Will you demand rights for parents to stop an abortion?

National Pro-Life Alliance

Every year, the unborn babies of tens of thousands of teenage mothers die in our nation's abortion mills . . . against the counsel of parents or without even their knowledge.

This slaughter of the innocent unborn is an outrage that must be stopped!

You see, whether by surgery, caustic chemical or the so-called "home abortion pill," the slaughter continues on a daily basis.

That's why an overwhelming eighty percent of Americans want legislation requiring parental involvement before teen abortions, and many states have wisely heeded and enacted such laws.

Unfortunately, without a federal law, even in states with parental notification, abortion providers evade the law by simply performing the abortion in another state.

To compound that, thousands of babies are sentenced to death by judges who grant judicial bypasses so routinely to minors that many state laws are rarely enforced.

The federal Parental Notification and Intervention Act, drafted by your National Pro-Life Alliance, would put an end to that.

This law would make it illegal to perform an abortion on a minor ANYWHERE IN THE COUNTRY if at any time either parent objects to the abortion.

But this simple, straightforward legislation will not become law without a fight.

And that's why your help is urgently needed to mobilize support for this life-saving bill in this session of Congress.

By turning up the heat on politicians through a massive, grass-roots campaign, one of two things will happen.

You and I will bring so much pressure to bear on Congress, it will ultimately force the politicians in both parties to pass this bill . . .

. . . or millions of enraged pro-lifers will send another slew of radical abortion apologists down to defeat in the next election.

Either way, the unborn win . . . unless you do nothing.

That's why it's urgent you sign the petition by clicking here -- insisting your Congressman and two Senators cosponsor, and demand action on the Parental Notification and Intervention Act.

The fact is, this legislation would save tens of thousands of innocent babies each year and protect pregnant minors from a lifetime of guilt for having been swayed to abort their children.

That's why it's so important you act immediately.

You see, just by increasing the pressure for and debate on parental intervention, you and I will publicly expose the radical nature of the pro-abortion politicians and help win votes to end ALL abortion-on-demand.

Voters will be infuriated with politicians who vote to completely purge parents from this life-and-death decision.

The first thing you can do is click here to sign your petition.

Your personal petitions are the key ingredient in our plan to pass the Parental Notification and Intervention Act. With your help, we'll:

***  Run hard-hitting TV, radio and newspaper ads just before each vote, detailing the horrors of abortion and mobilizing American voters.
***  Conduct face-to-face petition meetings of key members of Congress by rank and file National Pro-Life Alliance members and staff.
***  Write a series of newspaper columns to be distributed to all 1,437 daily newspapers now published in the United States.
***  Spearhead an extensive mail and telephone campaign to generate at least one million petitions to Congress like the ones enclosed with this letter.
Of course, to do all this will take a lot of money.

Just to mail the letters necessary to produce one million petitions will cost at least $460,000. Newspaper, TV and radio are even more expensive.

But I'm sure you'll agree you and I cannot just sit by watching the bloodshed continue.

Your National Pro-Life Alliance's goal is to deliver one million petitions to the House and Senate in support of the Parental Notification and Intervention Act.

I feel confident that by writing pro-lifers nationwide, you and I can gather those one million petitions.

But even though many pro-life Americans will sign the petitions, many won't be able to contribute.

That's why it's vital you contribute $10, $25, $50, $100, or even more to your National Pro-Life Alliance.

Without your help the National Pro-Life Alliance will be unable to gather the one million petitions and mount the full- scale national campaign necessary to pass the Parental Notification and Intervention Act.

A gift of $35 or even $100 or $500 now could save millions of innocent babies in years to come. But if that's too much, please consider chipping in with a donation of $10.

You should also know that a National Pro-Life Alliance supporter wants to make your decision to give easier by agreeing to match your donation, no matter the size, increasing its value by 50%!

So please respond right away by clicking here to sign your petition.

But no matter how much you send, I guarantee your contribution is urgently needed and will be deeply appreciated.

Your contribution and your petition will be the first steps toward reversing Roe v. Wade and empowering parents to stop abortions from being performed on their minor daughter.

For Life,
Martin Fox
Martin Fox, President      
National Pro-Life Alliance

P.S. With passage of the Parental Notification and Intervention Act, you and I can save countless unborn babies and build momentum to end all abortion-on-demand.

Please help me make that happen. Sign your petition today to pass the Parental Notification and Intervention Act.

And along with your signed petition, please consider making a sacrificial contribution of $100, $50, $25. If that's too much, please consider chipping in with a donation of $10.

You should also know a generous donor has agreed to match all contributions, no matter the size, increasing your gift to the National Pro-Life Alliance by 50%!

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