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Study on troubled 'gay' families not junk science
The research behind a study that found adult children from "gay" families are "more apt to report being unemployed, less healthy, more depressed, more likely to have cheated on a spouse or partner, smoke more pot, had trouble with the law…" than children from traditional mom-and-dad households may not have been politically correct, but it was scientifically correct, ruled the University of Texas at Austin.
So the effort to discredit the researchers with a false charge of "misconduct" didn't work ... what's next?
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You won't believe the hassle opponents of the kind of terror that killed thousands on 9/11 had to go through to get their message on the sides of city buses ... in New York City, no less.
Click here for details.
Moviegoers predict election winner!
By examining movie boxoffice, the winner of the presidential election in November can be ...
Click here for details.

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