “Our private media cannot fill that gap.”

“We are in an information war and we are losing that war. Al Jazeera is winning, the Chinese have opened a global multi-language television network, the Russians have opened up an English-language network. I’ve seen it in a few countries, and it is quite instructive,” she stated.

Things have changed a lot since the days when Western media outlets, including BBC and CNN, had a monopoly on the coverage of world news. More and more viewers across the world tune into various foreign media to get a fresh take on events.

It is all in the numbers. For instance, RT’s presence on YouTube is a real hit: almost 300 million views, when CNN International is struggling to reach 3 million.

RT’s constantly growing audience is an indication that the days of media monopoly are over and that people are demanding more multi-polar thinking.

One of the latest examples is Al Jazeera’s coverage of the unrest in the Middle East and North Africa, which by most accounts outshone the US media’s presentation of events.

Not everyone, however, is happy with the wider variety of media options. The head of the federal agency that manages the US’s government-run international broadcasting has basically called all those foreign media enemies.

Last year Walter Isaacson, who heads the federal agency that manages the US’s government-run international broadcasting, including the Voice of America, warned against the influence of foreign media.

“We can’t allow ourselves to be out-communicated by our enemies,” he said, in a now-infamous pitch to get his agency more funding. He did, however, later backtrack on his statement, saying that he was misunderstood.

­Journalist and filmmaker Danny Schechter says the US can no longer maintain a monopoly on information.

“The United States feels defensive in part because it can no longer monopolize not only the terms of authority in these countries, but also the terms of the debate,” he said. “There is other information out there. There are other points of view and those points of view are profoundly damaging to a country that believes that its point of view is the only point of view.”


TSA Plans To Body-Scan Pedestrians

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TSA Reveals Plans To Body-Scan Pedestrians

Updated with the TSA’s response below, which denies implementing airport-style scans in mass transit.

Giving Transportation Security Administration agents a peek under your clothes may soon be a practice that goes well beyond airport checkpoints. Newly uncovered documents show that as early as 2006, the Department of Homeland Security has been planning pilot programs to deploy mobile scanning units that can be set up at public events and in train stations, along with mobile x-ray vans capable of scanning pedestrians on city streets.

The non-profit Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) on Wednesday published documents it obtained from the Department of Homeland Security showing that from 2006 to 2008 the agency planned a study of of new anti-terrorism technologies that EPIC believes raise serious privacy concerns. The projects range from what the DHS describes as “a walk through x-ray screening system that could be deployed at entrances to special events or other points of interest” to “covert inspection of moving subjects” employing the same backscatter imaging technology currently used in American airports.

The 173-page collection of contracts and reports, acquired through a Freedom of Information Act request, includes contracts with Siemens Corporations, Northeastern University, and Rapiscan Systems. The study was expected to cost more than $3.5 million.

One project allocated to Northeastern University and Siemens would mount backscatter x-ray scanners and video cameras on roving vans, along with other cameras on buildings and utility poles, to monitor groups of pedestrians, assess what they carried, and even track their eye movements. In another program, the researchers were asked to develop a system of long range x-ray scanning to determine what metal objects an individual might have on his or her body at distances up to thirty feet.

“This would allow them to take these technologies out of the airport and into other contexts like public streets, special events and ground transit,” says Ginger McCall, an attorney with EPIC. “It’s a clear violation of the fourth amendment that’s very invasive, not necessarily effective, and poses all the same radiation risks as the airport scans.”

It’s not clear to what degree the technologies outlined in the DHS documents have been implemented. Multiple contacts at the DHS public affairs office didn’t respond to a request for comment Wednesday afternoon.

Update: A TSA official responds in a statement that the “TSA has not tested the advanced imaging technology that is currently used at airports in mass transit environments and does not have plans to do so.”

A privacy assessment included in the documents for one aspect of the plans that focused on train security suggests that images wouldn’t be tied to any personally identifiable information such as a subject’s name. Any images shared outside the project or used for training purposes would have faces blurred, and employees using the system would be trained to avoid privacy violations, the document says. If the scanners were to adopt privacy enhancements deployed in new versions of the airport full body scanners currently being tested by the TSA, they would also use nondescript outlines of people rather than defined images, only showing items of interest on the subject’s body.

But EPIC’s McCall says that those safeguards are irrelevant: If scanners are deployed in public settings, it doesn’t matter if they show full naked images or merely the objects in a user’s pockets. “When you’re out walking on the street, it’s not acceptable for an officer to come up and search your bag without probable cause or consent.,” she says. “This is the digital equivalent.”

In August of last year, Joe Reiss, the vice president of marketing of security contractor American Sciences & Engineering told me in an interview that the company had sold more than 500 of its backscatter x-ray vans to governments around the world, including some deployed in the U.S. Those vans are capable of scanning people, the inside of cars and even  the internals of some buildings while rolling down public streets. The company claims that its systems’ “primary purpose is to image vehicles and their contents,” and that “the system cannot be used to identify an individual, or the race, sex or age of the person.” But Reiss admitted that the van scans do penetrate clothing, and EPIC president Marc Rotenberg called them “one of the most intrusive technologies conceivable.”

On top of exposing research into possible expansion of the scanner program, EPIC has also filed a lawsuit against the DHS that fights the use of the scanners in airports. The group is arguing its case in a D.C. appellate court next week, though some expect the scanners to be ruled constitutional.


U.S.-Turkey 6th Economic Meeting

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U.S.-Turkey Economic Partnership Commission Holds 6th Meeting

Media Note
Office of the Spokesman

Washington, DC

March 3, 2011

The U.S.-Turkey Economic Partnership Commission (EPC) will meet on March 3, 2011 in Washington, D.C. Assistant Secretary for Economic, Energy and Business Affairs Jose W. Fernandez will head the U.S. delegation, while Deputy Undersecretary for Bilateral Affairs and Public Diplomacy Selim Yenel will lead the Turkish delegation. United States participation includes the Departments of State, Commerce, Treasury, Agriculture, and Energy; the Office of the United States Trade Representative; the United States Trade and Development Agency; the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC); the U.S. Small Business Administration; and the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank).

This sixth meeting of the Commission is focused on exploring opportunities for further economic and commercial cooperation between the United States and Turkey. The Commission is a key component in realizing our shared goal of strengthening our economic partnership, and builds on the work of the U.S.-Turkey Framework for Strategic Economic and Commercial Cooperation held in October 2010. The delegations will discuss trade, investment and entrepreneurship, as well as pharmaceutical, energy, and agricultural issues under this framework.

Prior to the meeting, the U.S. and Turkish delegations will meet with private sector representatives to discuss promising areas for joint trade and investment.

PRN: 2011/322

Session 2: 2011 Hours Against Hate

Amplify’d from
Hannah Rosenthal
Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism 
Farah Anwar Pandith
Special Representative to Muslim Communities 
United States Mission to the OSCE
OSCE Permanent Council
Vienna, Austria
February 17, 2011

SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE PANDITH : Thank you for your invitation to speak to you today. It is an honor to be able to talk to our respected colleagues at the OSCE, an organization that continues to push ahead on issues that are facing our societies at many levels. OSCE commitments to freedom of thought, conscience, religion, and belief are laudable. The obligation of participating States to respect these fundamental human rights is at the core of this organization; cemented in the Ten Principles set forth in the 1975 Helsinki Final Act. The commitments of the member States ensure the freedom of the individual “to profess and practice” religion and related rights, which extend beyond worship alone. However, we are here today because despite dedication to these freedoms by the OSCE and other governmental and international organizations, more needs to be done.

Latest trends show growing movements that target ‘the other’ – be they immigrants, or religious and ethnic minorities, in the name of protecting the identity and ‘purity’ of their nation. In 2010, Swastikas were spray-painted on Jewish tombs, schools, synagogues, and kosher shops in several European countries. And mosques have been defaced while the permissibility of anti-Muslim speech is growing. Graffiti has incited violence. When this fear and hatred of the ‘other’ occurs, it alienates citizens and is undercuts societies.

We would like to underscore that fundamental freedoms and human rights – particularly freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, freedom of association, and freedom of expression – these are essential elements to combat all forms of intolerance, and, unfortunately, these fundamental freedoms are not yet fully respected in the OSCE region. Protecting individual rights and ensuring space for civil society must remain a singular priority.

President Obama has talked repeatedly about the importance of opening new dialogue and protecting religious freedom. In his inaugural address, he pointed to a planet where “old hatreds shall someday pass; lines of tribe shall soon dissolve; [and] as the world grows smaller, our common humanity shall reveal itself.” The moment is now. At a time when the entire world is connected – when a voice in Nigeria can impact a perspective in the Netherlands – we must and can do more to built societies that are more respectful. President Obama has called for relationships based on “mutual interest and mutual respect.” It is time for all of us—government and civic leaders, business and non-governmental leaders, and young leaders of the next generation—to not only be respectful and decrease incidences of violence and hate, but to work together on projects for the common good. We live in a world where the challenges of tomorrow transcend borders; whether facing up to the problems of climate change or health, terrorism or education, no one group can do it alone.

Last year Special Envoy Rosenthal Rosenthal and I traveled to Astana, Kazakhstan, to give remarks at the OSCE High Level Conference on Tolerance and Non-Discrimination. This was an important opportunity to discuss bridging gaps between disparate communities and talk openly about issues of discrimination that continue to plague countries in the OSCE community and beyond.

Actions speak louder than words, and so we decided to switch speeches. The State Department’s Special Envoy to Combat Anti-Semitism spoke out against Muslim-hatred and the Special Representative to Muslim Communities spoke out against Anti-Semitism. We both ended our remarks with this simple line, “Jews cannot fight anti-Semitism alone. Muslims cannot fight “Islamophobia” alone… Hate is hate, but we can overcome it together.”

It doesn’t matter who the victim is of hate speech. Steps must be taken to condemn it and fight against indifference to injustice. We must strive to ensure that no group is marginalized, stereotyped or discriminated against based on race, ethnicity, religion, or background.

SPECIAL ENVOY ROSENTHAL: We would like to highlight some of the positives that are making a difference.

We strongly support ODIHR’s efforts in promoting tolerance and non-discrimination. We particularly applaud programs to combat racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, intolerance and discrimination against Muslims, Christians and members of other religions and other forms of intolerance and discrimination.

We also encourage continued cooperation with the Chairmanship’s three Personal Representatives on Tolerance and Special Representative for Gender Issues, as well as the Advisory Panel of Experts on Freedom of Religion or Belief in this regard. We commend ODIHR’s important efforts to deal with hate crimes.

With increasing reports of hate crimes and other forms of intolerance in OSCE participating States, we must all commit to doing more. We urge OSCE participating States to implement Ministerial Decision 9/09 on Combating Hate Crimes adopted at the Athens Ministerial. In particular, States must honor commitments to collect hate crime data, report that data to ODIHR, and adopt and implement hate crimes legislation.

We have come back to the OSCE not just to speak against discrimination, but to take action—to build upon a moment and provoke tangible change. This year we are launching a campaign called 2011 Hours Against Hate. With increased rhetoric against minority groups--whether religious, race, socio-economic, or gender based—we must do more to stop the acceptability of hatred of the other. It is not only destructive to the present but it impacts the future.

Thus, this campaign is action oriented and forward thinking. We are asking young people around the world to take action—To do their part to be respectful of the other. To give dignity to the idea that someone who is different from you should be treated respectfully. The campaign will call upon the next generation to volunteer their time for the other—a Jew for a Muslim charity, a man for a women’s shelter, a Muslim for a Jewish clinic, a Christian for a Bahai food pantry. We are doing this because we realize that today’s youth will not be able to tackle the challenges of the future if they are entrenched in the divisions of the past. This is a virtual campaign of deeds.

From Spain to Azerbaijan we will visit historical examples of different groups living together peacefully and prosperously. We know that there has never been a “Golden Age” with regard to mutual respect, but there have been times when communities have lived and worked together as people. For example, in 15th Century Turkey, Sultan Mehmed fostered multi-religious communities throughout Istanbul, where Jews and Muslims coexisted side-by-side. The Tunisian island of Djerba is home to one of the world’s oldest Jewish communities and a place where Jews and Muslims celebrate each other’s holy days together. In Safi, Morocco, Jews and Muslims have prayed alongside each other for the past nine-centuries. And during the Holocaust, King Zog saved every single Jew in Albania. We clearly understand that the experiences of each religious group are not the same. We clearly understand that individual groups are navigating through difficult waters right now. Issues surrounding anti-Muslim speech or anti-Semitic language are separate and distinct – but – at the essence is the need to do more to be respectful of the other. We need to embrace pluralism.

The 2011 Hours Against Hate Campaign will take us to many of your countries and in conjunction with highlighting symbols of the past, young people will create new histories of “mutual respect”. Your young citizens will be asked to take part in a global campaign to “stop hate.”

Together we must stand up for respect and speak out against bigotry. We hope that you and your governments will join our campaign--That you will be leaders in your communities. This is about young men and women creating Golden Ages—living together and thriving; creating histories for the next generation.


When Dumb Chicks Marry Muslims

Police question parents of found 13-year-old

Police are investigating why a California teenager ran away from home. She was found in a hotel eight days later. KNBC's Beverly White reports.


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I’ve written plenty over the years about the dumb, selfish American women who marry Muslim men because they put their desperation for a penis over what’s good for America and our future generations.  Many of these women are stupid shills for Muslims seeking green cards.  Others are factories for anchor babies.  And still others are factories for a growing Muslim population.  It seems that Melissa Bender, mother of Jesse Bender, is all three of these things and more.  Her thirteen-year-old American daughter was forced to run away to avoid the price of being the progeny of an Islamic sperm donor and a horrible American mother who was complicit in the Islamic father’s plan to marry her off in an arranged marriage.


Jesse Bender, Age 13, Ran Away When Mom Tried to Send Her to Arranged Marriage by Muslim Dad in Pakistan

The daughter, Jesse Bender, has been found in hiding with relatives who tried to shield her from the Muslim arranged marriage in Pakistan.  And get a load of how mommy dearest, Melissa, was complicit in the plan and lied to police and the FBI, claiming her daughter ran away with an online predator, rather than tell authorities the real reason her daughter fled–to avoid being sent to Pakistan to be married off at age thirteen to some extremist Muslim stranger.  Yup, a nationwide manhunt with wasted resources because Mommy didn’t want to tell the truth about how she was complicit in this sickening Muslim plan.  So much for the assimilation of Islam into the West.

HESPERIA, Calif. — Investigators who spent more than a week searching for a 13-year-old girl her family feared had run away with someone she met online found her unharmed in a hotel Wednesday, where she said she had been hiding to avoid being forced into an arranged marriage in Pakistan.

Jesse Bender was taken into child protective custody as authorities decide whether to recommend filing charges against her family, San Bernardino County sheriff’s spokeswoman Cindy Bachman said.

No arrests have been made. A call to the Bender family home in the desert city of Hesperia went unanswered late Wednesday.

Jesse’s mother reported her missing on Feb. 22, telling authorities that her daughter was upset about having to go on a two-month vacation to her father’s native Pakistan, Bachman said.

Several days later, Melissa Bender told investigators she was worried her daughter ran off with someone she had been communicating with on Facebook. Her statement launched a nationwide kidnapping investigation by the FBI, U.S. Marshals Service, and multiple law enforcement agencies fearful that the girl was with an Internet predator.

Detectives served several search warrants and the investigation reached as far as Chicago because the mother believed the person who befriended her daughter on Facebook lived there.

“All that information was misleading,” Bachman said. “Whoever she was communicating with online was not a threat to her.”

As detectives began to focus on the Bender family, they learned that a relative was hiding Jessie in the nearby town of Apple Valley out of fear that she would be taken to Pakistan. That relative led detectives to the hotel early Wednesday.

Jesse’s three siblings were also taken into child protective custody pending the completion of the investigation, Bachman said.

“All of the information that was obtained by investigators will be sent to the district attorney’s office for review, I’m sure they’ll make some sort of recommendation,” Bachman said.

Let’s hope Melissa Bender is fully prosecuted and put behind bars for many years. That’s the only place for any mother who would do this to her daughter.

And, sadly, as I’ve repeatedly written, there are many more like her on American soil, many American women who care nothing about what’s right for America, what’s right for their children, and what’s right, period. They care only about themselves and their Muslim sex partners.

“Religion of peace” . . . and being forced into marriage to strangers in Pakistan at age 13.


Obama's Jesuitical ‘National Security’ Advisors