Adventist church president speaks to young people

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In a stirring one-hour message to a Generation of Youth for Christ (GYC) convention, Seventh-day Adventist world church President Ted N. C. Wilson exhorted the church's young adults to lives of faithfulness and Christian service.

"There is no doubt in my mind that the Lord is bidding us as a people to 'go forward' with 'no turning back,'" Wilson said, referring to the theme of the five-day event that drew thousands of Adventist youth to Maryland's largest city.

Shortly after the morning meeting, an estimated 5,000 -- including Wilson and his wife, Nancy -- boarded 75 buses and fanned out across metro Baltimore to witness door-to-door and invite people to enroll in Bible studies.

Ellen White and the Bible

During the sermon, which was streamed live on the Internet and broadcast on cable and satellite channels, Wilson placed special emphasis on practical Christian living, including habits of Bible study, prayer, witnessing and reading of the writings of Ellen G. White, a pioneering co-founder of the Adventist movement.

"Among some of our church members there is a tendency to downplay or even dismiss the counsels of the Spirit of Prophecy," Wilson said, referring to White's collected works.

"We hear today that while the writings of Ellen White may have some devotional value, we should not let her 'limited 19th-century perspective' shape our 21st century understanding of Bible truth," Wilson said. "But I believe, and the Seventh-day Adventist Church firmly and unashamedly upholds, that the Spirit of Prophecy is one of God's greatest gifts to His end-time remnant people. Trust the Word of the Lord, and follow the counsel of His humble messenger, Ellen White. Let no one -- local church leader, pastor, teacher, administrator, or anyone -- turn you from that complete trust in the Spirit of Prophecy, which points to the Bible as God's authoritative Word!"

Wilson repeatedly underlined the importance of personal commitment to the truths of Scripture and the mission of the church throughout his message.

Help your church

"If the Seventh-day Adventist Church is ever going to meet the Lord's ideal of being His end-time remnant, not just 'we' as a denomination, not just 'GYC' as a supporting organization, not just 'the youth' as a particular demographic, but you as an individual must get to work for Christ in service for others," Wilson said. He urged the church's young adults to serve in their local churches, teaching Sabbath school classes, making home visits to encourage members and participating in church business meetings.

"Commit yourself to personal effort, individual involvement that will help your church family finish the work that God has entrusted to it," Wilson said. "As members of GYC, ... continue to work closely with your local church, your local pastor, your local youth organization, church administrators, and your conference, union, and division youth department directors."

He added, "Never allow anyone to accuse GYC of not working with the established church organization. Become so much a part of the outreach of this Advent movement that you are understood to be part and parcel of your local church and conference. Support and nurture other youth initiatives of your local church and conference that are Bible and Spirit of Prophecy-based."

Be more like Jesus

Wilson emphasized the spiritual fruits of such cooperation:

"When we each allow the Holy Spirit to change us into the likeness of Jesus, we will automatically begin doing the work that Jesus has commanded of us. In this way the character of Christ will be seen in what we do, not merely in what we don't do."

Wilson, who is the father of three young adult daughters, appealed to the crowd of an estimated 7,000 to make solid moral choices in daily living.

"While society bombards you with the idea that youth is a time for reckless self-indulgence, God's Word declares otherwise," Wilson said. "It is my prayer that the greatest examples of our faith and lifestyle shown to the world will be the youth of the Seventh-day Adventist Church."

Speaking about his father's death

As he invited young Adventists to come to the front of the convention center and commit to greater service for the church, Wilson shared a personal motive for wanting the Second Coming of Christ to occur soon. The recent death of Neal C. Wilson, his father and a past president of the Adventist world church, he said, has intensified his desire to see the church complete its mission.

"I long for Jesus to come even more than I ever have," Wilson said. "Two and half weeks ago, I lost my precious, 90-year-old father. He went to sleep in Jesus, awaiting His soon return. As a pastor and church leader, my father believed in the young people of this church -- and so do I! This church was started by young people, and by God's grace, young people will play a pivotal role in fulfilling its mission."


Wilson's charge drew an enthusiastic response from many in attendance.

Chevene Simmonds, a college graduate student from Milledgeville, Georgia, said it was "great to have the new president [of the world church] talk and reaffirm us. The Holy Spirit is indeed here, and has challenged me to go back and do things better."

Ashley Kanomata, a high school senior from Lewisberg, Ohio, said Wilson's message "was very inspirational. Youth need to take a more active part in the work of the church."

And tenth-grader Heather Braman from Canby, Oregon, said of Wilson's message, "I thought it was awesome; I've never been so blessed before." A key takeaway for her, she said, was that "each person has an influence, [and] if we all work together, it's amazing what can happen."

Legal notice: Adventist News Network freely permits the reproduction in full or in part of its articles providing that credit is given. More info. Original article.

Murdered Philippine Politician Snapped Photo of His Assassin

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Murdered Philippine Politician Snapped Photo of His AssassinEarly in the morning on New Year's Day, a Philippine politician took a snapshot of his family outside their home. Seconds later, he was shot and killed by a gunman, who was also captured in the picture aiming a pistol.

The politician, Manila city councilman Reynaldo Dagsa, had just been woken up by his family to celebrate the New Year on the street outside their home in Manila. The fireworks were so loud that they didn't hear the shot, or shots, that struck Dagsa in the arm and chest. He was pronounced dead on arrival at a nearby hospital, according to local newspaper the Philippine Daily Inquirer, which also ran the photo on its front page today.

Dagsa's family showed Manila police the picture, who later identified the gunman as "Michael Gonzales, alias Fubo of Fish Pond Area I," who Dagsa had previously put in jail for stealing cars. Gonzales, who was out temporarily on bail, and an accomplice, "Rommel Oliva, alias Balong" also pictured to the right, have been arrested.

[via AP]

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‘If the Truth Got Out About Obama There Would Be a Civil War’

The Third Angels Message

Does the death of birds and fish within Arkansas point to the ripening of sin?

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Does the death of birds and fish within Arkansas point to the ripening of sin?

Sin when it is finished bringeth forth death (James 1:15)

Photo: Google Photos

Video: Prophecy fulfillment within America points to the fall of Spiritual Babylon

Prophecy fulfillment within America points to the fall of Spiritual Babylon (Rev 18:1-4).

Listen to a Bible Study regarding sin's degenerative functionability.

Recent news regarding a multitude of birds and fish perishing in Arkansas (United States of America) points to a fulfillment of prophecy regarding the fallen kingdom of spiritual Babylon (Revelation 18:1-4).  More specifically, since the people of God are becoming fixed "spiritually" and "intellectually" in Christ; God is permitting the "destroying angel" Satan to exercise his power: as Yahweh gradually loosens the winds of strife (Revelation 7:1-3, 9:11, The Faith I live by page 287, A Soul Sealed at Character Perfection page 50).  Since God is self-sacrificing, righteous and just, He must permit the revelation of the “god” of spiritual Babylon to be tested.  Satan’s government of sin and selfishness reflects spiritual Babylon.  Within this fallen world, sin has caused sin-sickness and the degeneration of mankind to multiply rapidly, leading to DEATH (James 1:15).  Mankind has suffered tremendously within fallen planet earth:  and, their only Redeemer is Christ Jesus, the second and last Adam (1Corinthians 15:45). 

The Deceiver, Satan, has formulated two Worldwide erroneous Judgment Days: May 21, 2011 and December 21, 2012. Such deceptions, once accepted, function as delaying mechanisms, providing a false sense of security, de-emphasizing the priority of urgent well-needed Character Perfecting goals and Victory over sin (Matthew 5:48, 1John 3:9). "But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father" (Matthew 24:35-37, Mark 13:32-37). "When life is going on in its unvarying round; when men are absorbed in pleasure, in business, in traffic, in money-making; when religious leaders are magnifying the world's progress and enlightenment, and the people are lulled in a false security--then, as the midnight thief steals within the unguarded dwelling, so shall sudden destruction come upon the careless and ungodly, "and they shall not escape."--GC 38 (1911)" [Last Day Events page 233 paragraph 4].

While de-popularizing and ridiculing the pursuit of undefiled biblical Truth and its "Berean-minded" Seekers, Satan has darkened the minds of human beings concerning God’s Character and Law with lies and false accusations (Isaiah 8:20, Acts 17:10-11, Revelation 12:17, 14:12). However, it remains clear that Satan is a deceiver, liar and murderer from the beginning (John 8:44, Revelation 12:9). Satan has represented God’s law of love falsely as a law of selfishness, declaring that mankind should instead obey the precepts of self-righteousness. Concerning the fall of Adam and Eve, Satan has made claims that God is responsible for sin, destruction and death. Christ entered our world to unveil satanic deceptions, exposing that “...God is light, and in him is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5). 1 John 5:3 reveals that we must keep His Ten Commandments, and that they are not grievous, revealing that God is love and His nature is love (1John 4:8, 16). Satan suggested that there is darkness in God and that His Ten Commandments are grievous, and thus in Revelations 12:9 we learn that Satan is a deceiver, misguiding the entire world regarding the Ten Commandments, the Character of God. The Great Deceiver has caused a wrong concept of God’s law. Satan at the origin of the mystery of iniquity claimed that there is darkness in God; however, Christ came to reveal eternal truth that the Ten Commandments [God's Immutable Character Transcript] are to be kept, as they are not grievous (Exodus 20).

Satan has misrepresented God’s law of love as a law of selfishness, suggesting that God is a dictator, disallowing freedom of choice. The Great deceiver has minimized the issue of sin, portraying God as an unjust Creator who is dark and persecutory. Christ came however, to reveal the light of God’s unchanging love. Revealing that our Creator is truly ADORABLE, God has provided mankind with freedom of choice, allowing the development of genuine character and happiness. Creating humans as robots would not have provided spontaneity and the output of genuine love. God gave mankind genuine freedom of choice, allowing mankind to choose their behaviors, its results and consequences.

Sin is destructive. Fallen nature sadly may perceive sin as being sweet and appealing, however, by principle, sin separates righteousness and wisdom from power. All the powers made by God, are made under the control of wisdom and righteousness. Whenever power is separated from wisdom and righteousness, it becomes perverted and prone to disaster. Before the flood and before the fall of man, no hurricanes and storms were present. All power was under the righteous power of God, every creative power worked perfectly under infinite righteousness, producing only good. When Adam voted Satan’s government into planet earth, sin began to separate power from wisdom and righteousness. Wisdom is the righteous use of power to produce good. Sin separates power from wisdom and righteousness fully due to its falsifying, perverting nature (Romans 6:23, James 1:15, 1 John 3:4).

Natural disasters are a direct result of satanic sin, controlling the world with perverted power, resulting in disaster (Revelation 16:1-21). Similar to the human body, we have organs that require God’s power to control its function in perfection, protecting it from destruction and death. Romans 5:12 proves that disease and human death, are as the result of sin. Sadly, humankind’s act of diverting from the righteous and wise power of God caused self-destruction, leading into death. Mankind’s perverted, sinful diet and lifestyle choices have caused human destruction and consequential death. Romans 6:23 edifies that “… the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”.

Sin is a malignant contagion. Although Satan presents sin as attractive and appealing to the senses, sin is malignant and produces death, perverting perfect wisdom and righteousness in God's creations. Satan camouflages the cancerous disease of sin by deceiving the masses, but sin ultimately produces death (James 1:15). Selfishness and self-exaltation are principles of Satan's worldly governments. God is love (1John 4:8, 16). It was God’s intention that all of God’s creations live under the complete righteous power of unchanging, eternal love (Romans 1:20, 5:5). The state of planet earth today can be attributed to selfishness and self-exaltation, a principle of Satan’s spiritual kingdoms and government. God intended that His creations would live under the provisions of His perfect, eternal, self-sacrificing government. However, at the point of Adam’s disobedience, selfishness entered the universe.

Originating in Heaven, the conflict between God and Satan’s government has become localized on planet earth and freewill permits mankind to choose righteousness or sin (A Soul Sealed at Character Perfection chapter 10).  If one chooses God’s government and righteous power, they will receive eternal life, however, conversely if one chooses selfishness, Satan’s government, a perverted power, they will taste the second death (Revelation 20:14). John 1:15 edifies that sin is like a cancer, resulting only in death. The world reflects sin as sweet and attractive, causing worldians to believe that God is a destroyer interrupting their fun, a deceptive teaching of Satan (Revelations 12:9). God is unchanging and the use of force contrasts His Divine Principles (see below references):

"And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon [as per Strong's Concordance Hebrew, meaning destroying angel], but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon [as per Strong's Concordance Greek, meaning destroying angel]" (Revelation 9:11).

"The exercise of force is contrary to the principles of God's government; He desires only the service of love; and love cannot be commanded; it cannot be won by force or authority" (Desire of Ages page 22).

"God could have destroyed Satan and his sympathizers as easily as one can cast a pebble to the earth; but He did not do this. Rebellion was not to be overcome by force. Compelling power is found only under Satan's government" (Desire of Ages page 759).

"It is thus that the great deceiver seeks to conceal his own work. By stubborn rejection of divine love and mercy, the Jews had caused the protection of God to be withdrawn from them, and Satan was permitted to rule them according to his will" (Great Controversy page 35).

Undeniably, sin is malignant requiring a cure. Christ Jesus is the sole cure for sin, allowing the unselfish, infinite, eternal love of God to deliver mankind from the bondage, darkness and selfishness of sin. Christ achieved our victory over iniquity, as He was born into sinful fallen flesh, the second and last Adam, embracing all mankind, resisting temptation; and remaining fully under the will and control of His Father’s love (John 16:33, Hebrews 4:15). Christ exercised complete faith, perfectly exhibiting the love of God for us, tasting the second death for the righteous, setting His saints free while preserving their positions in His eternal kingdom (John 3:15, Revelation 3:21). By faith, those who obey and receive God’s mercy will be delivered from the perversion of sin and its deceptive unrighteous powers. The University of Heaven will be a wonderful experience for those who choose to align with God’s righteous empowering government, receiving wisdom and the perfect, infinite power of God (Romans 1:20, 2Peter 3:18). Christ’s righteousness is a free gift (Philippians 3:9-11). Galatians 5:6 edifies that faith works through perfect love, as we fully surrender to God, keeping His non-grievous Ten Commandments, the Decalogue, written with the finger of God (Exodus 20, 31:18).

God’s remnant will keep His character transcript, the Ten Commandments, adhering to perfect righteous power, love and wisdom, abstaining from selfish principles and the perverted power of sin that results in death (Deuteronomy 6:4, Proverbs 8:22-36, John 1:1-3,14, Romans 1:16-20, 5:1-5, 1Corinthians 1:30). Christ came to unveil all satanic deceptions, revealing that God is complete light and within Him there is no darkness (1John 1:5). God’s love is eternal, infinite and unconditional: it is a Love that made a supreme sacrifice, as God sacrificed His only begotten Son for the cause of sin in our planet earth (John 3:16). Overcomers thus require God’s perfect sin-remedy, which separates us from the condition of the world today, a planet contaminated with iniquity (Revelation 2:7, 3:21). Mankind must thus love each other, while clothed with Christ’s perfect righteousness. God is not the author of sin or death, but He is the Author and finisher of our faith, granting all complete sovereignty, a plan of salvation centered in Jesus Christ, bringing those who choose to accept Him back to righteousness, the Law of Love, the Spirit of Beneficence (Romans 5:5, Hebrews 12:2, Steps to Christ page 77, Desire of Ages page 21).

Henceforth, while engaged in God's willful actions and behaviors, may we all remain fixed on Christ, receiving His seal in our foreheads, preparing for translation (1Corinthians 15:51-53, Revelation 14:1).


Gulf Deepwater Drilling Resumes Without Changes To Spill Liability

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Deepwater Drilling

WASHINGTON -- As deepwater drilling returns from a months-long hiatus in the Gulf of Mexico, the protections that Congress drew up to help victims of oil spills remains stuck in legislative limbo with no clear or likely path to passage.

The Obama administration announced on Monday that it would allow 13 companies to resume deepwater drilling, which it had suspended in May during the massive BP oil spill that followed the Deepwater Horizon's April 20 explosion.

Administration officials categorized the move, which would affect a total of 16 Gulf-area wells, as a logical step for a drilling industry suffering under the ban. All the wells had been operational before the Deepwater Horizon explosion. Moreover, the affected companies would have to comply with new safety rules, though not new environmental reviews.

"Safety is our top priority and the administration has already taken unprecedented steps to increase oversight and safety of offshore drilling," White House spokesman Clark Stevens said. "Any offshore drilling taking place in the United States must meet the rigorous new safety standards put in place since the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill."

But while the oil and drilling industry was getting back to business, consumer advocates, legal experts and Hill lawmakers were airing concerns that Congress had essentially abandoned its efforts to improve protections and compensation for spill victims.

The major piece of legislation that Democrats drew up in response to the BP crisis has yet to pass the Senate, meaning that if another spill were to occur in the Gulf, the total compensation for economic damages would remain at a paltry $75 million.

"When you consider the risk that offshore drilling poses to our coastal economies and environment, the current cap on oil-company liability is just a spit in the ocean that does nothing to hold them accountable," said Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) one of the chief advocates of eliminating a cap on economic-damage liability for oil companies.

"Life is good for oil companies, and it's not just because families are yet again paying at lot more at the pump," added fellow New Jersey Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez, another proponent of the cap lift. "So far, these companies have escaped the most devastating oil spill in history with a fully-intact liability cap to protect their profits and no legislative response."

The failed effort to lift oil companies' economic liability illustrates how the Senate saucer can cool even the most seemingly uncontroversial legislation. In the weeks after the BP spill occurred, Menendez announced that he would introduce a bill to ratchet up the $75-million liability cap, established by the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, to $10 billion. The crisis in the Gulf seemed certain to be costly, and keeping payout levels so low seemed impractical if not morally dubious. Eventually, Menendez would scrap the $10 billion figure in favor of removing the cap altogether.

But along the way, things grew complicated. Several unanimous-consent requests to get the bill through the Senate were blocked by Republicans who argued that such a cap would deter smaller companies from drilling. Democrats with close ties to the oil industry, including Sens. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) and Mark Begich (D-Alaska), eventually joined the chorus of objectors. And even after the White House threw its support behind the proposal in early June and it passed through the Environment and Public Works Committee, the juice wasn't there to overcome a filibuster.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) paired the measure with larger energy reforms, only to strip it out and create a standalone spill bill. In early August, his office announced that it would not hold a floor vote on the legislation until after the summer recess. But when lawmakers came back in September, the issue was all but forgotten. It remains, today, off the political radar.

"We're still working out the agenda for this Congress," said a Democratic Senate leadership aide. "There a lot of very important bills to be addressed. We just don't have specifics yet on what will or won't be on the schedule."

For victims of the current spill, the practical effect of the Senate's failure to pass Menendez's bill will likely be limited. The White House was able to negotiate a $20-billion escrow account with BP, from which it can cover economic damages caused by the summer's fiasco. But for those who have spent years or decades litigating such matters, the dispiriting consensus has been reached that Congress failed to draw something concrete or positive out of this summer's catastrophe.

"It is a huge problem for future oil spills. Both the Valdez spill and this spill show you that when an oil spill happens, the damages far exceed $75 million," said Brian O'Neill, an attorney with the firm Faegre & Benson, who has worked extensively on securing compensation for victims of the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska. "The passage of the [Oil Pollution Act of 1990] with that provision in it was one of the great frauds of all time. So to open up the additional platforms in the Gulf, it is sort of like buying the car and not getting any insurance. It is just stupid."

Stupid it may be. But failure to restructure penalties for oil companies was not for lack of want. The vast majority of Democrats supported raising if not eliminating liability caps. The Obama administration, despite allowing a resumption of drilling in the Gulf, claims to back such a move, as well.

"We continue to support the removal of caps on liability for oil companies engaged in offshore drilling, as part of a larger effort to hold the industry accountable for these risks and their consequences," said Stevens, the White House spokesman.

The bill could be easily blocked, however, under the heavy weight of oil industry complaints and the committed obstruction of sympathetic Senators. Eventually, enough time elapsed for the political world to move on to other matters and for deepwater drilling to resume.

"You've got an industry that collectively demonstrated that it was fundamentally unprepared to meet the challenges of deep water offshore drilling," said Tyson Slocum, the research director for Public Citizen's Energy Program. "To allow new deepwater drilling to occur without a signing of adequate financial responsibility for their risks places unnecessary burdens on the American taxpayer."


Bird Government Testing, Lightning Or Poison? What Caused Birds To Fall Dead In Arkansas?

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People are baffled with the news of thousands of birds that fell dead from the sky in Arkansas this past weekend. The AP reports that a freak weather event like lightning or hail could be responsible for killing the countless blackbirds, or that New Year's fireworks may have startled the birds, notorious for their poor eyesight, and led them into the ground. Disease or poison were also suggested as possibilities, though evidence suggests they are less likely.

Given another strange incident of thousands of fish recently dying in Arkansas, Paul Watson and Alex Jones suggest secret government weapons testing may be responsible for the birds' deaths. If that's the case, maybe it could even be aliens that are accountable!

Let us know what you think is to blame for this odd occurrence.

What caused birds to fall from the sky?

  • Strange Weather

  • Fireworks

  • Poison

  • Disease

  • Government Testing

  • We'll Never Know

  • None Of The Above

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Louisiana Latest Place to Rain Dead Birds

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Louisiana Latest Place to Rain Dead Birds

500 Blackbirds and Starlings Fount Near La. Highway, Days after Thousands of Birds, Fish Died in Ark.

  • Video Feed: Mysterious Bird, Fish Deaths

    Strange New Years celebration across the country; polar bear plunges to ring in the new year; mysterious bird and fish deaths in central Ark. and an adventurer travels through New York City's underground tunnels.

  • Dead birds lie on the ground after being thrown off the roof of a home by a worker with United States Environmental Services LLC in Beebe, Ark., Sunday, Jan. 2, 2011.

    Dead birds lie on the ground after being thrown off the roof of a home by a worker with United States Environmental Services LLC in Beebe, Ark., Sunday, Jan. 2, 2011.  (AP Photo)

(CBS/AP)  LABARRE, La. - State biologists are trying to determine what killed an estimated 500 birds that littered a quarter-mile stretch of highway in Pointe Coupee Parish.

The birds included red-winged blackbirds and starlings.

The birds were found Monday along Louisiana Highway 1, about 300 miles south of Beebe, Ark., where more than 3,000 blackbirds fell from the sky three days earlier. Authorities say examinations showed those birds suffered internal injuries that formed deadly blood clots.

Louisiana state biologists are sending some of the birds found at Labarre to laboratories in Georgia and Wisconsin for testing.

The New Year's Eve bird showers in Arkansas, followed by the death of thousands of fish nearby in the Arkansas River, have raised interest on the internet and elsewhere, including by some who see the strange events as signs of the apocalypse.

Experts said Monday that celebratory fireworks were likely responsible for the Arkansas bird-bombing, though they admit that it's unlikely they'll ever pinpoint a cause with certainty.

"They collided or were hit by something that caused hemorrhages or bleeding, internal bleeding or bruising," Karen Rowe, an ornithologist at the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, told CBS News.

Some speculated Monday that a bout of bad weather was to blame. Others said one confused bird could have led the group in a fatal plunge. A few spooked schoolkids even guessed that the birds had committed mass suicide.

"There was probably some physical reason, but I doubt anyone will ever know what it was," said Thurman Booth, the state's wildlife services director.

The birds were the second mass wildlife death in Arkansas in recent days. Last week, about 83,000 dead and dying drum fish washed up along a 20-mile stretch of the Arkansas River, about 100 miles west of Beebe. Wildlife officials say the fish deaths are not related to the dead birds, and that because mainly one species of fish was affected, it is likely they were stricken by an illness. Full test results could take up to a month.

Red-winged blackbirds don't fly at night because they can't see where they're going. That explains the crashing, but what caused thousands of them to panic and leave the safety of their roosts can't be known for certain, reports CBS News correspondent Don Teague.

Residents heard loud fireworks just before the birds started hitting the ground.

"They started going crazy, flying into one another," Game and Fish Commission spokesman Keith Stephens said.

500 birds found dead in Louisiana

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500 birds found dead in Louisiana
LABARRE, La. (AP) - State biologists are trying to determine what killed an estimated 500 birds that littered a quarter-mile stretch of highway in Point Coupee Parish.
The birds included red-winged blackbirds and starlings.
Monday's discovery along Louisiana Highway 1 came just three days after more than 3,000 blackbirds fell from the sky in Beebe, Ark. Authorities say examinations showed those birds suffered
internal injuries that formed deadly blood clots.
Louisiana state biologists are sending some of the birds found
at Labarre to laboratories in Georgia and Wisconsin for testing.

GILBERTSVILLE, KY Woman reports dozens of dead birds in her yard

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Woman reports dozens of dead birds in her yard

Reporter - Lauren Adams

Photojournalist - Chad Darnall

GILBERTSVILLE, Ky. — Near her car, a dead bird. A quick walk to her mailbox, another.  Scattered across her front yard, a local woman discovered dozens of dead birds.

"I've never seen anything like it. Never," Sandy said of the discovery.

Sandy, who asked we not share her last name, first noticed the birds several days ago but cleaned them up, not thinking twice.

"I have outdoor pets and just assumed they were bringing them from around the neighborhood."

But when she noticed more birds Monday morning, she panicked, "I had just seen the story on the news about the birds in Arkansas and I was scared."

In fact, 3,000 blackbirds seemed to fall from the sky there- starting last Friday.  Autopsies have since ruled out poisoning.  One top biologist from Cornell University said the birds were "....probably asleep in a single tree when a washing machine-type thunderstorm sucked them up into the air, disoriented them, and even fatally soaked and chilled them."

Sandy was not sure what had lead the birds to her yard.

But, off the bat, wildlife biologist Kent Ozment said he was not too concerned.

"These birds are in the millions right now. Six birds out of a million really isn't that many."

While he couldn't say for sure, he guessed the birds simply succumbed to the elements, "Probably it was just some sort of winter stress."

While Sandy said she was releived to know it was nature-related, she still shuddered at the discovery.

"It's really creepy."

Local 6 checked in with several other fish and wildlife outlets and even some of Sandy's neighbors. No other birds have been discovered or reported.