Personal Liberty Alerts

Latest From Wayne Allyn Root May 24, 2012
What Happens To The Economy In Vegas, Doesn’t Stay In Vegas What Happens To The Economy In Vegas, Doesn’t Stay In Vegas »
In President Barack Obama's world, misleading statistics and outright lies are facts. In actuality, the shrinking unemployment number proves the job picture is getting worse, not better. Wayne Allyn Root explains, using the numbers from Las Vegas to prove his point. More »

Outside The Asylum

Hail The YouTube Generation! Hail The YouTube Generation! »
Let's offer our gratitude to Hunter Rogers. Rogers is a regular kid living a regular life — at least, he was. Then, he ran into an intellectual roadblock: a teachers' union thug posing as an educator. Last week, he recorded a "teachable moment" and posted it on YouTube.  More »


Obama's Lies To American Youths Obama's Lies To American Youths »
With the promise of "Hope" and "Change," celebrity friends, a good Internet campaign presence, an overall campaign presence that just felt so very underdog — so grassroots — and an aura of rolled-up-sleeve-sunglass-wearing-antithesis-of-politician coolness, Obama was able to gain favor with about 66 percent of the coveted 18-year-old to 29-year-old voter bloc. More »

Personal Liberty News
Videos Surface Of GSA's Embarrassing Bash Videos Surface Of GSA's Embarrassing Bash »
New videos of the General Services Administration extravaganza which cost taxpayers nearly $1 million continue to surface. In 2010, the GSA headed out to Las Vegas for a few days of lots of fun and games and a little business. More »

Pizza Por Favor, Spanish-Speaking Customers Get Free Pizza Pizza Por Favor, Spanish-Speaking Customers Get Free Pizza »
Do you want free pizza? If you answered "Si," head over to the closest Pizza Patron. On June 5, anyone who places an order in Spanish between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. will receive a free large pepperoni pizza. More »

Is Superman Gay? DC Comics To Unmask Gay Character Is Superman Gay? DC Comics To Unmask Gay Character »
DC Comics — the comic book publisher that brought us Superman, Batman and Robin, Batgirl, Aquaman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Swamp Thing, and The Flash — has announced that one of its well-known superheroes is gay. More »

Ageless Wisdom Of The Founders

Brutus' Warning

Most the Framers and Ratifiers of the U.S. Constitution feared paper money. For that reason, Article I, Section 8, which deals with credit, commerce and coinage, was a much-discussed section.

As the consensus moved toward restricting the issuance of paper money and establishing a sound money policy, the Framers pondered what to do about the government's debt. Many argued that, without the ability to print money, there was no way to discharge the debt. But the Framers knew from experience that printing money led to inflation. So Clause 5 — which restricted money to coins — was inserted to negate the effects of fiat money. Clause 2 of the section, which gives Congress the power to "borrow money on the credit of the United States," was finally settled upon, though not without objection.  More »

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