Personal Liberty Alerts

Personal Liberty Alerts: Live Free in an Unfree World

Latest From Bob Livingston July 16, 2012
Answers! Answers! »
Today’s column is written to explain our philosophy for those who are just coming on board, those who still don’t understand, those enslaved by the false right/left paradigm and those who grapple with where our philosophy fits in the grand scheme. Here are answers to the most common questions we get. More »

On Your Own

How Easy Is It To Begin Living Off The Grid? How Easy Is It To Begin Living Off The Grid? »
I would have to say the most intriguing thing I have had the pleasure of learning is how easy it could be to live off the grid. I had the opportunity to learn from one of the best, Johnny Mueller, the other day when we sat down to discuss his Five Flags program. It shocked me how common living without a true home country had become. More »

Hot Topic

The Bible Vs. The Building Code: Which Is More Important? The Bible Vs. The Building Code: Which Is More Important? »
City officials in Phoenix arrived at the conclusion that Michael Salman was putting people’s lives in jeopardy by conducting a Bible study at his home. He was found guilty of 67 building code violations and sentenced to 60 days in jail and three years of probation. More »

Personal Liberty News
Terror, Perverts And Big Brother Terror, Perverts And Big Brother »
Federal officials are increasingly citing the need for acronym-laden Internet bills for everything from protecting children, national defense and copyright to preventing corporations from preying on Internet users. And while the stated intentions may sound reasonable, the ways in which Federal and law enforcement officials are already using the Internet suggest ulterior motives. More »

Student Loans Swallowing America Student Loans Swallowing America »
For years, young people in America have been told that if they fail to get a good college education, they will miss out on many of the opportunities given to their more-educated peers. There’s another thing they may be missing out on: about $1 trillion in Federal student loan debt. More »

Restaurant Offers Discount For Church Bulletin, Atheist Files Discrimination Suit Restaurant Offers Discount For Church Bulletin, Atheist Files Discrimination Suit »
It’s common practice in many small towns for a restaurant to offer a discount to the church crowd. Bring a bulletin; get a cheap lunch. Even Chick-fil-A has been known to get in on the action. But that all might change if a man in Pennsylvania gets his way. More »

Commenter's Corner

Commenting on My Conscience Speaks,
Patriot1776 says:
July 13, 2012 at 7:38 am
The question is whether "We The People" are willing to take our responsibilities and stand for the freedoms and the unalienable rights that our Creator bestowed on us. What are we leaving for our children and our children's children? Will we leave them with the freedoms and blessings that our Founding Fathers left for us, or will we leave them with some socialistic/communistic government dependency state? Do we deserve this republic? Many of our ancestors fought and died to stop the spread of communism and to allow other societies to have a chance at enjoying the God given rights that we have. Now we must choose whether to stand with our ancestors and protect those rights, or lay down and allow big government to take away our rights and our freedoms and doom our posterity to a life of government servitude. It's our time America!

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