• Police state
On the Tuesday, August 28 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers facets of the police state that appear daily, including the latest manifestation in Austin, Texas, where students are being tracked with GPS technology, and Blackhawk helicopters engaging in military exercises in the skies over Minneapolis, Minnesota. He also talks about events ongoing in Syria and Iran. Alex's guest today is Alfred Adask, the publisher of the AntiShyster News Magazine who was identified by the federal government as one of the top dozen anti-government activists during the 1990s. He was featured on a CBS 60 Minutes segment where he was pigeonholed as a Sovereign Citizen "guru." Alex covers other important news items and takes your calls.

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TSA Workers Perform Bag Searches at RNC

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The Conspiracy of an Empire: A Letter to Those that Serve the System:

Planet Infowars | Dissent is still the highest form of patriotism.

Civilians Told Not to Fear Blackhawks Over Minneapolis

Kurt Nimmo | “Support our troops” has become the mindless mantra of frogs slowly boiling in the water of tyranny.

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Adan Salazar | It is safe to assume that information gathered is being stored for use as opportunistic leverage to crush dissenting voices.

Black Hawk Helicopters Over Minneapolis Worry Residents

Paul Joseph Watson | Concerned observers called media, police last night to report choppers.

NY Times Scrubs Mention Of CIA Arming Syrian Rebels

Paul Joseph Watson | Establishment media careful to hide direct aid to terrorist-aligned FSA.

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