Tea Party News: Foreign Agent Piers Morgan Talks About Repealing 2nd Amendment

Tea Party News

  Foreign Agent Piers Morgan Talks About Repealing 2nd Amendment

Following his latest propaganda stunt in Katy, Texas, CNN host and British subject Piers Morgan floated the idea of either amending or repealing the Second Amendment.

"There are people now beginning to say, yes, maybe we should
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Raise Hell

We have been saying ”we are as mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore”,

those days are over!

Time to lock and load!

Tea is going to demand the deportation of Piers Morgan, write a big fat check to fund the “Youth Firearms Training Initiative”and your Tea Party Team is going face to face with Congressmen!


Get this: The Lame Stream Media’s Spokes-Hole Piers Morgan has just become the Official Hater of America’s Second Amendment, and the poster boy for confiscating every last gun in America...and tossing you into prison if you don’t comply.

Get this, are we going to do our best to deport this liberal media spokes-hole, and we are going to fund the “Youth Firearms Training Initiative”! This should piss off a few liberal lamebrains! But it doesn’t stop there!

We are going to send our Tea Party Team to Washington for one-on-one meeting with Congressmen urging them to wake up and reject any gun grabbing!

We have a 3 prong approach:

1. Demand the Deportation of Piers Morgan!

2. Fund: “Youth Firearms Training Initiative”

3. Face To Face! Tea Party Team in the Halls of Congress!

Keep reading for this incredible opportunity to rub liberal blowhard’s nose in it and send a blistering message to all haters of the Second Amendment...

Liberals are haters of America’s Second Amendment and Piers Morgan is no different. Piers Morgan used his prominent media position to exploit gun control and to twist the facts about gun fatalities. If he had his way, he would confiscate every last gun in America, trashing our Second Amendment right to bear arms, leaving Americans utterly defenseless. If you didn’t comply? He’d have you thrown into prison. His own words.

Read it for yourself! Click -> "Gun Crazy Laws"

The Tea Party and Gun Owners say:

Take Your Globalist Ideas and Get Out!

Morgan suggested he may “self-deport” We should be so lucky.

So let’s help throw him out like yesterday’s garbage! We don’t need traitors to the American Constitution or strippers of our Second Amendment rights –not to mention from someone who isn’t even a citizen of the U.S. - telling us we can’t have our firearms. If you haven’t seen the interview where Morgan discusses his “solution” to solving the problem of massacres of innocent people - in gun-free zones, see it here.

If you are not as mad as hell yet, then watch this video!

Sit down and buckle up!

It’ll blow you away and make you so mad you can’t see straight.

Piers Morgan – Media Spokes-Hole and Larry Pratt – President/Gun Owners of America

Can you believe this pompous blithering ass? He’s using his media influence to bully America. We’re not going to take it. Here at the Tea Party Command Center we decided, “To hell with him. He can go straight back to where he came from if he doesn’t like our Second Amendment.” That is exactly what we intend to do.

Want more information? Here it is! We’d like to invite you to join us in our:

  • Demand Piers Morgan deported!

  • Fund “Youth Firearms Training Initiative”!

  • Face To Face – Tea Party Team To Washington – Get In Their Faces!

Already a petition created on the White House e-petition website by a resident of Texas has garnered more than 90,000 signatures in show of support to deport Piers Morgan. The petition accuses Morgan of engaging in a “hostile attack against the U.S. Constitution” by targeting the Second Amendment. It demands he be deported immediately for “exploiting his position as a national network television host to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens.”

The sooner this British boob is gone the better off we will be. He knows nothing of the statistics he sites. He’s out there on national news trumpeting the lack of shootings in Britain and Australia after they took guns away from their citizens. Well now, he leaves out that the violent crime rates in those countries has SKYROCKETED. There are mass murders throughout Europe now. People in Australia are pleading with America not to follow their path. Perhaps Piers Morgan should check with the FBI who revealed that in 2011 there were more deaths with clubs and blunt objects than there were by guns.
What about in India where the police won’t protect the women? Women are now signing massive petitions requesting the right to get guns. The people need a means of protection. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Chavez…they all took the guns and look what happened. Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it.

It’s time we demand Piers Morgan deported and rub his nose in it by funding the “Youth Firearms Training Initiative” and then going Face To Face with Congressmen.

Are you with us?!
We are sending a message to all gun-grabbers!
Here’s what we are going to do... is raising funds for “Operation – Raise Hell” and we are going to sponsor the “Youth Firearms Training Initiative” with a big fat check!

We will get this campaign going and accomplish three great things:

1. Send the British Spokes-hole, Piers Morgan, packing back to Britain. A one way ticket to a place where the people have no protection and are utterly defenseless because the British government took their guns away. This is the best part because it does so much good—and it’ll really piss off the lame-stream media and it’s gun grabbing ilk. The Tea Party is sick of all the haters of the Second Amendment, including democraps like Feinstein, Pelosi, Reid and Obama. After we have the funds to deport Piers Morgan, then….

2. Fund - “Youth Firearms Training Initiative” We are going to write a big fat check toward the “Youth Firearms Training Initiative” designed to reach out to our future generations and teach them the responsibilities and rights involved in proper ownership, care and usage of a firearm.

3. In Their Face – Our Tea Party Team is going to Washington. We intend to get in the faces of Congressmen who think they can shank the American people by grabbing our guns! We will camp out if necessary on the steps of the Halls Of Congress!

The Tea is boiling get in line or keep out of the way!

Here’s what we want you to do:

If you’re ready to lock and load then join the Tea Party as we support the “Youth Firearms Training Initiative” in our pursuit to protect America’s Second Amendment rights for tomorrow’s leaders and take the fight to Washington then this is for you! This is a first for America and it’s your opportunity to be a part of what is sure to be an overwhelming success and make a difference in America’s future, our youth!

Donate now to let your voice heard over the perilous threatening throngs of liberal media as represented by the loathsome Piers Morgan. Let’s send them all a message loud of clear.

This is it. We have dedicated all of our resources to Raise Hell and save America. Are you with us?

We owe America the truth about “America’s Fraud President” and Obama’s coming coup.

America’s Children Thank You

Someday your children will thank you for saving their future from Obama’s Soviet-Style Socialist State.


p.s. Still pissed-off want to do more? Hell Ya! We’re in for it.

Check this out!

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