Personal Liberty Alerts

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Latest From Chip Wood July 27, 2012
The Lie That Should Sink Obama The Lie That Should Sink Obama »
If there is one sentence that determines who will win this year's Presidential election, I hope it will be Barack Obama's incredible statement that "you didn't build that." In just four short words, Obama confirmed his bias against America's business builders and job creators. More »

Freedom Watch

Teaching Tolerance Teaching Tolerance »
Progressives are tolerant people. Just ask them. Boston Mayor Thomas Menino says Chick-fil-A "doesn't belong in Boston." Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel says, "Chic-fil-A's values are not Chicago values."  More »

Personal Liberty News

Obama Announces Education Program For Black Youths Obama Announces Education Program For Black Youths »
President Barack Obama has issued an executive order establishing the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans. The President said it will give black students "a complete and competitive education from the time they're born all through the time they get a career."  More »

Rising Food Prices, Social Unrest In Coming Months Rising Food Prices, Social Unrest In Coming Months »
The drought that has swept across much of the United States will likely drive up food prices throughout the Nation and, some people fear, may even spark global unrest as food becomes scarce in some parts of the world. More »

Huckabee, Santorum Plan Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day Huckabee, Santorum Plan Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day »
Following Chick-fil-A President and CEO Dan Cathy's comments on traditional marriage, gay rights activists are making plans to boycott the restaurant until the cows come home. But two prominent Republicans are organizing Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day. More »

Teen Saves Money To Start Business, City Shuts Him Down Teen Saves Money To Start Business, City Shuts Him Down »
A 13-year-old Michigan teen saved nearly $1,000 to start a hot dog business as a way to help take pressure off of his disabled parents. On the same day he set up shop, the city of Holland shut him down. More »

Chip Shots

Heroes In Aurora

Amazing acts of courage. Like you, I was heartsick at the stories of the massacre at that movie theater in Aurora, Colo., last week. But I was also impressed by the heroic acts that occurred there. Four of the victims were men who gave their lives to protect the women who were with them. The courage, bravery and self-sacrifice of Alex Teves, Matthew Robert McQuinn, Jonathan Blunk and John Larimer should be an inspiration for us all. More »

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