Before It's News

Top 10 Trending Stories

Welcome to the Before It's News Top Trending Stories. Each weekday we deliver the most important and interesting alternative stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

On The Brink: A Chinese Naval Vessel Locked Onto Japanese Navy Ship… In Separate Incident, Vessel Locked Onto Japanese Navy Helicopter!!! Japanese Officials: Two Regional Powers On The Brink Of “A Dangerous Situation!!

CURATOR: John Rolls. InvestmentWatch Chinese warships have pointed missile radars at Japanese military targets and taken the two regional powers to the brink of “a dangerous situation”, say Japanese officials. The news overnight marks a dangerous escalation of a four-month diplomatic and military stand-off between Australia’s two largest trading partners, involving disputed islets...


Powerful Magnitude 8.0 Earthquake Strikes The Santa Cruz Islands!

Powerful Magnitude 8.0 Earthquake Strikes The Santa Cruz Islands! CONTRIBUTOR: Andre Heath. Just minutes following the magnitude 6.3 earthquake that hit the Santa Cruz Islands, a powerful 8.0 magnitude earthquake has just shaken the same region, prompting tsunami alert for New Zealand, Australia and other areas close to the earthquake, expanding to a string of other countries, as far away as Hawaii....


Civil War Nigh? DOJ Says Obama Can Use Drones on American Citizens! (video)

Civil War Nigh? DOJ Says Obama Can Use Drones on American Citizens! CONTRIBUTOR: BARRACUDA. John Lillpop (Bio and Archives) Tuesday, February 5, 2013 Canada Free Press Barack Obama and Eric Holder: Who in their right mind would trust either of these radicals to use deadly force against American citizens without being motivated by ideology and politics? It is really getting scary out there! The...


Is The White House Now Judge, Jury and Executioner of Both Drone And Cyber-Attacks? (Video) (video)

CURATOR: Josey Wales. By Josey Wales Why does the White House insist on being Judge, Jury, and Executioner? This is against the constitution and will eventually affect all Americans and their way of life. There were reason the constitution was set up to protect the citizens against this type of tyranny. Look at...


While You Are Watching The Super Bowl... Video (video)

While You Are Watching The Super Bowl...  Video CURATOR: Josey Wales. tyranny There is no reforming a corrupt system. Walk away and stop supporting, encouraging and legitimizing it. When you are aware, you can prepare. Critical Reads: More News Mainstream Media Chooses To Ignore By Josey Wales, Click Here!...


Flash Mob Mayhem Wreaks Havoc On Unarmed New York City Businesses (Video) (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: BARRACUDA. These flash mobs are becoming a big problem across the country .Now it's happening in NCY ,violent mobs acting like wild animals, with as many as 20 to 40 of them come out of nowhere and ransack convenience stores and news stands causing damage and injuring people.One man was hit...


Video: Ted Nugent Schools Piers Morgan Yet Again, Says Hes Full of Crap (Video) (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: BARRACUDA. Joe Miller~ Restoring Liberty While President Obama was out on a tour of the country to promote his latest brand of tyranny, Piers Morgan was jonesing for another fight on gun control. As one might expect, seeking out the Nuge wasn’t the smartest move Morgan has ever made. MORE HERE...


Get Far Away From USA It's Collapse Will Be Messy Globally, Japan Will Be The First One To Fall This Is The Most Dangerous Time In The Human History We Are Heading Toward A Historic Global Financial Meltdown!! (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: BARRACUDA. GOLD BANK RUN ACCELERATING: First Venezuela, Then Germany, The Netherlands, And Now Switzerland Want Their Gold Back!! The Start Of A Historic Global Financial Meltdown: US Economy Is Slipping Into Reverse, Europe Goes Back Into Collapse Mode, And Hyperinflation Is Coming To Every “Developed” Country Near You!! World’s central...


Nigel Farage: Perhaps You’ve Invented Nuclear Money, Mr Barroso! (Video) (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: FSN. from europarl Support: | | • European Parliament, Strasbourg, 6 February 2013 • Speaker: Nigel Farage MEP, Leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), Co-President of the ‘Europe of Freedom and Democracy’ (EFD) Group in the European Parliament – • Debate: Preparations for the European Council...


DHS Insider: Obamas Cyber Warriors & Preparing For Collapse

CONTRIBUTOR: Northeast Intelligence Network. What should we be looking for next? “Look around. You’re seeing it.” By Douglas J. Hagmann 6 February 2013; The following information was provided to me by my DHS contact on two different occasions. Information from my first contact was previously published in two parts (here and here). I was...



CONTRIBUTOR: Alton Parrish

CURATOR: Mort Amsel

CURATOR: Josey Wales

CURATOR: John Rolls



CONTRIBUTOR: Survival Sherpa


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