Investigan muerte de 3.000 mirlos en Arkansas

Investigan muerte de 3.000 mirlos en Arkansas


Quienes celebraban el Año Nuevo en un pequeño pueblo de Arkansas disfrutaban los fuegos artificiales cuando notaron algo más que chispas que caían del cielo: miles de mirlos muertos.

Las aves de cuerpo negro y alas rojas se desplomaron en medio de la noche sobre "las calles, los jardines, las calles; todo", dijo Robby King, funcionario de vida silvestre del condado en Beebe, una comunidad de 5.000 habitantes al noreste de Little Rock. "Era difícil conducir en algunas partes sin aplastarlos".

En total, más de 3.000 aves cayeron muertas. Los científicos dijeron que los juegos pirotécnicos parecían haber asustado a los pájaros de tal manera que los hicieron chocar con casas, autos y entre sí. Algunos pudieron haber volado directamente hacia el suelo.

"Los mirlos volaban a la altura de las casas, no a la altura de la copa de los árboles" para evitar las explosiones, dijo Karen Rowe, ornitóloga de la Comisión de Caza y Pesca de Arkansas. "Los mirlos tienen mala vista y comenzaron a chocar con objetos".

Pero Rowe se abstuvo de declarar resuelto el misterio y agregó que los laboratorios planean realizar pruebas para detectar toxinas o enfermedades en las aves. Otra teoría es que una tormenta eléctrica pudo haber desorientado a la parvada o que un solo pájaro condujo al grupo directo contra el piso. Algunos mirlos sobrevivieron a su caída y se les vio dando tumbos.

Para algunas personas, la escena evocó imágenes apocalípticas e interrumpió las celebraciones de Año Nuevo. Muchas familias llamaron a la policía en lugar de destapar champaña.

Los mirlos son una de las especies de pájaros más comunes de Norteamérica. Se calcula que hay entre 100 y 200 millones de ellos en Estados Unidos, de acuerdo con el Laboratorio de Ornitología de Cornell, en Ithaca, Nueva York.

"El cielo se obscurece cada amanecer y cada atardecer", dijo Shane Roberts, habitante de Beebe. Algunos mirlos chirriaban y saltaban en los árboles del jardín de Roberts el lunes.

La Comisión de Caza y Pesca de Arkansas envió cadáveres de las aves a la Comisión de Ganado y Aves de Corral de Arkansas y al Centro Nacional de Salud de la Vida Silvestre en Madison, Wisconsin. Un grupo de estudio de enfermedades de animales silvestres de la Universidad de Georgia también pidió muestras de las aves. Los resultados podrían conocerse en una semana.

"Murieron de un fuerte golpe", dijo el portavoz de la comisión estatal Keith Stephens, citando un reporte del laboratorio estatal de aves de corral donde se examinó a los pájaros. Las lesiones se hallaban en el tejido del pecho y había sangre coagulada y hemorragias en las cavidades corporales.

Es el segundo incidente de muerte masiva de animales silvestres en Arkansas en los últimos días. La semana pasada, varios miles de peces se hallaron muertos en las riveras del río Arkansas, a unos 160 kilómetros (100 millas) al oeste de Beebe.


Korean Quarantine: Bird Flu Found

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Korean Quarantine: Bird Flu Found

The Intel Hub Radio

By Shepard Ambellas

In 2009 we saw the infamous  “novel” strain of H1N1 that activated pandemic plans in parts of the world, overturning local law and allowing the UN to be in full control of various nations & sates  by way of treaty.

This 2009 beta test  in select countries gained the globalists much needed information to improve their means and methods of exterminating the masses slowly through a large scale openly admitted eugenics campaign.

Multiple top scientists and researchers claim that the 2009 H1N1 was a binary component to a bioweapon that could be activated later. Jane Burgermeister (an investigative journalist – Austria) dabbled in exposing this global death syndicates plans in but was headed off at the pass with a variety of tactics, including arrest and threats of death.

Now we are seeing hype of the bird flu surfacing in Japan and South Korea.

Now when we see an outbreak or a report surface one must question and ask, is this a natural occurrence or an all out attack? It makes one wonder how far our military technology might go; possibly engaging in strange undetectable forms of bio-warfare.


Hallan más de cien mil peces muertos en Arkansas, a 150 km donde cayeron los pájaros

Hallan más de cien mil peces muertos en Arkansas, a 150 km donde cayeron los pájaros

Los peces muertos cubren un área de 30 kilómetros del Río Arkansas. El número de aves muertas se quintuplicó
Por Harry Usseglio - La Gran Época
Un enorme banco de peces muertos de la especie Tambor fue encontrado en el río Arkansas hoy 3 de enero. Los cadáveres cubren una extensión de 30 km., informó Keith Stephens, portavoz de la Comisión de Pesca y Juego de Arkansas, citado por la Gazette Democrática de Arkansas.

El número de peces muertos aún no fue precisado, pero se estima que son cientos de miles.

Los peces Tambor no son nativos de Arkansas. Stephens dice que algunos de los peces que quedaban vivos lucían enfermos. Sus cuerpos serán enviados a la Universidad de Arkansas-Pine para realizarles pruebas.

Una semana antes, en navidad, a 150 km de la zona de los peces muertos, los pobladores de Beebe, Arkansas, habían visto "llover" literalmente miles de mirlos muertos, que continuaron cayendo hasta Año Nuevo. Se estima que cayeron unos 5 mil ejemplares de estas aves.

Los científicos deberán determinar si hay alguna conexión entre estos dos sucesos.

Hundreds of DEAD Black Birds Found In Louisiana

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Hundreds of DEAD Black Birds Found In Louisiana

500 dead birds have been found near New Roads Louisiana just days after thousands of birds turned up dead in Arkansas and at least ten identical birds were reported dead in Kentucky!

To top it off, Arkansas has been slammed with at least 500 earthquakes since September 20th.

LABARRE, La. – Around 500 dead blackbirds and starlings have been found in Pointe Coupee Parish, according to state wildlife officials.

The birds were spotted lying in roads and ditches near Labarre Elementary School.  The community is between Morganza and New Roads on Highway 10.

Scientists from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries have been sent out to collect samples, which will be sent for testing to the University of Georgia and National Wildlife Center in Wisconsin.

Read Entire Article

The New York Times also mentioned the dead birds in La. at the end of their article on the Arkansas mystery. Will we continue to see more instances of birds falling from the sky or all three of these incidents somehow a coincidence?


Dead Birds Blanket 3 States, What is the Cause?

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Dead Birds Blanket 3 States, What is the Cause?

Dead bird clean-up in Arkansas

The Intel Hub Radio

by Shepard Ambellas

The stories started out with rumors of birds being struck by lightning or a storm sucking them into the atmosphere when they were sleeping which in turn froze them to death.

Now we know that none of the official stories hold weight as birds have now been spotted dead in mass, spread over at least a three state area.

Suspicions are starting to arise throughout the general public that these dead birds were killed from chemical related and/or government testing. People are scared. Are the 80,000 – 100,000 dead fish in Arkansas related as well? What is in the air?

Fox News is reporting fireworks as the cause.


Japan Is on High Alert as a Virus Infiltrates Bird-Heavy Regions

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Japan Is on High Alert as a Virus Infiltrates Bird-Heavy Regions

New York Times


Japanese bird sanctuaries, poultry farms and zoos went on high alert last month after several species of migratory birds in different regions were found dead of what appeared to be H5N1 avian influenza.

The virus frightened flu specialists when it resurfaced in Hong Kong in 2003 and quickly spread throughout Asia and along bird migratory routes to Europe and Africa. It has not mutated to spread among humans, though it still kills them occasionally — Egypt reported its 38th death last month.

According to articles in the Japanese press gathered by ProMED, which monitors disease outbreaks, a hooded crane was found dead of H5N1 on the Izumi Plain in Kagoshima Prefecture in southern Japan.


John Wheeler Murdered, CFR Military Expert, Three Republican Administrations, MITRE Anti Terror

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John Wheeler Murdered, CFR Military Expert, Three Republican Administrations, MITRE Anti Terror

Update: Great report on the murder and who John Wheeler actually was:

Interesting homicide:

Ex-Bush, Reagan official’s body found dumped in landfill

John P Wheeler III: Former Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force, Member of Council on Foreign Relations, Consultant to Mitre Corporation Found Dumped in Landfill

Whether it’s improving the use of UAVs or keeping track of terrorists crossing borders, MITRE is helping our military services keep the upper hand in ISR operations


European Nations Begin Seizing Private Pensions

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European Nations Begin Seizing Private Pensions

Hungary, Poland, and three other nations take over citizens’ pension money to make up government budget shortfalls.

The Christian Science Monitor

By Jan Iwanik

People’s retirement savings are a convenient source of revenue for governments that don’t want to reduce spending or make privatizations. As most pension schemes in Europe are organised by the state, European ministers of finance have a facilitated access to the savings accumulated there, and it is only logical that they try to get a hold of this money for their own ends.

In recent weeks I have noted five such attempts: Three situations concern private personal savings; two others refer to national funds.

The most striking example is Hungary, where last month the government made the citizens an offer they could not refuse. They could either remit their individual retirement savings to the state, or lose the right to the basic state pension (but still have an obligation to pay contributions for it). In this extortionate way, the government wants to gain control over $14bn of individual retirement savings.


More Dead Birds Found In Kentucky Identical To Birds in Arkansas – Media Downplays Find

Rapid Climate Change: Cold, Snow and Food Inflation

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Rapid Climate Change: Cold, Snow and Food Inflation


By Dr. Mark Sircus

Actually the deep snow above at Mammoth Mountain is nothing compared to the snow at one Vancouver Island ski resort, which was practically completely snowed-in. Mount Washington has been pummeled with three meters of fresh snow over a recent three-day period, burying lodges, cars, and even ski lifts.

“If you thought it was especially cold in December, it’s not just your imagination. The facts prove it, according to the National Weather Service, which announced Saturday that December 2010 set a record as the coldest December ever in Ft. Lauderdale. Miami, and Key West,” writes CBS News. It is also confirmed now that that Dec 2010 in Britain and probably West Europe, was indeed the coldest for at least a 100 years.

Floridians endured bone-chilling blasts in the 30s, from Fort Lauderdale to Jacksonville. Miami is experiencing its coldest December in 115 years, according to the local branch of the National Weather Service. This time of year, the temperature in Miami usually reaches 77°. Last Monday, the mercury stopped 20° below that, at 57.

There is a lot at risk with dramatic weather and climate change that will be hammered in like a silver stake into the heart of humanity as food prices head north at a quickening pace. Millions of people are starting to fear that food is going to be priced out of their reach as prices rise in the face of increasing shortages and scarcity. Everywhere we turn we see dramatic climate events taking their toll on crops.

Almost everyone today seems to believe in climate change though few really appreciate where these changes are taking us. No matter what one believes, the consensus is all dramatic climate events—floods, drought, snow, ice, cold, and heat—each have their agricultural consequences with none of them being good.


image AP – A wallaby stands on a large round bail of hay trapped by rising floodwaters outside the town of Dalby.

For example, more than 200,000 people have been affected by relentless flooding in northeast Australia, with the flood zone now stretching over an area bigger than France and Germany combined, officials said last week. Thousands of homes and businesses across Queensland state have been inundated with water after days of pounding rain caused swollen rivers to overflow. The entire population of two towns was forced to evacuate as water swamped their communities, cutting off roads and devastating crops.

“This is without a doubt a tragedy on an unprecedented scale,” Bligh told Australian Broadcasting Corp. “We now have 22 towns or cities that are either substantially flooded or isolated because the roads have been cut off to them. The flooding may cost billions of dollars after crops were destroyed and output from coal mines was disrupted.” Towns are facing the prospect of food shortages, power outages, and sewage-contaminated floodwaters. “In many ways, it is a disaster of biblical proportions,” Queensland State Treasurer Andrew Fraser told reporters in flood-hit Bundaberg.

Cold, Snow and Food Inflation

“As we emerge, temporarily perhaps, from weeks of the coldest weather since records began – with snow disasters right round the northern hemisphere, from the US and Europe to China and Mongolia – more examples come to light of how the cost of extreme cold is far greater than that of warming,” writes Christopher Booker for The Telegraph.

Britain’s winter is the coldest since 1683 and close to being the chilliest in nearly 1,000 years. Latest figures reveal that the average temperature since December 1 has been a perishing –1°C. That makes it the second coldest since records began in 1659. The chilliest on record was 1683-1684, when the average was –1.17°C and the River Thames froze over for two months. But with January and February to come, experts believe Britain could suffer the most freezing cold winter in the last 1,000 years. How come we have not seen this in the mainstream press?

The cold is biting directly into the agricultural sector as do the floods, drought and heat when it gets concentrated as it did in Russia and the Ukraine last summer. In Florida though freezes earlier in December caused at least $115 million in damage. The Florida Department of Agriculture has compiled crop damage estimates from cold weather through December 20. The report shows the cucumber crop was wiped out. Florida and Mexico usually supply this crop in the winter, but Florida has not shipped anything for more than a week. Eggplant, snap beans, and peppers were nearly wiped out. Cabbage, sweet corn, and squash all suffered heavy losses. Tomatoes also took heavy damage. The state agriculture department estimates Florida has suffered a total economic loss of about $275 million when you consider indirect losses.


Chief executive of the Auckland City Mission, Diane Robertson, says it’s a double-whammy for the mission he runs; more people will be unable to afford to eat, while those who donate food cut back on their generosity. Kishore T. Pagarani, the group director of the Choithrams supermarket chain, told Arabian Business that, “Global food inflation is currently about fifteen percent per year and is expected to rise in 2011. It’s very difficult to predict how climate change will continue to create volatility in agro-commodity markets. The value of staple foods, such as wheat, corn, and soya, is likely to remain high, since both the USA and Russia aren’t expecting good wheat crops.”


In Korea hostile weather conditions are being blamed for the surge in the food prices. Cabbage, for example, rose by 80 percent, garlic by 52 percent, and radishes by 98 percent. In India, wholesale food inflation for the week ending December 18 touched a 10-month high of 14.44 percent as vegetables prices, particularly onions, soared. Wholesale food inflation, as measured by the Wholesale Price Index (WPI), had re-entered double digits at 12.13 percent in the week ending December 11; it had stood at a 20-year high of 21.29 percent during the corresponding period in 2009.

The price of traded food staples such as wheat, corn, and rice soared 26 percent from June to November, nearing the peaks reached during the global food crisis of 2008, according to the Food Price Index kept by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization. The price surge has continued in December, with foodstuffs and basic commodities hitting new highs and expected to climb further in 2011.

“High food prices are a concern, both for poorer people in the US, and for the huge number of poor people around the world. If food prices go up, many will not be able to pay for sufficient food for a well-balanced diet (assuming they could in the past). And of course, as food prices go up, people will cut back on spending on more discretionary items, since they have to eat,” writes Gail Tverberg.

The rising price of food cost Ken Little the steak-and-egg breakfast he once loved. These days, he orders eggs and potatoes instead at New Beginnings restaurant — hold the coffee. He gave that up, too, partly because the price went up, he said. “I watch what I eat because of the price of it,” said Little, a laid-off machinist. “I don’t look at what I want to eat. I look at the price.”

Dramatic Weather

And the story just continues—and probably will all winter long. Heavy snow has been falling in China’s northwest Xinjiang province since December 20 and has accumulated to over one meter in some parts. The eastern province of Shandong has also been affected. Temperatures have dropped to –25°C in some areas. The cold spell has caused concern that China might see a repeat of the extreme weather of early 2008 that killed 129 people, left millions stranded, and brought the country to a standstill during the Lunar New Year celebrations.

Frustration and fears of disease mounted in Northern Ireland last week as 36,000 people were left without water, some for more than a week, after a deep freeze and a sudden thaw caused aging pipes to burst. With reservoirs running low, water supplies were cut off in many towns and cities, and residents turned to emergency water tankers and bottled water for their cooking, cleaning, and drinking needs. “It’s been a nightmare,” said James Lawson, a resident in Lisburn, near Belfast, who has gone without water for 13 days. “You can’t wash, you can’t eat because you can’t wash your dishes. I think it’s a fiasco,” he told the BBC.

Just before New Year’s, more powerful storms banged into the west, closing hundreds of miles of roads. The storm socked the Sierra Nevada with gusts topping 100 mph and more than two feet of snow, causing flight delays in Reno, Nevada.

Christmas day was the coldest ever with mercury plummeting to MINUS 18 as UK headed towards the biggest December freeze since 1890, read the headlines on the 25th of December. The mercury plummeted to –5.9°C at Glenlivet in 1996, but that record was smashed last night when temperatures dropped to –17°C at Worcester and –18°C at Altnaharra in northern Scotland. Several parts of Sweden, including the southern region Götaland and eastern Svealand, will have experienced the coldest December in at least 110 years.

An international team of researchers headed by the University of Bonn has been investigating the bottom of Turkey’s Lake Van, which is covered by a layer of mud several hundred meters deep. For climatologists this unprepossessing slime is worth its weight in gold: summer by summer pollen has been deposited from times long past. From it they can detect right down to a specific year what climatic conditions prevailed at the time of the Neanderthals, for example. The archives of clay may go back as much as half a million years. Preliminary investigations have been a complete success: the researchers were able to prove that the climate has occasionally changed quite suddenly – sometimes within ten or twenty years.

Special Note: Again my voice issues a strong warning and again I urge all who can to stock up on superfoods for survival do so. Rejuvenate, which I use in my concentrated nutritional medicine protocols, makes the best survival food one can imagine. It has a shelf life of approximately two to three years and can provide nourishment to the whole family in the best and worst of times. Green gold is actually better then the yellow stuff so please think seriously and plan for worst case scenarios. I have always called Spirulina green gold and most of the Rejuvenate products have spirulina and chlorella as well as a host of other organically sourced super food items.