New Hampshire Moves to Criminalize TSA Grope-down Procedures

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Kurt Nimmo

March 2, 2011

New Hampshire may soon criminalize the TSA’s intrusive pat-downs and naked body porno scanners as sexual assault.

Debate has moved forward on HB628-FN, a bill that would make “the touching or viewing with a technological device of a person’s breasts or genitals by a government security agent without probable cause a sexual assault,” according to WMUR in Manchester.

“Let’s put their name on the sex offender registry, and maybe that will tell them New Hampshire means business,” said bill co-sponsor Rep. Andrew Manuse, R-Derry.

“That is a crime in this state, and we should charge them every single time,” added bill co-sponsor Rep. George Lambert, R-Litchfield.

TSA officials did not comment on the legislation. They insist so-called airport security checkpoints are under federal jurisdiction. “We have to understand that if things need to be changed, they have to be done at the federal level, not the state level,” said Democrat Rep. Laura Pantelakos.

In November, a California district attorney said he would charge TSA agents with sexual assault if they conducted the new pat-down procedures in his state.

“TSA does not have any special immunity from everybody else,” said Steve Wagstaffe, San Mateo County’s chief deputy district attorney. “If an employee of TSA inappropriately touches the privates of another person, and they do so with a sexual or lewd intent, then that’s either a misdemeanor (if it’s over the clothing) or a felony crime (possible when touching the skin).”

TSA grope-down behavior gained national attention when flier John Tyner told TSA agents “don’t touch my junk.” Tyner secretly recorded his TSA pat down experience on his iPhone. After the computer programmer refused to fly and obtained a ticket refund, TSA officials ordered him to return to the security inspection to complete his screening. Tyner was later threatened with a $10,000 fine for refusing to be sexually abused by the federal government.

Outraged citizens organized a national opt-out day in response to the TSA’s new grope and sexual abuse procedures.

“Groping, naked X-Ray scans, and invasive searches by government bureaucrats — probably not what you had in mind as part of your holiday travels,” Congressman Bob Barr of Liberty Guard wrote as the campaign kicked off prior to Thanksgiving. “Like many Americans, you might even be having second thoughts about flying this holiday season to avoid these invasions to your privacy at our nation’s airports.”

In response to the campaign, the TSA deactivated many naked body porno scanners around the country and waived sexual assault grope-down procedures.

“Considering recent hardline statements made by DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano and TSA Administrator John Pistole, this apparent sudden reversal in the TSA’s direction warrants additional scrutiny,” said Joe Seehussen, President of Liberty Guard. “We’d like to know if we can expect a policy shift from the TSA or if they were merely attempting to shut down the public outcry regarding their search procedures.”


The Dark Side of Flying Saucers - Are We Dealing With Something Evil?

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The Dark Side of Flying Saucers - Are We Dealing With Something Evil?

 By Sean Casteel

The mystery of just who is piloting the UFOs witnessed around the world since ancient times has many so-called “solutions.” Working from the available evidence, one can argue for any number of interpretations of the phenomenon, and those interpretations run the gamut from the UFOs being an early harbinger of the Second Coming of Christ to an invasion by cold-blooded, methodical aliens bent on colonizing our planet by the skillful combining of our DNA with theirs.

            There is also this less frequently heard interpretation: that the present day UFO and alien abduction phenomenon are simply a modernized, more technological manifestation of the same demons that have tormented and sought to manipulate mankind since the beginning of time. In other words, the gray aliens are nothing new and their basic malevolent intent has never changed.

This statement, by no less an authority than Lord Hill-Norton, the late five-star admiral and the former head of the British Ministry of Defence, helps to put that perspective into focus: “UFOs are essentially a religious matter rather than a military threat, and furthermore there is certainly a degree of psychic involvement in almost every case. Quite often, however, such experiences are definitely antithetical to orthodox Christian beliefs.”

I recently took part in the writing of a new book on this darker side of flying saucers. The book is called “Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucer.” A portion of the book is a reprint of an earlier book, circa sometime in the 1950s, by Cecil Michael, with which the later anthology shares its title. In the book, Michael describes a hellish abduction experience in which he visits the domain of the damned and is somehow miraculously returned and left coherent enough to write about the experience. Michael’s take on the subject is exactly the opposite of the majority of 1950s contactees, most of whom describe pleasant-looking, blond, Nordic aliens who compassionately warn mankind of his potential coming doom through nuclear warfare and environmental decay.

Given that Michael is for his time a dissenting, minority opinion, one would think it easy enough to dismiss what he is saying. But such is not the case. As all the updated material that was poured into “Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucer” so ably demonstrates, there are a great many researchers and abductees of our more current age who also believe that the UFO phenomenon is Satanic and demonic.

Two of the more prominent names in UFO research, the late John Keel and the celebrated Jacques Vallee (the character of LaCombe in the movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” was modeled after Vallee), both arrived at the conclusion that there is a spiritual, paranormal aspect to flying saucers that is too often denied by nuts-and-bolts researchers who see only the appearance of aliens from another planet in physical ships. But there is much about typical UFO encounters that blends rather fuzzily with time-honored stories of demons and run-ins with the “little people.” It is that opening of one’s self to the paranormal and psychic components that makes the overall experience so terrifying to so many.

 And the updated book does indeed present some terrifying anecdotes as it winds its way through its exhaustive treatment of the subject. One section of the book deals with the Jinn, the demons of Islamic mysticism, and makes a case for their overlapping with modern aliens. The Jinn are a morally complex form of demon, with some of them laboring to do good in the world, even “confessing” to the truth of the Koran.

Contributor Adam Gorightly deals with sexual encounters between humans and aliens, and discusses how “the Great Beast” Aleister Crowley used hallucinogenic drugs along with sexual “magick” to invoke otherworldly entities. Gorightly lumps together the sexual aspects of our present understanding of the alien abduction experience with ancient myths about demons as sexual predators in his chapter on “Psychic Space Age Vampires.” Meanwhile, author Tim Swartz recounts stories of human mutilation at the hands of the UFO occupants, one incident of which took place on a military base in Texas in 1956. The notion that the aliens/demons may feed on the energy contained in human blood and on human misery in general is also explored.

My own contributions to the book include a general overview of the beliefs of the aforementioned Keel and Vallee, as well as the case for the phenomenon’s wickedness made by pilot and researcher John Lear, the son of the man who invented the Lear Jet. When one sees the beguiling light show of an approaching UFO, Lear advises one to “run like hell” and not be suckered in by the beauty of the ships or in any way to assume their true demeanor is a friendly one. According to Lear, the aliens just want to suck out the marrow of our souls, and our fear and humiliation is nourishing to them.

I also interviewed a retired pastor named Tom Horn, who tells a story of a real-life encounter with a demonic entity that was witnessed by several members of his congregation. A rebellious teenager who had fallen under the spell of satanic heavy metal music appeared to become “possessed” and went charging at Horn only to run head-on into some kind of invisible force field and drop like a sack of potatoes. Horn believes he was singled out for the attack by the demon because of his position of authority as pastor, and testifies further that all who witnessed the apparent miracle were very shaken up and knew that there is a living God who watches over such things.

Horn very much believes that the UFO phenomenon is demonic for the most part, but he also acknowledges that his sister is an abductee, which creates a moral dilemma for him that he continues to ponder along with the many other spiritual issues that have long troubled him. He allows as how some of the UFO activity in the Bible can be put in the righteous category and that the present day abducting gray aliens may somehow stand outside normal notions of sin and wrongdoing. The phenomenon is not easy to categorize in everyday terms of black and white, even for those of devout Christian faith.

I also contributed a short chapter in which I discuss the views of “Communion” abductee Whitley Strieber and “Intruders” researcher Budd Hopkins. Strieber, at the time my interview with him was conducted, said it was very easy for him to equate the gray aliens with demons, and that the terror and the misery of the experience made it impossible to distinguish between them. Hopkins, on the other hand, said the moral complexity of the abduction phenomenon made it impossible to draw conclusions about the aliens’ inherent good or evil. All we can really do, according to Hopkins, is try to pick it up by the human end of it and examine the way it’s affected people, apart from any premature conclusions about the moral character of the abductors.

 Meanwhile, there is no lack of scary stories to be told about the wicked aspects of UFO lore. In an interview with Timothy Beckley, the book’s editor and publisher, Christopher O’Brien discusses the folklore surrounding creatures called “skin-walkers” in the mysterious San Luis Valley, which spans parts of Colorado and New Mexico and has been a UFO hotspot for several decades. The term “skin-walker” is interchangeable with “shape shifter,” and essentially means a creature that can change his appearance from human to animal and back again.  

“According to traditional knowledge,” O’Brien says, “skin-walkers are able to read a victim’s thoughts. They are also thought to be able to mimic any human or animal sound. This ability is sometimes used to draw unwitting victims outside by calling in the voice of a person known to them or using a familiar animal sound. Don’t ever look into and/or lock eyes with a suspected skin-walker. This will enable his will to enter you and take over all your motor functions and make you do and say things that are completely beyond your control. It takes the voodoo zombie thing to a whole new level!”

What is the government connection to all this? How do the intelligence community and the Pentagon view the good-versus-evil-of-the-aliens question? Noted author Nick Redfern alleges, in an interview with Tim Beckley about Redfern’s book “Final Events,” that the government long ago concluded that the UFOs were of a demonic nature and there was little to be done in terms of protecting the general public from the flying saucer devils. They began to develop a plan to convert the entire population to Evangelical Christianity so that they could at least wage a kind of spiritual battle for their immortal souls. Tom Horn, who I referred to earlier in this review, calls such people “prayer warriors,” saying, “Fervent prayer by the righteous would be the battering rams that could push through that demonic oppression.” Whether the government will ever go public with the prayerful strategy is another question entirely. 

The classic demons of Christianity as well as zombies, shape-shifters, hellhounds, vampires, succubi and incubi – “Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucer” has it all. (Coauthor Tim Beckley believes that the ghosts who trouble the haunted are also part of that same list of manifestations of “alien” evil.) There exists nowhere else such a complete, exhaustive study of the evil aspects of the UFO phenomenon. Drawing on a large collection of contributing authors, every angle of wickedness is covered in remarkable depth and thoroughness. It is also packed with photos and interesting sidebar material and will keep the reader absorbed throughout its 300 pages.

I would like to add, however, that I personally believe the UFO phenomenon and even alien abduction are not simply demonic. It would take a whole other book to make the argument for righteous aliens to as complete a degree as “Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucer” argues for the evil interpretation, but in the meantime you can check out my earlier books “UFOs, Prophecy and the End of Time,” “Signs and Symbols of the Second Coming” and “The Excluded Books of the Bible.” In any case, it certainly can’t hurt for us to pray for God’s mercy on our souls, which you will definitely want to consider doing once you’ve read “Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucer.” The cover alone, with artwork by Tim Swartz, is enough to put a scare into you, so please approach this book with caution.

[If you enjoyed this article, please visit Sean Casteel’s UFO Journalist website at  Several of his books are available for purchase there, as well as at]

If you would like more information or if you wish to purchase this book from simply click on the book's title: Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucer: UFO Parasites - Alien Soul Suckers - Invaders From Demonic Realms



Giant Underground Chamber Discovered On the Moon

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Jesus Diaz

Giant Underground Chamber Discovered On the MoonBack in 2009, the Japanese Space Agency JAXA announced moon hole deep enough to contain a small human base. Now, the Indian Space Research Organization has discovered a "giant underground chamber" near the Moon's equator, in the Oceanus Procellarum area.

The huge cave— discovered by the Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft—is more than one mile long (1.7 kilometers) and 393 feet wide (120 meters). By comparison, the vertical hole that Jaxa discovered was only 213 feet (65 meters across) and 289 feet deep (88 meters). This new chamber is big enough to contain a small lunar city or a secret Nazi base with a few thousand UFOs.

The Indian researchers have published a paper detailing their findings and talking about the possibility of making this giant underground vault as a future human base. The settlement would be protected from radiation, micro-meteor impacts, dust and extreme temperature changes by the lava structure:

Lava provides a natural environmental control with a nearly constant temperature of minus 20 degrees Celsius (-4 degrees Fahrenheit), unlike that of the lunar surface showing extreme variation, maximum of 130 degrees Celsius (266 degrees Fahrenheit) to a minimum of minus 180 degrees Celsius (-292 degrees Fahrenheit) in its diurnal (day-night) cycle.

Giant Underground Chamber Discovered On the Moon They also point out that explorers would only need minimal construction, without the added cost of having to use expensive shields against the hazardous lunar environment.

If humans ever colonize this chamber, I hope they call the city Attilan. [Silicon India]


Playboy Mansion Full of Deadly Disease

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Hamilton Nolan

Playboy Mansion Full of Deadly DiseaseHealth officials in Los Angeles were curious why "hundreds" of people got sick after a fundraising party at the Playboy Mansion last month. It turns out the Playboy Mansion is full of Legionnaire's disease! Which can lead to fatal respiratory failure, septic shock, and acute liver failure. Thought it's not likely!

Here's where the joke about STDs goes.

[Photo: AP]


Bible Now 100% Booty-Free

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Hamilton Nolan

Bible Now 100% Booty-FreeThe ol' Catholic church is revising the Bible again. Should that even be allowed? Anyhow. They don't want any bad PR, for Jesus, so they're removing the term "booty," as in "stuff you steal after a war," and replacing it with "spoils" of war. And look at this bullshit:

Proverbs 31:10, the ode to "The Ideal Wife," is now a "Poem on the Woman of Worth."

"Women will like this: being measured by their own accomplishments, not in terms of a husband's perspective," says Mary Elizabeth Sperry of the Bishops Conference.

Uhhh, I'm pretty sure women will like whatever Jesus tells them to like???? No booty and no wife, why doesn't the Catholic church like women? Oh, right.

[USAT. Photo via]


Public Toilets are Cleaner Than Shopping Carts

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Jeff Neumann

Public Toilets are Cleaner Than Shopping CartsWhat's worse than sticking your hand down a public toilet? Gripping a shopping cart, apparently. A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Arizona found that of 87 shopping cart handles examined, 72 percent had markers for fecal matter. And of those 87 carts, 36 had E. coli. Just how bad is that?

"That's more than you find in a supermarket's restroom," said Charles Gerba, the lead researcher on the study and a professor of microbiology at the University of Arizona. "That's because they use disinfecting cleaners in the restrooms. Nobody routinely cleans and disinfects shopping carts."

That's bad. And what about reusable shopping bags? According to Gerba:

"It's like wearing the same underwear every day."


Charlie Sheen Loses Kids, Gains 600,000 Followers

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Charlie Sheen Loses Kids, Gains 600,000 FollowersPolice arrived at actor/F-18 jet Charlie Sheen's house on Tuesday night and removed his twin boys from his custody, following allegations that he threatened his ex-wife Brooke Mueller on several occasions. (Mueller had obtained a restraining order against Sheen earlier in the day; she alleges that he threatened to "stab [her] eye with a pen knife" and, at another time, "cut [her] head off, put it in a box, and send it to [her] mom.")

But even in the midst of losing his sons, Sheen gained a new (non-porn) family: The 600,000-plus followers on his brand-new Twitter account. Yes, Charlie Sheen joined Twitter on Tuesday (so did Kiefer Sutherland, meaning we just need Oliver Platt and Chris O'Donnell for a Three Musketeers Twitter reunion), and seems to have set some kind of speed record for followers, amassing well over 600,000 at the time of this post's publication. And for that family, eager to watch the ongoing trainwreck/manic episode/consciousness-awakening of their favorite Hot Shots cast member, Sheen did not disappoint.

This is his first Tweet, accompanied by the leftmost photo you see above:


Bullhead Man Sentenced for Sexual Abuse and Aiding and Abetting

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Bullhead Man Sentenced for Sexual Abuse and Aiding and Abetting

PIERRE, SD—U.S. Attorney Brendan V. Johnson announced that a Bullhead man charged with sexual abuse and aiding and abetting was sentenced on February 28, 2011, in Aberdeen by U.S. District Judge Charles B. Kornmann. Travis Weasel, age 31, was sentenced to 108 months in custody and 10 years of supervised release.

Weasel was indicted for sexual abuse and aiding and abetting by a federal grand jury in March 2010. Weasel pled guilty in November 2010. The charge stems from the sexual abuse of an incapacitated individual in Bullhead in November 2008.

This case was investigated by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Standing Rock Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Assistant U.S. Attorney Eric Kelderman prosecuted the case.

Weasel was immediately turned over to the custody of the U.S. Marshal.


Florida Man Pleads Guilty to Transportation of a Muscatine Minor for Illicit Sexual Purposes

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Florida Man Pleads Guilty to Transportation of a Muscatine Minor for Illicit Sexual Purposes

DAVENPORT, IA—On February 28, 2011, Justin David Carter, 27, of Jacksonville,
Florida, pled guilty in federal court in Davenport to transportation of a minor with intent to
engage in criminal sexual activity, announced United States Attorney Nicholas A. Klinefeldt.

According to the written plea agreement, Carter traveled from Jacksonville, Florida to
Muscatine, Iowa to meet a 12-year-old girl. Carter had previously communicated with her
through a “chat room” in an online dating site. The girl then traveled with Carter to Florida.
On the return trip to Florida, Carter checked into a Motel 6 in Mount Vernon, Illinois, where the
two stayed together overnight. Carter provided alcohol to the minor and engaged in sexual
contact and intercourse, which was a crime in the state of Illinois because of the minor’s age.
The following day, Carter continued with the girl to Florida. On or about June 6, 2010, they
arrived in Jacksonville, where FBI agents located Carter and questioned him. Eventually, Carter
directed agents to a park where they found the girl in a tent.

Carter entered his guilty plea in a proceeding before Chief United States Magistrate
Thomas J. Shields. Sentencing has been scheduled for July 8, 2011, at 10:30 a.m., at the United
States Courthouse in Davenport before United States District Judge John A. Jarvey. Carter faces
a mandatory minimum sentence of at least 10 years in federal prison, and a maximum sentence of
life, along with a maximum fine of $250,000. Carter will remain in custody pending imposition
of sentence.

United States Attorney Nicholas A. Klinefeldt commended the efforts of the Muscatine
Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, who worked quickly and effectively
together when the minor was reported missing. “This case demonstrates the strong commitment
of law enforcement agencies to work together to protect our children,” said Mr. Klinefeldt. “My
office will continue to aggressively prosecute cases within our jurisdiction involving the
exploitation of children, including cases where child predators use the Internet to pursue their

Weysan Dun, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI in Nebraska and Iowa, stated, "The
crime Justin Carter committed is unconscionable. While we can't erase the harm done by this
horrible act, the FBI will continue to ensure the children of these crimes are protected and the
subjects are brought to justice."

This case was prosecuted by the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District
of Iowa, with assistance from the United States Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of
Florida. The case was investigated by the Muscatine (Iowa) Police Department; the Jacksonville (Florida) Sheriff’s Office; and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.


The King's Speech

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The King's Speech

No, this is not about the silly movie about a British King with a lisp. It's rather about a man who thinks he is king, and is governing with the prerogatives of a decadent monarch.
While the President and his Secretary of State call for Mubarack of Egypt, and now also Kaddafi of Lybia to step down; Mr. Obama and his administration carry on in a despotic manner as if they are above reproach. Bulls and Edicts are soon to follow since the apparent change to the use of Cannon Law

Last week, President Obama shocked the nation, but didn't surprise me at all, by stating that he would no longer uphold the Defense of Marriage Act, and has advised Attorney General Eric Holder to follow suit.

Obama administration will no longer defend DOMA

Jay Carney* (new White House Press Secretary):
The decision is that we will -- the administration will not defend the Defense of Marriage Act in the Second Circuit. Furthermore, the President directed the Attorney General not to defend, because of the decision that it’s not constitutional, defend the Defense of Marriage Act in any other circuit, in any other case.

Here are my concerns:

While the nation is experiencing a financial crisis (despite the ever present propaganda that we're in the midst of recovery) with unemployment on the record at 9%, and well over 18% on the ground;

  1. When the national deficit is rapidly approaching $14,200,000,000,000 ;
  2. When the government is operating without a budget and is facing a possible shut-down;
  3. When 4 Americans were kidnapped and killed by Somali 'PIRATES';
  4. When 4 Police Officers have recently been killed in Florida, three of which were in St. Petersburgh within the last 30 days;
  5. While inflation is affecting the price of all consumer goods;
  6. While there is a disruption of Law and Order in the capital of Wisconsin;
  7. While Wisconsin Democrat State Senators are hiding, failing to report to duty, and teachers are playing hooky from school;
  8. And there are crowds chanting in the streets of cities: If they did it in Egypt, we can do it here too!
Mr. Obama decides it's time to meet in private with Democrat Governors in Washington;
State budget crisis looms over governors meeting 7online.comFeb 25, 2011 ...
Obama, for his part, invited only Democratic governors to the White House for a private meeting ahead of the weekend's events, ...
Mr. Obama celebrates the Motown Sound in the White House, while Madison is in havoc;

Obama Celebrates Motown Records at the White House Rolling Stone ...

Feb 25, 2011 ... The White House celebrated the music of Motown Records yesterday ...
President Obama held the event as part of an ongoing celebration of ... -

Mr. Obama says he won't enforce the Defense of Marriage Act, as if he were the Supreme Court.

What planet are we living on, here? Futurama?

Do we have government by decree in the land of the free? Are we a monarchy in the midst of all this anarchy?

Isn't this reminiscent of the famous line attributed to Queen Marie Antoinette:
"Let them eat cake"?

On another note, this is like a sick Hegelian Dialectic Bowling game - Bill Clinton sets them up, then Obama knocks them down:

Don't ask Don't Tell - Bill Clinton, January, 1993 - Obama, January 2011.

Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) Bill Clinton, 1996 - Obama , February 2011.

So far the only observable exception to this peculiar Clinton-Obama symbiotic relationship is the HEALTH CARE OVERHAUL.

Bill Clinton (Hillary Rodham) attempted passing Health Care Reform during his tenure; But, Obama slam dunked it like a Harlem Globetrotter in 2010, with smoke and mirrors.

*Carney - Merriam-Webster- 2: a person who works with a carnival