So It Begins: Rep. Carolyn McCarthy Plans Gun Control Bill After Tucson Shooting

We had the Brady Bill. What next?

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So It Begins: Rep. Carolyn McCarthy Plans Gun Control Bill After Tucson Shooting

AP Photo

And so it begins…

In an almost predictable move, notorious gun grabber Rep. Carolyn McCarthy is planning to introduce gun control legislation after the Tucson shooting and assassination attempt of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. This is a shameless political move and should be rejected outright.



One of the fiercest gun-control advocates in Congress, Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.), pounced on the shooting massacre in Tucson Sunday, promising to introduce legislation as soon as Monday targeting the high-capacity ammunition the gunman used.

McCarthy ran for Congress after her husband was gunned down and her son seriously injured in a shooting in 1993 on a Long Island commuter train.

“My staff is working on looking at the different legislation fixes that we might be able to do and we might be able to introduce as early as tomorrow,” McCarthy told POLITICO in a Sunday afternoon phone interview.

The idea that only the corrupt government and their subordinates should be allowed to stock pile ammo is absurd. If society collapses, what are citizens supposed to do to protect their families when the police are too busy protecting their own?

It is clear that people like Carolyn McCarthy and other infamous gun grabbers do not realize or do not care about the statistics that clearly show an INCREASE in crime in cities that have banned guns and restricted the sale of ammunition.

This shooting was a horrible tragedy and it would be a DISHONOR to the victims and victims families to put gun restrictions in place when Rep. Giffords supported the 2nd amendment herself and all statistics show that people kill people and that if anything, guns save lives.


Obama Eyeing Internet ID for Americans

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Obama Eyeing Internet ID for Americans

CBS News

By Declan McCullagh


STANFORD, Calif. – President Obama is planning to hand the U.S. Commerce Department authority over a forthcoming cybersecurity effort to create an Internet ID for Americans, a White House official said here today.

It’s “the absolute perfect spot in the U.S. government” to centralize efforts toward creating an “identity ecosystem” for the Internet, White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Howard Schmidt said.

That news, first reported by CNET, effectively pushes the department to the forefront of the issue, beating out other potential candidates including the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security. The move also is likely to please privacy and civil liberties groups that have raised concerns in the past over the dual roles of police and intelligence agencies….

Details about the “trusted identity” project are unusually scarce. Last year’s announcement referenced a possible forthcoming smart card or digital certificate that would prove that online users are who they say they are. These digital IDs would be offered to consumers by online vendors for financial transactions.


Explaining the Acts of Madmen…

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Explaining the Acts of Madmen…

Milo Nickels, Contributing Writer

Activist Post

Watch this video where the director of the Southern Poverty Law Center blames the Giffords shooting on “right wing political beliefs:”

Basically, they ignore the real reason that Jared Loughner became violent (i.e. mental illness), and blame it all on his political views.  This is simply irresponsible.  Would it be fair of me to say that supporting Obama causes people to become criminals?  How about after I see the following mug shots?

Just because we know someone’s political views doesn’t mean that we can use those views as an explanation for their actions.  Nor can we use those political views to label those people as being dangerous, or a potential threat.  Jared Loughner did not shoot Gabrielle Giffords because of his right wing views anymore than the criminals in these mugshots committed their crimes because they support Obama.  When we start calling people crazy or dangerous because of their legitimate political views, we aren’t far from making those views illegal.

Orwell spoke of thought police in his famous book 1984.  Although we may not officially have thought police (yet) in America, the media is certainly pushing an agenda and teaching us how to think.  Through this type of indoctrination, many people will start believing that “right wing” views are dangerous, and start treating people with those views differently — calling in “tips,” conducting surveillance, forcing them into counseling, and costing them their jobs.  We won’t need “thought police,” because the mainstream media is teaching us to police each other’s thoughts.  These types of stories, and irresponsible publications such as the MIAC report, can only lead to wild accusations against free-thinking people.

This type of rhetoric, whereby we blame the acts of madmen on views they may share with sane people, sends us down a dangerous path of the government and mass media telling us what we are allowed to believe — lest we be labeled “threats.”

Milo Nickels began blogging and cartooning about politics in the year 2000.  After achieving some notoriety at that time, Milo took a break.  Now, Milo has launched a new website, Five Cent Revolution where he continues to write about political issues.  In particular, Milo focuses on constitutionalism, critiques of modern liberalism and progressivism, and defends individual liberty above all else.  Milo wants the government out of our wallets, out of our business, and out of our lives to the greatest extent possible.


House to Postpone Votes in Wake of Shooting To Take “Necessary” Action

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House to Postpone Votes in Wake of Shooting To Take “Necessary” Action

Intel Hub Editors Note: What is this necessary action that Congress plans to take?

Be alert and on the look out, most legislation coming from Neocon Cantor tends to limit our civil liberties even more.

The Wall Street Journal

By Corey Boles and Patrick O’Connor

WASHINGTON–U.S. House lawmakers will postpone floor votes next week in the wake of the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D., Ariz.), delaying a planned vote to repeal the sweeping health care law.

House Republicans had scheduled the health care vote for next Wednesday.

“All the legislation currently scheduled to be considered by the House of Representatives next week is being postponed so that we can take whatever actions may be necessary in light of today’s tragedy,” House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R, Va.) said in a statement. Mr. Cantor also sent the news out via Twitter.


Don’t Shoot Yourself in the Foot – Comments on Gun Control

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Don’t Shoot Yourself in the Foot – Comments on Gun Control

The terrible Tucson shootings yesterday may well serve as a prime opportunity for putting forth anti-gun legislation. While handing over weapons willingly is a stretch for most 2nd Amendment advocates, it only takes a tragedy like this to convert gun control fence-sitters and spur on those who would leave citizens without personal protection. Perhaps it’s not so much they want us all defenceless, but more in line with the wrong thinking that if no one has a gun, no one gets hurt.

When the Aussie gun buyback program began I told Stan, “This isn’t going to solve anything. If people don’t have guns, they’ll use knives. If they don’t have knives they’ll use a baseball bat or a lead pipe. Anyone who really wants a gun will find a way to get it, ban or not, but law-abiding citizens will have no means of protection.”

This is exactly what happened in Port Arthur, Tasmania. Stan and I were still living in Australia at both the time of the Port Arthur Massacre, as it’s aptly named, as well as the ensuing gun seizure. It was sold as a good idea for seemingly right reasons that went terribly wrong.

In that massacre, 28-year-old Martin Bryant shot 35 people and injured another 21 at an outdoor cafe. Why Bryant did this still was highly debated, but it’s not really the point. The outcome is. This killing spree took place on April 28, 1996 and by Sept. 30 of the following year, the mandatory gun recall commenced.

Most Aussies willing handed over their weapons. A few balked, but the socialist mentality had them fall in line quickly. Americans are too independent, or so we think. In one month, more than 643,000 guns were handed in during the buyback. Buyback you say? Yes, the people paid for their own disarmament. “The Government raised $490 million through a one-off rise in the Medicare levy. The buyback cost almost $459 million, including compensation to dealers and firearms owners and administration payments to the States.” 1

What the Labour Party (liberals) hoped to achieve – less crime – boomeranged with a vengeance. According to statistics kept by Sporting Shooters’ Association of Australia, crime shot up. Way up.

This is a news article printed in the Sierra Times by retired Coos County, Wash. Sheriff Michael E. Cook.

It seems that we still have some anti-gun types in the world who just don’t get the picture yet. Not only is it the right of every free person to bear arms, it is a must for continued freedom from oppression and crime. I just don’t know how it can be stated any simpler. You can not remove firearms from the hands of everyone. Criminals do not obey the law; if they did, we would not have a drug problem in this country. All one has to do is look at England, Australia, or Russia to see that. Or you can just look at Washington DC, New York City, or Los Angeles in America.
We all know that those in power who would take our guns from us have no interest in our protection; however, we do know that they want to rule us. History has shown over and over that those who would take our firearms will try to take over the government, and then the world. This is why so many see this as the first step in the one world government. The name of the game is doing away with your freedom and using the power that they gain by taking over you and yours to make you work for them as a slave. Then they can provide for your every need, and if you are a bad slave, they will kill you or remove something from you, like food, until you get back in line. That, my friends, is what it means to surrender your rights to a firearm.
Once they take firearms from the honest citizen, then you will become prey to the criminals, and it will get so bad that you will give up more and more rights in order to have the government take control and get rid of the criminals. The way they do that is by putting the criminals to work for them… controlling you. Now I hope you can see how this works.
Just by way of example, let me give you some information from Police Chief Ed Chenel from Australia. 12 month’s after the honest citizens of Australia were forced to surrender 640,381 personal firearms (at the cost to the tax payer in that country of $500 million dollars I might add), the crime rate went crazy.
In the first year homicides are up 3.2 percent, assaults up 8.6 percent, and robberies are up 44 percent in all of Australia. In the state of Victoria alone homicides with firearms are up 300 percent. This is a drastic swing in crime trends, as the previous 25 years in Australia showed a steady decrease in crime rate.
Now Chief Chenel says, “Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public safety has decreased, after such monumental effort and expense was expended in [successfully ridding Australian society of guns].” The Chief also said, “The Australian experience proves it. Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws affect only the law-abiding citizens. Take note Americans, before it’s to late!”
Sounds like they have some real stupid politicians in that country also. Isn’t it funny how stupid they can be, when it serves their purpose to act that way?
The proclamation that we are asking the county commissioners to pass is not only a signal to the world that we are armed and ready to fight crime, it also tells the world and the people we elect that we believe in our rights to bear arms.
Many of those who would try and stop this have said, “Well what about domestic violence and accidental shootings?”
To this I answer, domestic violence is not usually about killing someone. People who do domestic violence are sometimes stopped by victims with firearms. The amount of firearms in a society has no effect what so ever on domestic violence in that society, or the amount of it. As for accidental shootings… we need nothing more than responsible ownership and education to stop accidents.
If this proclamation does pass, and one life is saved or one robbery is stopped because it was passed, it is worth it. I will be happy to see just a 1 percent drop in crime as a result of this proclamation.
We all need to look at this with some degree of common sense. The federal ban on any magazine for a firearm of over 10 rounds has not stopped one crime. The only people who have suffered from this are the honest citizen’s who wanted a high capacity weapon for protection. Wasn’t it nice to carry a handgun for protection with one magazine with fifteen rounds in it instead of one handgun and three eight round magazines? We must now stop and reload which could cost some innocent person their life.. This and many of the other stupid laws that were passed by those who would say they will stop and help control crime need to be taken off the books and the honest citizens in this nation trusted once more to do the right thing like they have always done. All you law makers out there quit picking on the honest citizens and follow your oaths… and do what you were elected or appointed to do.

Sheriff Michael E. Cook, Retired 2

Strategically, it would be smart for guns to be out of Americans’ hands before the coming economic collapse rather than afterward when people are mad as hell. As Gerald Celente stated in his What’s in Store for 2011 interview, “When people lose everything and they have nothing left to lose, they lose it.” If you missed Celente’s recent extended interview on Coast to Coast AM January 5, 2011, it’s worth a listen.

Politicians are clever, and it only takes a terrible incident like this combined with the university campus shootings over the last several years to propel anti-gun legislation forward. As tragic as this is, don’t be taken in.

1 $30m Still Left in Gun Buyback Scheme; The Sunday Telegraph, December 5, 1999;

2 For Those Who Think Gun Control Is A Good Idea… Sheriff Michael E. Cook, August 14, 2001;

Texas serial rapist suspect is prison employee

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Suspect in Texas serial rapes is prison employee

By PAUL J. WEBER Associated Press
EDNA, Texas—Authorities on Monday heralded the capture of a suspected serial rapist who they believe may have attacked a dozen elderly women in Texas in the past two years, saying he is among the most wanted men in the state.

A foot chase and subsequent tussle with two police officers in Edna on Saturday led to the detention of a suspect in a case so prominent that Gov. Rick Perry created a task force to catch him. The attacks instilled so much fear that women in one stop-stoplight towns bought guns to protect themselves. The police dubbed the attacker "The Twilight Rapist."

"It's safe to say he was one of the most wanted men in Texas over the last year and a half," Texas Department of Public Safety spokesman Tom Vinger said. "It's hard to overstate the significance of this arrest."

Billy Joe Harris, 53, was being held on a charge of burglary with intent to commit a felony in Jackson County, about 100 miles southwest of Houston. Texas DPS says DNA samples link Harris to at least five assaults or attempted assaults over the past two years, and authorities suspect Harris' involvement in other cases.

Harris has not been charged in any of the rapes, and is being held on $500,000 bond.

The Jackson County Sherriff's Department had no record that Harris, a longtime state prison employee who also worked in the field of home health care, had hired an attorney Monday.

Vinger said the state previously had none of Harris' DNA in its criminal

database to compare against evidence because he has no apparent criminal history.

Authorities said Harris has also worked as a correctional officer with the Texas Youth Commission, which in 2007 was enmeshed in a sex-abuse scandal involving guards assaulting juvenile inmates.


1611 King James Bible 400 Years old

KJ 1611 at 400

The New York Times
Editorial Notebook
The King James Bible at 400By VERLYN KLINKENBORG
Published: January 8, 2011

Sometime in 1611, a new English Bible was published. It was the work of an almost impossibly learned team of men laboring since 1604 under royal mandate. Their purpose, they wrote, was not to make a new translation of the Bible but “to make a good one better, or out of many good ones, one principal good one.” What was published, 400 years ago, was indeed one principal good one: the King James Version of the Bible.

It’s barely possible to overstate the significance of this Bible. Hundreds of millions have been sold. In 1611, it found a critical balance in a world of theological conflict, and it has been beloved since of Protestant churches and congregations of every stripe. By the end of the 17th century it was, simply, the Bible. It has been superseded by translations in more modern English, translations based on sources the King James translators couldn’t have known. But to Christians all around the world, it is still the ancestral language of faith.

To modern readers, the English of the King James Version sounds archaic, much as Shakespeare does. But there would have been an archaism for readers even in 1611 because the King James Bible draws heavily from a version of William Tyndale’s New Testament published in 1534 and from translations by Miles Coverdale also published in the 1530s.

Tyndale’s aspiration was to make his New Testament accessible to “the boy that driveth the plough.” Though readers often talk about the majesty of the King James Bible, what has made it live is in fact the simplicity of its language.

Scholars have often debated just how much the King James Bible has influenced the English language. They count the number of idioms — “the powers that be,” for instance — that entered the language from the Bible. They look at how often it’s cited in the Oxford English Dictionary.

T. S. Eliot and C. S. Lewis deplored the idea of considering the secular literary or linguistic influence of the King James Bible. Eliot said it had such a profound effect because it was “the Word of God.” Lewis went further. He argued that the King James Bible had little influence on the rhythms of English and that many of the Bible’s characteristic rhythms were simply “unavoidable in the English language.”

But Lewis missed the point. The King James Bible has had an enormous impact on English for the very reason that it captures and preserves — and communicates down through the centuries — the unavoidable rhythms of good English. Its words are almost never Latinate, and its rhythms are never hampered by the literalism that afflicts other translations.

It would have been so easy to get that wrong, to let scholarship overwhelm common sense, to let theology engulf plainness. We owe an enormous debt to William Tyndale’s imaginary plowboy. All who speak this wonderful language still speak in the shadow of the King James Bible.

Italian Birds' Mysterious Deaths Due to 'Overeating' LOL!!!

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Italian Birds' Mysterious Deaths Due to 'Overeating'Italian Birds' Mysterious Deaths Due to 'Overeating'Remember all those birds that died in Italy with mysterious blue stains on their beaks? Turns out they were just greedy little fatties who gorged themselves on sunflower seeds and died of "massive indigestion." Reassuring, I guess?

Send an email to Max Read, the author of this post, at


How Not to React to the Gabrielle Giffords Shooting

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How Not to React to the Gabrielle Giffords ShootingThe Saturday shooting of U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords and several others is the kind of tragedy it takes time to process. But it's not an excuse to be a idiot. Not that it stopped certain members of Congress.

You shouldn't, for example, respond to the death of six people by trying to make it "a federal crime to threaten or incite violence against a member of Congress or a federal official," the way Rep. Bob Brady (D - Pa.) wants to. Senseless murder is not an excuse to pass stupid laws! Anyway, freedom of speech is one of the few civil liberties Americans still kind of care about, so let's try to protect it, even if it takes the form of shittily-designed maps that tacitly encourage murder.

Another thing you probably shouldn't do is start carrying a concealed weapon, as Rep. Heath Shuler (D - N.C.) and Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R - Utah) say they will be doing. For one thing, just from, like, a practical point of view, there's no conclusive evidence that carrying a concealed weapon will reduce crime, or provide you with effective protection. For another, the problem here isn't that Giffords didn't have a gun. It's that a crazy guy did. And, honestly, there are not many groups of people in this country whom I trust less with dangerous objects than the current Congress.

If you're a congressperson and you need to do something, why not start thinking about ways we can improve our ability to handle the dangerously mentally ill? Aw, who am I kidding. Buy yourself a handgun and start outlawing stuff!

Send an email to Max Read, the author of this post, at


Obama's jolt to economy: 'Tripling' your electric bill

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Obama's jolt to economy: 'Tripling' your electric bill

Experts forecast costs will skyrocket under burden of power-line financing


By Gene Koprowski

© 2011 WorldNetDaily

The Obama administration is changing the way wind energy projects in the American Midwest are financed by "spreading the costs" to consumers and businesses in other states, possibly doubling or perhaps tripling energy bills in the region in the coming years, experts are telling WND.

Obama's team at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, which regulates much of the coal, gas, hydroelectric and oil industries, late last month approved a scheme long sought by environmentalists that links windmills and windmill farms to conventional energy transmission grid lines in the nation's heartland.

FERC Chairman Jon Wellinghoff announced new federal rules that would in essence socialize the cost of transmission lines across the 13 states of the Midwest at a price tag of approximately $20 billion.

"Cost allocation for transmission facilities is one of the most difficult issues facing the energy industry and regulators, whether state or federal," said Wellinghoff.

Many state governments – like those in economically struggling Michigan – have not subsidized wind energy or other renewable energy projects. Others, like Illinois, have.

But all states have electricity transmission lines, and the new regulation forces the states to carry the costly wind energy, which is priced at two to three times that of coal or gas powered energy.

State governors and legislators will be powerless to stop this. Regional boards appointed by Obama and renewable energy advocates will control future energy policy decisions for the states once the new power lines are built and integrated into existing networks, which are regulated by the states.

One energy policy lawyer, Kevin D. Johnson, managing partner at Stoel Rives LLP in Minneapolis, told WND the new policy "broadly shifts more power to the regional authority for planning and investment."

The new Obama energy pricing rule creates a new category of transmission lines, "Multi-Value-Project," which are priced to consider broad "public policy goals," essentially the increased use of renewable energy.

Today, only half of the states have renewable energy standards, which require that energy producers generate from 10 percent to one-third of electricity from wind, solar and other renewable resources. Generally, ratepayers haven't been too excited about paying higher costs for electricity.

A report by the California Public Utilities Commission in 2009 found that to achieve the state's 33 percent renewable energy target by 2020, seven new transmission lines at a cost of $12 billion would be needed.

Across the country, in Massachusetts, electricity from the Cape Wind project will cost two to three times more per kilowatt hour than electricity from coal or natural gas.

According to a study commissioned by utility companies, the Obama plan will force states like Michigan to pay about 20 percent of the $20 billion in new high-voltage transmission lines being built.

Without the ability to essentially socialize the costs, wind energy projects can't compete with coal, natural gas or nuclear power, experts tell WND.

Environmentalists like the Obama plan and are likening it to President Eisenhower's creation of the interstate highway system in the 1950s.

"The policy is appropriate," Tony Olaivar, an energy Specialist at Lanz Inc., based in Champaign, Ill., tells WND. "Since it is the province of federal government to provide all our interstate infrastructures such as the U.S. Postal Service, interstate highways, and national defense. The original admonition can be found in the Constitutional preamble describing the republic as existing to 'ensure the general welfare.' Having said this, it would be most fair to spread the costs to the entire country."

Olaivar added that "infrastructure outlays are done in advance of industry expansion. Once transmission lines are in place, it will become more practical for midwestern states to develop their own renewable energy projects."

Right now, the energy lines are not yet built.

But the Obama administration has passed this policy in order to finance that construction, and experts view this as a "critical step for deciding how they will be paid for," Sarah Johnson Phillips, a lawyer in Stoel Rives' Energy Development Practice Group, tells WND. "Many wind projects in the region have been delayed by transmission constraints, but the new MVP cost allocation mechanism could break the logjam and get these projects moving."