Personal Liberty Alerts

Latest From Wayne Allyn Root May 17, 2012
Did Obama Just Lose To A Prison Inmate? Did Obama Just Lose To A Prison Inmate? »
West Virginia, where a prison inmate on the Democratic Primary ballot won 10 counties against a sitting President, is symbolic of Barack Obama's unpopularity in vast swaths of the country. Obama is in trouble, and his popularity is as low as it can get among much of the population.  More »

Outside The Asylum

The Rotten Fruit Of Our Labor The Rotten Fruit Of Our Labor »
Should you ever visit the U.S. Department of Labor, you'll have the opportunity to gaze upon an image of the Labor Secretary during a march. Arms linked, the Secretary, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and a coterie of union thugs are marching together. More »


Obama: From Magic Negro To Cult Of Personality Obama: From Magic Negro To Cult Of Personality »
Barack Obama, the President of the United States, has been accused by his critics of being a serial narcissist, addicted to fame and even of having a "messiah complex" — all charges Obama does little to defend himself against.  More »

Personal Liberty News

New Evidence Bolsters Zimmerman's Claims New Evidence Bolsters Zimmerman's Claims »
New evidence has been discovered which adds credibility to George Zimmerman's self-defense claim. Zimmerman admits that he shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin on Feb. 26. Zimmerman was charged with second-degree murder, but he claims he acted in self-defense. More »

Clowns Plan To Protest With Pies At NATO Summit Clowns Plan To Protest With Pies At NATO Summit »
Some people think that those involved with the Occupy movement are a bunch of clowns. They are correct. ClownBloq is a group that calls itself "the new BlackBlok" — likely a reference to black bloc, a protesting technique that has become popular within the Occupy movement. More »

Florida: Lower Grades, Lower Standards Florida: Lower Grades, Lower Standards »
School officials in Florida have demonstrated why the public non-education system is making Americans stupid: Student scores on standardized tests dropped, so school officials lowered the minimum passing grade. More »

History Lesson Of The Month

Still Separate And Unequal

Fifty-eight years ago today, the United States Supreme Court decided Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka and ruled that separate but equal school facilities stamped an inherent badge of inferiority on black students and public school systems were required to integrate "with all deliberate speed."

Did integration accomplish what the court sought to accomplish? Hardly. Today, thanks to the Department of Education, children are required to attend a school near their home, with few exceptions. Most minorities now live in cities, while most white students now live in the suburbs and rural areas.  More »

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