Crop failure impels Indian farmer suicides

Crop failures are due to the Monsanto GM seeds that they were sold. They tried to sow seed from 2nd generation seeds which are genetically altered to only allow one planting then they must purchase more seed from Monsanto to replant next season.

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Crop failure impels Indian farmer suicides

NEW DELHI, Jan. 6 (UPI) -- As more crops fail in India, the rate of suicides among farmers is climbing.

More than 17,368 Indian farmers killed themselves in 2009, the worst figure for farm suicides in six years, data from the National Crime Records Bureau indicate.

The suicides increased by 1,172 over the 2008 count of 16,196, bringing the total farm suicides since 1997 to 216,500.

"Poverty has assaulted rural India," journalist Palagummi Sainath, an expert on rural poverty in India, told Britain's The Independent newspaper. "Farmers who used to be able to send their children to college now can't send them to school."

Nearly all of the bereaved families of those who have committed suicide, he said, had problems with debts and land loss due to failing crops.

While the causes of poverty are complex, Sainath points to the long-term collapse of markets for farmers' produce. The price of cotton, for example, is 1-12th of the amount it was 30 years ago, in real terms. About half of the suicides are occurring in the four states of the country's Cotton Belt.

Vandana Shiva, a scientist-turned-activist, notes that the problem of farmer suicides started in 1997 when the Indian government removed cotton subsidies and genetically modified varieties of cotton were also introduced.

"Every suicide can be linked to Monsanto," Shiva told The Independent, saying that the biotech firm's modified Bt Cotton caused crop failure and poverty because it requires the use of pesticide and fertilizers.

India's increasingly erratic climate is taking a toll on Indian farmers as well.

In the past, farmers could prepare for droughts when they came every four years or so. Rajasthan, in northwestern India, only emerged from a 10-year drought this summer. And monsoons, which used to arrive once a year, have failed three times in the last 10 years across much of the country.

M.S. Swaminathan, chairman of the National Commission on Farmers, has called for a restructuring of the country's policies to help agriculture, saying the sector is entering a state of serious crisis, The Hindu newspaper reports.

Noting that 45 percent farmers in a national survey said they want to quit farming, Swaminathan said farming has become nonviable.

"Unless we revitalize farming and make our farmers enthusiastic, it is difficult to feed 1 billion people and 1 billion farm animals. It is going to be a difficult period."


Major fish kill reported in S. Carolina

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Major fish kill reported in S. Carolina

CHARLESTON, S.C., Jan. 6 (UPI) -- Hundreds of thousands of dead fish washed ashore on the South Carolina coast Thursday morning, littering the sand along the tide line, wildlife officials said.

State wildlife biologists say early indications are that it's another in a series of wildlife die-offs blamed on record-breaking cold conditions around the nation this winter, The (Charleston, S.C.) Post and Courier reported.

The dead fish, a variety known as menhaden, appear to have been healthy otherwise, wildlife experts said.

Menhaden are mouse-sized bait fish that travel in large schools, and swim closer to the surface than other fish which makes them more susceptible to cold temperatures.

The die-off joins a growing a growing list of sea life trauma caused by unusually cold water temperatures that have wildlife officials alarmed for food and game fish such as shrimp, as well as sea trout and red drum.

"We certainly are nearing temperatures where we're concerned about shrimp too," Phil Maier of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources said.

The cold up and down the East Coast has already caused a massive fish kill in Maryland, and a number of stunned sea turtles are being treated locally at the South Carolina Aquarium's turtle hospital.


The Last Year on Earth - 2011 or 2012?

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I want to begin by saying that I am grateful for each person that visits It was started over 4 years ago now and has always been a joy to see the interaction with you as a reader and the content that is put onto the site. It was started with the purpose of sharing free sermons online. It has since become more of a place for unique content that I hope is not found on other sites.

My background is business and so it was my original thought to build up traffic and generate funds via advertisers. We do have a few advertisers but it is more of a personal joy to fund the site and servers than anything else.

As we enter a new year, I wanted to share what was on my heart just so you as a reader may know what keeps this site going. First off, it was started with an emphasis on lots of issues relating to ‘Last Day Events’. Over the past few years I have been driven to more deeply understand what has held up the second coming for over 150 years and in a greater extent, what has withheld the second coming for over 2000 years since the death of Christ.

I can say with confidence that Christ loves His people. I now understand He loves those that do not even love Him…yet. What do I mean by that? I think we have yet to see the real, living, breathing personal gospel go to the whole world. Christianity has in essence been the worst enemy of Bible Truth. I mean, let’s face it, the majority of ‘Christians’ do not read their Bibles and a large percentage of those that do, do not believe the Bible can be taken literally. I have lived in this camp much of my life- a grade A hypocrite. The idea of a 6-day literal creation, the young age of the earth at 6000 years, a 7th day Sabbath and that the Law of God is actually still an issue.

I have seen some crazy stuff as you have over the past few years in regards to what many have deemed ‘ The end of the world’. We are here and the world has not ended yet. I think we are primed for what God has called ‘an overwhelming surprise’. This world is ready for deception. Just look to Hollywood and you will see all of the ingredients for the coming of Lucifer onto the earth via the foundation of spriritualism. One day very soon we are going to see the apostles return to refute what they wrote 2000 years ago. We are told that we will see even heathen gods show up to deceive the world.

All things are now ready. So what do we do. We don’t panic, but we take a real assessment. Are you closer to the Lord now than a year ago? To get a true answer, ask your spouse, kids, brother, sister, parents etc. Those directly around you can be honest to tell you whether you are more godly or Christlike than 12 months ago.

You should know that answer but it would be great to ask your loved ones the truth. The truth is that this universe is waiting for a true demonstration that God can have a people that fully trust Him and will hold nothing back from Him. It is not so much are we willing to die for Christ but are we willing to live for Him? The millions of martyrs have shown the universe that people are willing to die for God. Have they seen a group willing to fully live for Him?

I challenge you in this year to treat it like it will be the last one we have on this earth. Below are a few videos that I found interesting. One is on the cities of our world and what life is like around the world. I found it invigorating that there is a world out there with no clue on what the Truth is. I just read that in 1900 there were 2 Billion people on earth…today we are nearing 7 Billion. May God help us reach them so that He can save them and give them Peace.

The other video is from the man who makes many upset but his video is most fascinating. He is being impressed by some spirit of what is soon to take place. Now is not a time to fear but to prepare for what is soon to break upon this world as an overwhelming surprise.

I have struggled lately with the idea that many will die ‘deceived’. The truth is though that Eve was deceived in the very beginning and lost paradise.

As cliche and stale as it may sound, let’s do something crazy this year. Let’s go back to our Bible’s and study so that we can really know what we believe. Also I am taking the challenge to pray for at least 30 minutes every day. Prayer is the license God needs to intercede in the middle of this War of Good and Evil.

Lastly, beware of the news and study Bible Prophecy with a fresh perspective ready to learn perhaps old truths for the first time. I am personally studying the old testament sanctuary so that I can more fully understand the book of Revelation. I believe there are secrets it holds to unlocking Prophecy.

The practical principle that I hope to implement more than ever before this year is to live out the principles of Isaiah 58 and Matthew 25. I want to really seek out those in need and help them. I challenge you to do the same.

As for 2011 or 2012 being the last year on earth. Well it may be for any one of us. We can hasten the return of God and I am ready to get to work to do just that. Join me :)

This group believes the end of the world is in May, I hope to meet one of them when they find out they were incorrect.

Pat Robertson’s predictions for the next few years…

A Tour of the Cities of the World


Thousands of dead fish in Maryland


100 Ton Fish Kill in Brazil; *list of areas affected by dead birds and s...


Birds Drop Dead From Sky in Sweden

Veterinarian: Swedish Birds "Scared To Death"

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Veterinarian: Swedish Birds "Scared To Death"

Ita et vos, cum videritis haec fieri, scitote quoniam prope est regnum Dei. (Luke 21:31)

The Local reports a county veterinarian has speculated that the birds that fell from the sky in central Sweden on Tuesday may have been frightened by fireworks, then run over by a car after landing on the road in the dark.

Shortly before midnight on Tuesday, residents found 50 to 100 jackdaws on a street in Falköping southeast of Skövde.

The incident echoed a number of unexplained incidents earlier this week across the southern US.

Mass bird and fish deaths are getting more common around the planet.

County veterinarian Robert ter Horst believes that the birds may have been literally scared to death by fireworks set off on Tuesday night.

But I find this explanation somewhat odd, though.

Why were the birds scared to death by fireworks on January 4, but not at the New Year Eve's celebrations?

Yet there are a plenty of birds in Sweden.

I lived in Belgium 2000 - 2009, and there I didn't see many birds at all.

When I moved back to Sweden in 2009 I remember the difference, with the sky often literally black with all kinds of birds.

I moved to beautiful Lyon in France, in June last year, and here we have some birds, but not that many.

What happens to the birds in Sweden is maybe only the global tendency to only have one bird here and there, and not all these thousands of birds in the sky.

Maybe those dead birds were immigrant birds, which were frozen out by local birds?

"Amen dico vobis quia non praeteribit generatio haec, donec omnia fiant", Luke 21:32.

Malaysian man dumps wife for being a demon

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Malaysian man dumps wife for being a demon

A Malaysian man abandoned his wife after a temple medium convinced him that she was a demon who wanted to kill him.
The local Star newspaper on Thursday quoted the wife, who gave her name as Loh, as saying that her factory manager husband now wants a divorce and also refuses to meet their two teenage children for fear his wife will use them to kill him.

"The medium told my husband I had been casting spells on him for the past 15 years," Loh was quoted as telling a news conference in Kuala Lumpur.

"He refused to eat or drink at home because he thought I poisoned the food."

Loh said the medium was heavily in debt and likely taking advantage of her husband, who had withdrawn their childrens' savings before deserting the family.

There has been a steady increase in complaints of cheating and sexual abuse in the country, which has prompted the government to announce it will table a bill this year requiring faith healers to register with the Ministry of Health. -- Reuters