Personal Liberty Alerts

Personal Liberty Alerts: Live Free in an Unfree World

Latest From Wayne Allyn Root August 2, 2012
Message To Obama: You Owe Us! Message To Obama: You Owe Us! »
My video commentary this week is in response to President Obama’s comments that business owners owe government and others for our success. My message to Obama? We built it. We don't owe you a thing. As a matter of fact, you owe us! More »

Outside The Asylum

Small Business, Big Words Small Business, Big Words »
The sign hanging below the roadside marquee in front of Gaster Lumber and Hardware reads: “I built this business without gov’t help. Obama can kiss my ass.” I might have phrased it differently, but I can’t argue with Gaster’s sentiment. More »


Political Chicken And Coffee Political Chicken And Coffee »
Imagine that it is possible to be a homophobic, right-wing zealot one moment and a gay-loving uber-liberal the next, simply by crossing the street. It may be, unless Christians avoid the evil sodomite sympathizers at Starbucks and gay rights activists avoid peanut-fried, right-wing chicken from Chick-fil-A. More »

Personal Liberty News
Obama Campaign Struggling, President Funds It Himself Obama Campaign Struggling, President Funds It Himself »
President Barack Obama took $5,000 out of his own pockets to donate to his campaign. Democrats admit that Republicans have raised more money and that Obama’s re-election campaign has fallen behind in donations. "On its own, what I gave won't be enough to surmount the unprecedented fundraising we've seen on the other side," said the President. More »

Black Pastors Organize Anti-Obama Campaign Black Pastors Organize Anti-Obama Campaign »
A group of black pastors is rallying together in an attempt to decrease the support of President Barack Obama in black communities. Their efforts are largely a response to Obama’s same-sex marriage stance. The group claims to have 3,742 black pastors in its camp. More »

Recession Sparks Entrepreneur Boom Recession Sparks Entrepreneur Boom »
President Barack Obama may have had the opportunity to point out a silver lining regarding the ongoing economic recession if it weren’t for his recent “you didn’t build that” remarks. High rates of unemployment resulting from the struggling economy have resulted in a surge in American entrepreneurship. More »

Book Review

The Passage of Power: The Years of Lyndon Johnson
by Robert Caro

The Passage Of Power: The Years Of Lyndon JohnsonIf you really want to understand how the United States became the way it is today (with its bloated bureaucracy, strange tax system, labyrinth of regulatory agencies and intrusive attitude toward its citizens), you have to read Robert Caro’s The Passage of Power: The Years of Lyndon Johnson and other books like it. This book — an exhaustive (and I do mean exhaustive!) look at how Lyndon Johnson came to power, what his goals were once he was in power and how he achieved his aims in his first term — provides an impressively complete description how our politics began to change into what they have become. More »

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