Bloomberg: Police Shouldn’t Protect Americans Until There Is More Gun Control

michael-bloombergWell New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has done it again and demonstrated how stupid he really is. On CNN’s Big Story with Piers Morgan, Bloomberg made an utterly ridiculous comment that is almost on par with his views on Big Gulp drinks.
“Well I would take it one step further. I don’t understand why the police officers of this country don’t stand up collectively and say, ‘We’re gonna go on strike. We’re not going to protect you unless you, the public, through your legislature do what’s required to keep us safe (ie. more gun control). After all police officers want to go home to their families.”
This comment came in response to Morgans question, “Why do so many Americans not feel angry enough to demand further gun control?”
Bloomberg went on to say,
“We’re doing everything we can to make their job more difficult, but more importantly more dangerous by leaving guns in the hands of people who shouldn’t have them and letting people who have those guns buy things like armor piercing bullets. The only reason to have armor piercing bullets is to go through bullet resistant vests. The only people who wear bullet resistant vest are our police officers and that’s true across this whole country. So, we should at some point, we have to understand that this is our children or grandchildren or us, but for the police officers it’s much more immediate because when you and I hear shots we run away. They run towards it.”
When I heard this I turned to my wife and asked rhetorically, “How do morons like Mr. Bloomberg get in office? Let’s deal with his argument here.
First he says that the police should go on strike and not protect citizens till they enact more gun laws. OK fine, police go on strike, they stop getting paid. We pay them to perform a job and honestly it isn’t really protection they provide. Plenty of police officers were right there at the theater in Aurora, Colorado and did they protect anyone? Nope, not one person. Police officers are to enforce the law and that is why they are referred to as law enforcement officers. If they don’t want to do their jobs, then let them step aside and find another line of work.
Gun control laws will not protect police officers and they will not protect citizens. I demonstrated that on Monday A piece of paper protects from a speeding bullet about as well as those police officers did in Aurora. I’m not taking a shot at police officers here. What I’m doing is pointing out Bloomberg’s fallacies.
Officers want to go home to their families like we all do. Police officers also have a weapon they carry with them too. Why then should law-abiding citizens not be allowed to keep and bear their arms all day so that they might return home to their families Mr. Bloomberg?
We are not doing anything to make police officers’ jobs more difficult or dangerous. If you have people who have shown themselves to be a threat deal with that, but leave the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens alone.
Bloomberg goes of on a ridiculous notion about armor piercing bullets. OK, let’s get this out in the open. I wrote about this very topic as New Jersey was putting in place a law to ban ammunition. Most law enforcement wear Level II-A protective vests that stop 9mm and .40 bullets. So that means that if strictly taken for armor piercing all other ammunition would be banned. This means you would be unable to get ammo for your AR-15, many hunting rifles and even some handguns, such as your trusty .45.
Also some citizens can purchase these items to protect themselves. So Mayor Bloomberg is just not being honest here. The police officers are not the only ones wearing such protection and you don’t need “armor piercing” bullets to penetrate the vests most police officers wear.
He is right about one thing though. It is about us, our children and grand children. It’s about whether or not we are going to live in a land where a corrupt government and criminals are the only ones with guns and we are at the mercy of both, neither or which are able to protect us in a time of crisis.

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