Ron Paul's original staff economist, Dr. Gary North!

Thursday, February 21, 2013
The Nanny State vs. Junk Food
I do not eat much junk food. I haven’t since 1949. In that year, I was put on a rigorous diet by America’s first nutrition physician, Francis Pottenger. I was 7 years old. He got me well. He took me off white bread, refined sugar, and anything resembling junk food. I got well in 18... READ MORE

Spending Cuts Loom for Pentagon: Automatic Sequestration
The 2011 budget bill established automatic spending cuts. These will begin on March 1 unless Congress and the President agree on a way to kick the can and run up the on-budget deficit. The whole thing is a charade. The cuts are always cuts in the expected increase in spending, not actual reductions in today’s... ... READ MORE

Desperation at the New York Times. There’s Good News Tonight!
Liberalism is on the run. The New York Times is selling everything that isn’t nailed down. It is trying to sell the liberal Boston Globe. It sold its papers in Florida. It sold its share of the Boston Red Sox. The Times is the voice of American liberalism. Its voice is turning into an old... READ MORE

Bad Bet: Atlantic City as a Resort Town Funded by Gamblers
A major casino just filed for bankruptcy. It was going to be a resort casino. No smoking. Ten swimming pools. “Ain’t we got stuff?” No, you ain’t. The investors of $2.4 billion just lost all their chips. “Round and round it goes. Where it stops, nobody knows.” Atlantic City will remain what it has been.... READ MORE

Armen Alchian, RIP
Armen Alchian died on February 19 at the age of 98. I learned this on February 20. At the end of the day on February 19, I was working on a book I am writing on the structure of economic thought. I try to write two pages a day. I wrote this: There is a... READ MORE

“Klaatu, Barada, Bar Code”: Bar Codes Visible from Outer Space
What will we learn next? Take a look at some bar codes that Google Maps has turned up. What are these all about? We are told that they were camera calibrating devices. American spy planes in the 1950s and 1960s flew overhead, taking photos. But to take a good photo, a camera needs precise measurements... READ MORE

No Gold Audit of Ft. Knox . . . in 60 Years
A fake gold audit of the gold in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, a private depository, was made by the government. It did not include any audit of the legal claims against this gold. The audit mentioned that the government’s gold is in Ft. Knox. No audit was made of the gold in... ... READ MORE

$100,000 College Debt to get a $37,000 a Year Job as a File Clerk
So, you send your kid off to college. You pay. She borrows $100,000. Then she graduates. She gets a $37,000 a year job as a file clerk. It happens. Across the nation, it happens. The New York Times ran a story on this. It told the story of such a young woman. To get a... READ MORE

Who Was the Only President Since 1939 Who Did Not Raise the Debt Ceiling?
It was not George W. Bush. Under him, it was raised seven times. Overall, 1939 to today, it was raised 68 times. One President lowered it. This same President used increased taxes to pay for rising government expenditures. And, wonder of wonders, revenues increased. To find out, click the link.... READ MORE

Michael Jordan Turns 50. It Can’t Be True.
Say it isn’t so, Joe. Not Michael Jordan. Not 50. There is a page with a bunch of Jordan moves. You will not be able to stop watching if you start watching. Somewhere in my collection of videos, I have the 1982 NCAA finals, which pitted the University of North Carolina against Georgetown. Jordan won... READ MORE

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