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A day in the life of Tom Friess KCØEBM, host of Inquisition Update

A day in the life of Tom Friess KCØEBM, host of Inquisition Update

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Tom Friess
To: a friend and fellow amateur radio operator
Sent: Sun, September 19, 2010 2:14:30 PM
Subject: Re: Giant Mecca clock seeks to call time on Greenwich - Telegraph
I'm not forwarding this to anybody. While it might be true information, it focuses everybody's attention on a supposed global rise of Islam to world strength. IT IS A LIE. Rome is behind this NWO, not the Muslims. The Muslims are just a scape goat and a proxy warrior for Rome. Saudi Arabia is controlled by the Wahhabi sect of Islam. The Wahhabi's are Grand Orient Freemasons (JESUITS). Saudi Arabia works for ROME. That's why the Saudi's are so friendly with the Bonesman Bush family.
I can't get anybody to focus on Rome if everything I get and everything I forward is about Muslims. You wouldn't believe the valuable time that I waste by reading and responding to the flood of Muslim disinformation that I get. Muslims are talked about all the time in the MSM, the alternative media, the churches, the government, the Internet, YouTube, e-mail, EVERYBODY talks about the Muslims. The Tea Party Movement is all about the Muslims. The Koran burning Baptist from Florida is all about the Muslims. The Malvo sniper case was all about the Muslims. The military base shooting was all about the Muslims. The Bogus Mosque on ground zero proposal is all about the Muslims. 911 was all about the Muslims. Do you want me to spend even more of my valuable time reading about the Muslims, brother XXXXXXX?
Islamophobia is the most intense JESUIT/VATICAN/CIA Psy Op in the history of this world next to the demonization of the Jews and I'm not going to be a part of it.
The MUSLIMS DON'T RUN SQUAT IN THIS WORLD OR THE PROPHETS DANIEL AND JOHN ARE LIARS. And the only time Muslims are ever mentioned in my QSO or on Inquisition Update or in any of my communications is to expose the FACT that they are NO THREAT AT ALL without the backing of Rome and the Vatican/Jesuit run United States government. There are more Buddhists in this country than Muslims. But there are at least 28 Jesuit Universities and over 300 Catholic colleges in this country who train all of our politicians, not to mention that they comprise at least 25% of our population. We have 25% CATHOLICS, PAPISTS, INQUISITORS, IDOLATROUS BABYLONIANS, in this country who for the last 2000 years have struggled to achieve world control. Add to their numbers all the ecumaniacal evanjellybellies and you've got over 50% of the population of this country helping Rome take over the world. Do you really want me to read yet one more article about the Muslims, brother XXXXXXX?
Its tough enough getting people to accept the Biblical and historical facts about the Vatican/Jesuit led New World Order without cluttering up the issue with bogus disinformation about MUSLIMS! That's the CIA's job and they're doing a world class good job of it and they've even got control over our churches. You're the last man standing in my amateur radio group and If you keep focusing on the MUSLIMS, I'll lose you too. You can't keep reading that garbage without it bending your mind away from Rome and shifting it back to the CIA/Jesuit/Vatican inspired Islamophobia.
ITS ALL A JESUIT INSPIRED LIE, brother XXXXXXX. ITS CIA/JESUIT/VATICAN led New World Order PROPAGANDA. Hell, even the Liberty Net focuses most of their time talking about the Muslims. And they accuse me of being a CIA Psy Op for talking about the Bible and the Roman Catholic church and Freemasonry and the Jesuits all the time.
You and I have far more important things to spend our time on than talking about Muslims like everybody else.
Tom Friess KCØEBM
Inquisition Update

From: a friend and fellow amateur radio operator
To: Tom Friess
Sent: Sun, September 19, 2010 10:24:01 AM
Subject: Giant Mecca clock seeks to call time on Greenwich - Telegraph

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