Terrorists׃ Puppets on Papal Strings

Amazing Facts - The Last Day of Prophecy - 1 Week Away!

Amazing Facts & 3ABN Presents The Last Day of Prophecy Discover the Rest of the story Begins March 21 2 weeks awayYou can help transform a heart when you invite a friend to this life-changeing seven-part series.

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sending them an eVite! Click here to send an eye-catching, personalized message to see The Last Day of Prophecy. It’s easy, it’s free, and it can change a life.

Watch by Satellite 3ABN, Hope TV Watch Streaming on AFTV and Roku

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For more information about the event, click here.

Your church or small group can host an event! Register your site and get free downloadable materials HERE.

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Pray and forward this email to people who need to know! Starts March 21 at 7:00pm ET.
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Amazing Facts, Inc PO Box 1056 Roseville, CA 95678