Grabbing their little souls

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Grabbing their little souls

We are all so concerned about nabbing the hearts and minds of our littlies.

Childhood is seen as critical in the battle for the brain. Is it because children are seen as malleable meat for the proselytisers and propagandists? Or is it because this is a stage of life where compulsion is often mandated, so you have them trapped.  Either way, both godless and godly are battling for educational air space.

There is a national debate surreptitiously raging about what godly or ungodly stuff should cleanse or pollute their tiny developing minds.  Nationally, the Labor government has poured hundreds of millions into the Howard-created National School Chaplaincy Program, which may face a challenge as unconstitutional in the High Court. So God promotion is now bipartisan.  But it always was.

Wayne Goss’s Labor government in Queensland created the chaplaincy program in that state in the early 1990s, and Labor’s premier Peter Beattie upped the ante in 2006, pledging $3 million for the program after five Liberal MPs  started baying for Jesus. In Melbourne, during the state election campaign, then education minister Bronwyn Pike refused to allow the Humanist Society of Victoria to teach in religious education time as it is not a religion. That spat is headed for the courts and the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. The new Baillieu government has not yet made its view known on this matter. In NSW, the St James Ethical Centre conducted a successful trial on a secular ethics course, and the NSW Labor government has had to introduce legislation to ensure the Coalition can't dump the classes if it gets into government (given how on the nose NSW Labor is, this is a prudent move).

I suppose you expect me to rail against those politicians, scared of the Christian backlash, cravenly court the God vote. And part of me does want to throw that predictable tantrum.  But before I do, let me opine on the question of how just how impressionable is the malleable meat of childhood. The orthodoxy is that the teaching of the parents’ incumbent faith moulds the brain forever. This is reflected in the Jesuit motto ‘‘Give me a child until he is seven and I will give you the man’’, allegedly based on a gender-specific observation of St Francis Xavier.  But that phrase was crafted in an age where one could monopolise the data input into your children’s brains and what is more, emphasise it with terrifying corporal punishment.  Tragically, we live in a different world where kids have power and access.

Modernity might alter the Jesuit orthodoxy.  I just wonder how influential all this godly and godless peddling might be in the future.  Certainly the mullahs of Iran, kept in power by a violent military dictatorship, abhor and are powerless before the liberation of the young offered by the internet.  The young mind is now free to roam the world in search of inspiration and education.  Some tedious teacher sermonising on God in any land seems lame to the power 10.

Let me give a trite but emblematic illustration.  One weekend, I am travelling down St Kilda Road in Melbourne with my 21-year-old daughter and I pass a building that has loomed large in my life. The Melbourne Synagogue is extraordinary. It stands out like a beacon with the incandescent green verdigris of its massive faux-Byzantine dome.  It was the place of my bar mitzvah and endless days of compulsory worship.  I must have spoken of it endlessly.  And yet my daughter, who was compelled to study secular Judaism for her humanist bat mitzvah for a couple of years, insouciantly asks, ‘‘What’s that building?’’  I was horrified.  How could she not know the building that played such a massive role in my life, our neighbourhood and our conversations?

Well the point is that the values of her upbringing count for not much when competing with all of the other intellectual sources of data in her life.  She, like most engineering students, has an encyclopaedic knowledge of alcoholic beverages; a dazzling dexterity on Facebook; an exhaustive knowledge of contemporary musicians and, being slight of stature, an expertise is surfing mosh pits.

And so I have a somewhat jaundiced view of the competing battles to proselytise the young.  The propaganda can be self-defeating.  Adults have an endless moral panic about the young.  We have some justifiable fears that they will kill themselves sticking junk up their arms or drink down their gullets.  But we take those justifiable (although sometimes exaggerated) fears and extend them to other areas such as their cultural ignorance and moral turpitude.  I lament the fact that my kids don’t know the King James Bible and are religiously illiterate.  But there is nothing I can do about it.  And I think there is not much that the educational bovver boys of faith and the supine politicians they have snared can do either. I reckon the Chaplaincy Program is pouring an immoral amount of money down the educational toilet.  There is nothing more boring and alienating than RE teachers.  They are the unwittingly the assault pioneers of unbelief.

So let us think more realistically about the epistemological inspirations of the young.  Let us put aside our moral panic.  Let us be open-minded about letting both the godless and the godly have their spaces.  Remember the mullahs of Iran.  They have lost the battle for the hearts and minds of the young.  I suspect that the Christian mullahs of Australia will share the same fate as they try to shove God down the unwilling or bored throats of the young.  For kids are not anti-God.  They just have so many other things to think about.

What is your view?  Should kids get faith education?  Is the $220 million going into the Chaplaincy Program an immoral waste or a necessary commitment to moral education? Should the Humanists and Secularists be frozen out?


Is the Martydom of Iraqi Catholics becoming the seed of Crusaders?

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Is the Martydom of Iraqi Christians becoming the seed of Crusaders?

A victim of the Islamist attack on a Baghdad church said after she had been lying for hours in her own blood, "I thought I would come out alive, but even if I didn't I was in church and therefore it would have been good to die."

Luiz P Solimeo

“Enough! Enough!” shouted a three-year old toddler as he chased one of the Islamic terrorists gunning down the faithful at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help that evening of October 31, 2010. In response, the Mujahidin turned his gun on the valiant boy and riddled him with bullets.

“Christian dogs”

About 200 Catholics were fulfilling their Sunday obligation at the cathedral of the Syriac Catholic rite (an Eastern Catholic rite under the Pope) in central Baghdad. They knew they were at risk because one of the priests in the cathedral, Father Douglas Yousef Al-Bazy, had been kidnapped in 2006 and the church was surrounded with barbed wire fences and concrete blocks for protection.

The evening Mass was developing normally when terrorists broke into the church shouting, “Christian dogs, you are all going to die because you are infidels, you’re going to hell and we are going to paradise! Allah Akbar!”1

“Several survivors,” The New York Times reports, “said that many of the casualties occurred when the gunmen entered and began firing randomly—at people, church icons and even windows. They described a ferocity on the part of the gunmen, some of them speaking in dialects from other Arab countries, as though the very sight of the church’s interior had enraged them. ‘They seemed insane,’ said Ban Abdullah, a 50-year-old survivor.”2

The Shepherd Offers Himself up for the Sheep

Holding a crucifix, Fr. Wassim Sabih, one of the two priests murdered in the church, asked the terrorists to kill him but spare his faithful. He was thrown on the ground and killed.

Marie Freij, a parishioner, was wounded in the leg and lay for three hours bathed in her own blood. Her statement, later at the hospital, touches on the sublimity of the Faith: “I thought I would come out alive, but even if I didn’t I was in church and therefore it would have been good [to die].”

After the five hours of terror were over, three priests and 50 faithful lay dead, and about 80 wounded. The Islamic terrorists blew themselves up with their explosive vests as the police broke in.

Threats to the Pope and to All Christians

This barbarous act of terrorism was claimed by an arm of Al-Qaeda, the “Islamic State of Iraq,” which issued this statement:

“The Mujahideens raided a filthy nest of the nests of polytheism, which has been long taken by the Christians of Iraq as a headquarter for a war against the religion of Islam.”3

The statement described the pope as “the hallucinating tyrant of the Vatican” and warned that Christians would be “extirpated and dispersed” from Iraq. “All Christian centers, organizations and institutions, leaders and followers, are legitimate targets for the muhajideen wherever they can reach them,” the statement said. “We will open upon them the doors of destruction and rivers of blood.”4

Martyrs and Crusaders

The Islamic terrorists who brutally massacred the Catholics in the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Perpetual Help in Baghdad and then committed suicide saw themselves as martyrs to their religion and hoped to received the reward of 72 virgins for eternity.

In contrast, a real martyr–the Christian martyr–is one who gives his life in testimony to and in defense of the Faith or a virtue; in holocaust to God’s love, he prefers to die rather than abandon faith or virtue.

There is no doubt that the priests and laity immolated during Mass in Baghdad can be considered martyrs: they died bearing witness to the Faith. They knew they were running a risk going to Mass in view of continuous threats but decided to face them out of religious zeal.

Let us ask them to intercede especially for the Catholics persecuted in the Islamic world.

The Holy Ghost, who raised up legions of martyrs in the Church, drawing admiration and many conversions among their own executioners in the Roman Empire, also stirred up enthusiasm for the Crusades in defense of the Faith preached by Blessed Pope Urban II and Saint Bernard. The crusaders went to the Orient not to impose the faith through the sword–the way Islam expanded–but to defend Christians in the Holy Land and the Byzantine Empire attacked by the followers of Mohamed and to regain custody of the Holy Sepulcher of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us ask the martyrs of Baghdad to intercede so that the spirit of Crusade may be rekindled in this our decadent West, which is now so far removed from the Catholic faith.

Luiz S Solimeo writes for

1. Sébastien de Courtois, Les chrétiens d'Irak racontent leur calvaire quotidien, Nov. 12, 2010,

ARTFIG00586-les-chretiens-d-irak-racontent-leur-calvaire-quotidien.php. [back]

2. ANTHONY SHADID, “Church Attack Seen as Strike at Iraq’s Core,” Nov. 1, 2010,

/02iraq.html?_r=1&pagewanted=print. [back]

3. Jonathan Adams, Correspondent / Nov. 1, 2010, “Deadly Baghdad church siege highlights threat to Iraqi Christians,”

-Baghdad-church-siege-highlights-threat-to-Iraqi-Christians. [back]

4. “Resurgent al-Qaida threatens Christians in Iraq with 'destruction'” Martin Chulov, Nov. 3, 2010, IRAQ: Al Qaeda threat: Christians are legitimate targets,




Germany and US 'knew where Eichmann was in 1952'

Critics believe the inaction on the part of both countries was to protect both German officials and pro-Nazi clergy in the Vatican who helped him escape.

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Germany and US 'knew where Eichmann was in 1952'

American and German intelligences services knew where Adolf Eichmann – the logistical mastermind of the Nazi Holocaust – was hiding almost a decade before he was kidnapped and brought to trial, documents being released in Munich show.

Adolph Eichmann: Germany fights to keep Holocaust organiser's files sealed

Adolph Eichmann during his trial in 1961 

By Allan Hall in Berlin

Critics believe the inaction on the part of both countries was to protect both German
officials and pro-Nazi clergy in the Vatican who helped him escape.

The newspaper Bild reported on Saturday that it had gained access to
some of the files of the BND intelligence service showing it knew where
Eichmann was hiding under an alias in Argentina as early as 1952.

It was not until 1960 that an Israeli Mossad commando squad kidnapped him and
flew him to Israel to stand trial for his war crimes. Eichmann was hanged in
Israel in 1962.

"SS Colonel Eichmann is not to be found in Egypt but is residing in
Argentina under the fake name Clemens. E's address is known to the editor of
the German newspaper Der Weg in Argentina," it says on an index card
dated 1952 and reproduced in Bild. The BND also told America about
Eichmann's whereabouts in 1958.

Bild said it had forced the release of the documents following a recent court
case in which the BND was ordered to release some information.


A peace of Vatican in the center of Jerusalem

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A peace of Vatican in the center of Jerusalem

Notre Dame cathedral is the right place for pilgrims who cannot subsist solely on spiritual sustenance and architectural delights.
Notre Dame in Jerusalem
If you’re in the market for some Christian-themed Jerusalem sightseeing this weekend, the options are unlimited, especially if Catholic churches with vaulted ceilings and magnificent iconography are up your alley. Because of its status as an international hub of spirituality and religion, it often seems as if the city hosts embassies or headquarters for every single sect, denomination and faction on the face of the globe, and this is doubly the case where Christianity is concerned.
If the endless possibilities of places to see don’t deter you, we recommend that you find the time to integrate the magnificent Pontifical Institute Notre Dame into your day. The towering French cathedral is conveniently located between the eastern and western parts of Jerusalem, within short walking distance of the bustling city center. It boasts a majestic knave and combines classical and modernist architecture with a touch of eastern motifs thrown in for good measure. And if you’re not in the habit of subsisting solely on spiritual sustenance and architectural delights (read: in the mood for a yummy lunch), you’re also in luck, as the acclaimed La Rotisserie restaurant is on the premises and always ready to dish out delicious fare to discerning visitors.
But the best thing Notre Dame has going for it has got to be its lofty
standing in Rome. As Director Father Juan María Solana tells us, the
campus was a personal project of the Vatican, which turned the compound
into the Holy See’s official center for pilgrims in Jerusalem. Pope John
Paul VI, who personally oversaw the restoration work, considered the
finished knave a “holy place,” and held an interfaith meeting there
during his visit to Jerusalem in 2000, forever imbuing Notre Dame with a
spirit of piety and reconciliation.

For more information about this and other Jerusalem attractions, visit

Maltese Catholic church to set up tribunal into child sex abuse after victims write to Vatican

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Maltese Catholic church to set up tribunal into child sex abuse after victims write to Vatican

George Cini, The Associated Press

VALLETTA, Malta - The Maltese Catholic Church will set up a special tribunal to deal with claims that three Maltese priests abused boys at an orphanage 20 years ago — but critics said the church is still moving too slowly.

Victims of the alleged abuse have repeatedly urged quicker action, most recently in a Dec. 27 letter to the Vatican in which they said church authorities and courts were taking too long to deal with the case. Local courts have been holding closed-door hearings on the allegations for seven years.

The Maltese curia said the tribunal will be set up following instructions from the Vatican. No date was set. Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi said Sunday that those instructions had already been sent over Christmas.

"We hope that now the case can be dealt with speedily," Lombardi said Sunday.

Pope Benedict XVI visited Malta last spring and had a private, emotional meeting with the alleged victims, who faced abuse in the 1980s and 1990s.

Lawrence Grech, one of the five complainants, said the priests involved ought to have been defrocked ages ago. "The court case has been taking far too much time," he said Sunday.

In a surprise move, the three accused priests filed a constitutional case Thursday claiming their right to a fair hearing had been breached because of the media exposure the case has garnered. This constitutional case is expected to delay proceedings further.

The Mediterranean island of Malta has 400,000 people, the overwhelming majority of them Roman Catholic.

Associated Press Writer Alessandra Rizzo in Rome contributed to this report.


InterContinental 'killer' confesses to castrating dead journalist

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A male model has confessed to brutally torturing his journalist sugar daddy in a Midtown hotel for more than an hour -- and then castrating him with a wine corkscrew -- to get rid of "demons and a virus," law-enforcement sources said yesterday.

"I'm not gay anymore!" accused killer Renato Seabra, 20, told investigators he raged to popular Portuguese fashion columnist Carlos Castro, 65.

Seabra then allegedly attacked the older man at the InterContinental Hotel in Times Square on Friday.

He told cops that he killed Castro "to get rid of demons, to get rid of the virus," sources said. "The virus" does not refer to AIDS, although it was unclear what exactly Seabra meant by the statement, the source said.

SICKO: Renato Seabra, 20, allegedly admitted to cops that he exclaimed, 'I'm not gay anymore!' and then beat, tortured and killed 65-year-old Portuguese journalist Carlos Castro in a Times Square hotel room.

SICKO: Renato Seabra, 20, allegedly admitted to cops that he exclaimed, "I'm not gay anymore!" and then beat, tortured and killed 65-year-old Portuguese journalist Carlos Castro in a Times Square hotel room.

Seabra confessed to the gruesome slaying Saturday night while recovering at Bellevue Hospital, where he was being treated for self-inflicted slashes to his wrists, sources said. He was then charged with second-degree murder.

"My son was not Carlos Castro's lover," Seabra's mother, Odília Pereirinha, told a Portuguese TV station. "From the beginning, he never hid his sexuality, which is heterosexual."

"My son, being a golden boy, who is so good, he didn't do this."

The couple had been dating since October, sources said, and was supposed to be vacationing in New York through Jan. 15.

But Seabra allegedly confronted Castro, telling him that he was not gay and was only using him for his money and influence, sources said.

The pair got into a heated dispute, sources said.

The model told investigators that he beat, kicked and punched the helpless Castro for more than an hour as the older man lay on the floor of the 34th-floor room. Seabra then allegedly bashed Castro in the head with a heavy computer monitor.

Seabra took a wine corkscrew to mutilate his victim, plunging it into one of Castro's eyes and then using it to cut off his testicles, sources said.

The mutilation was long and gruesome. "It wasn't a two-minute thing," one source said.

Castro may have still been alive but was likely unconscious at this point, the sources said.

After the slaying, Seabra took a shower and put on a suit. At some point before leaving, he slit his wrists.

He was nabbed at Roosevelt Hospital after taking a cab there to seek treatment, officials said.

With AP


Fear hits members of House

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WASHINGTON -- Shaken by the attempted assassination of Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona, House members are rethinking planned events that have them mingling unprotected with constituents in their congressional districts.

Rep. Nita Lowey (D-White Plains) yesterday said she would keep doing the community visits she calls "Neighborhood Office Hours" -- but from now on, the cops and feds would be involved.

"Ensuring the safety of all participants is of the highest importance and will be reviewed with the advice of local and federal law enforcement," Lowey said.

Rep. Eliot Engel (D-Bronx) said he expects there to be ample discussions on Capitol Hill about "some sort of security for Congress members."

The Capitol Police is chiefly responsible for protecting members of Congress on the Hill as well as across the country.

The force -- which has about 1,800 officers -- guards Capitol Hill entrances, parking lots and park grounds, not to mention the 535 lawmakers.

But now, some of the legislators are wondering if that's enough.

Two lawmakers, Reps. Heath Shuler (D-NC) and Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) told they plan to be armed themselves when they return to their home districts.

Both legislators have conceal and carry permits and said they've been the recipients of threats in the past, the Web site said.

Congressional leaders announced there will be a rare bipartisan security briefing, to include the House sergeant-at-arms, the Capitol Police and the FBI, this week.


Gabrielle Giffords shooting: Frightening, twisted shrine in Arizona killer Jared Lee Loughner's yard

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Gabrielle Giffords shooting: Frightening, twisted shrine in Arizona killer Jared Lee Loughner's yard

BY Matthew Lysiak In Tucson and Lukas I. Alpert


Miniature altar with human skull replica in backyard tent at Jared Lee Loughner's home.
Miniature altar with human skull replica in backyard tent at Jared Lee Loughner's home.
Tent containing shrine in Jared Lee Loughner's Tucson backyard. <b>FOR MORE PHOTOS OF LOUGHNER'S HOUSE AND THE SCENE OF THE SHOOTING, CLICK THE ABOVE IMAGE.</b>
Tent containing shrine in Jared Lee Loughner's Tucson backyard. FOR MORE PHOTOS OF LOUGHNER'S HOUSE AND THE SCENE OF THE SHOOTING, CLICK THE ABOVE IMAGE.

A sinister shrine reveals a chilling occult dimension in the mind of the deranged gunman accused of shooting a member of Congress and 19 others.

Hidden within a camouflage tent behind Jared Lee Loughner's home sits an alarming altar with a skull sitting atop a pot filled with shriveled oranges.

A row of ceremonial candles and a bag of potting soil lay nearby, photos reveal.

Experts on Sunday said the elements are featured in the ceremonies of a number of occult groups.

Investigators have focused on Loughner's online anti-government ramblings as the chief motivation for the shooting Saturday of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.).

The discovery of the shrine raises the possibility that Loughner, 22, may have been driven by other forces. Students and faculty at Pima Community College, which he attended until his suspension last summer, said Loughner was clearly at odds with the world.


"He was one of the last kids tocome in, and he sat down and almost immediately started laughing to himself in a way that was just kind of creepy," a classmate, Alex Kotonias, 20, told USA Today.

"As soon as the teacher started going over the syllabus, he had this outburst out of nowhere, didn't even raise his hand, and started asking the teacher some sort of weird questions about whether he believed in mind control."

Adjunct Prof. Ben McGahee, 28, worried about violence. "I remember going home and thinking to myself, 'Is he going to bring a weapon to class?'" he told USA Today.

Lynda Sorenson, 52, who was in McGahee's basic algebra class with Loughner, expressed similar fears in emails to friends, The Washington Post reports.

Inside Jared Lee Loughner's home (DAILY NEWS EXCLUSIVE).

Adjunct Prof. Ben McGahee, 28, worried about violence. "I remember going home and thinking to myself, 'Is he going to bring a weapon to class?'" he told USA Today.

Lynda Sorenson, 52, who was in McGahee's basic algebra class with Loughner, expressed similar fears in emails to friends, The Washington Post reports.

On June 14, she wrote: "We have a mentally unstable person in the class that scares the living crap out of me. He is one of those whose picture you see on the news, after he has come into class with an automatic weapon. Everyone interviewed would say, 'Yeah, he was in my math class and he was really weird.' I sit by the door with my purse handy."

In September, college officials sent campus police officers to Loughner's home, where he lives with his parents, with a letter informing him he could not return without a mental health professional's written assurance that hispresence at college would "notpresent a danger to himself or others."

"It was obvious to everyone that Jared wasn't a normal guy,"said neighbor Anthony Woods, 19.

Loughner worked as a volunteer at the Pima Animal Care Center, where he walked dogs and cleaned cages. "He loved animals and was a good worker," said another volunteer.

Loughner had once tried to join the military but was deemed unsuitable, officials said.

Gun Control in the U.S.

What do you think of current gun laws in the United States?


Male model Renato Seabra charged with murder after confession in castration slay of Carlos Castro

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Male model Renato Seabra charged with murder after confession in castration slay of Carlos Castro

BY Rocco Parascandola, Alison Gendar, Erica Pearson and John Lauinger


Police believe that model Renato Seabra (right) and gay journalist Carlos Castro (left) had dated for several months before Castro was murdered.
Dias/AP; via Facebook
Police believe that model Renato Seabra (right) and gay journalist Carlos Castro (left) had dated for several months before Castro was murdered.
Police investigate the crime scene at the Intercontinental Hotel in Times Square Friday night.

Gabel for News

Police investigate the crime scene at the Intercontinental Hotel in Times Square Friday night.

A male model confessed Sunday to killing a gay journalist in a Times Square hotel - and gave cops a twisted explanation of why he sexually mutilated his victim, sources said.

Renato Seabra, 20, told cops he used a corkscrew to sever 65-year-old Carlos Castro's genitals as a way to cure the older man of his homosexuality, the police sources said.

Seabra was charged with second-degree murder, police said Monday.

Seabra and Castro came to New York from their native Portugal and by all accounts were a couple - but Seabra appears unable to admit that, police sources said.

"He said he did it to get rid of [Castro's] homosexual demons," one of the police sources said.

Police believe the two men had dated for several months, even though Seabra's family insisted the tanned hunk is straight.

"My son was not Carlos Castro's lover," Seabra's mother, Odília Pereirinha, told a Portuguese TV station. "From the beginning, he never hid his sexuality, which is heterosexual."

Castro was a high-profile gay activist and society columnist in his home country.

Seabra's claim to fame was as a pretty boy contestant on a top model reality show.

The duo were staying at the InterContinental Hotel since Dec. 29 and hit the town together often, dining and drinking at fancy restaurants, friends said.

Whatever the nature of their relationship, this much is certain, cops say: Seabra brutalized his victim and left him to die in a pool of blood.

Detectives briefly questioned Seabra on Sunday at the Bellevue Hospital psychiatric ward, where he is in police custody, the sources said.

Castro was found dead in his room at the hotel Friday. An autopsy showed Castro died of strangulation and blunt-force trauma to the head.

Seabra fled the hotel, but was nabbed at Roosevelt Hospital when he sought treatment for cuts to his face and wrists. Investigators believe he may have tried to kill himself.

Castro paid for the couple's trip to New York to celebrate the new year, but detectives believe Seabra killed his gray-haired lover when he refused to take him on an expensive shopping trip.

Seabra's mother said her son - whom she described as shy and religious - wasn't capable of such horror.

"My son, being a golden boy, who is so good, he didn't do this," she said.


It's Time to Hate BP All Over Again

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It's Time to Hate BP All Over AgainIt's Time to Hate BP All Over AgainA small oil leak has shut down the Trans Alaska Pipeline for the last three days, cutting production there by 98% and prompting price increases. And guess which company is a "major owner" of the pipeline? Poor old BP. [Reuters]

Send an email to Jeff Neumann, the author of this post, at