Will you let the Homosexual Lobby steal away our right to speak?

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This battle has never been about "equality."

This has always been about silencing you and anyone else who disagrees with the Homosexual Agenda.

And with Independence Day soon upon us, it's time for you and I to take back our freedom of speech.

You see, the Homosexual Lobby has recently stepped up the pressure to silence Public Advocate for good.

They demand you and I cease all communications... that I step down from all public roles... that I stop talking about the radical Homosexual Agenda altogether...

It wasn't long ago the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) launched an online petition to have Public Advocate banned from all communications on the internet.

Then the Homosexual Lobby upped the ante with another front group, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

You see, the Washington Times calls the SPLC "a fabulously wealthy bully used by the Left to apply the 'hate' stamp to people and groups with whom the left disagrees."

The SPLC has declared Public Advocate to be a "hate group" and blacklisted us with many mainstream media outlets.

On top of that, they've unleashed the wrath of thousands of radical activists across the nation to silence me personally.

I've received death threats and endless hate mail -- even been harassed in public by hecklers!

Obama's activist website,, has launched an online petition with public attacks against me in my hometown.

Every day, more and more of the people and organizations I've worked with for years are cutting off all contact.

They claim the pressure is just too high...

...that the threats and intimidation from radical homosexuals put themselves and their businesses at an unacceptable risk of violent attack.

Will you let the Homosexual Lobby steal away our right to speak?

Next week marks the most important date in our nation's history, the Fourth of July.

236 years ago, our Founders fought for our precious freedoms -- first among those being our freedom of speech.

And I can think of no better day to begin our counter attack against the political correctness and liberal bullying.

I have worked up a plan to blast our pro-Family message across the internet, proving that we cannot be silenced.

But this campaign will not be cheap.

You and I must raise $80,000 by midnight on July 4th.

And in addition to sending this clear message, your contribution of $10, $15, or even $25 will allow me to spread our warnings about the Homosexual Lobby even further.

We are going to fight this battle because I trust in God and believe we can win, but I can't win without you.

I'm reminded of the late Cardinal Spellman's wise advice:

"Pray as if it all depends on God, but act as if it all depends on you."

Public Advocate must unite a larger force than ever before or the Homosexual Lobby will succeed in its campaign to silence the Family and outlaw our voices.

This is not a fight we can afford to lose.

Without Public Advocate standing watch at the gates, there will be little to protect against radical homosexuals who seek to inject their "lifestyle" into every aspect of our lives.

The Homosexual Lobby's lapdogs in Congress will be free to ram the entire Homosexual Agenda into law:

* The Homosexual Classrooms Act which they will use to push their agenda into our schools.  Children will be taught homosexuality is moral, natural and good.  High school students will learn perverted sex acts as part of "safe sex" education.
* Special job rights for homosexuals.  Businesses will be forced to adopt hiring quotas to protect themselves from lawsuits.  Every homosexual fired or turned down for a job becomes a potential federal civil rights lawsuit.
* Same-sex marriages and adoptions.  Wedding gown-clad men smooching before some left-wing clergyman or state official is just the beginning.  To avoid "discrimination" lawsuits, adoption agencies will push aside truly married couples for homosexual applicants.
I know the thought makes you as sick as it makes me.

That's why you must act right away!  Your continued support of Public Advocate is critical to taking back our voices.

I can't do it without you.

Will you help me reach my goal by making a generous contribution of $10, $15, or even $25?

With the growing fights for real marriage in Maryland, Washington and California -- it's not only our fights at the federal level that are at risk.

Your Public Advocate is the last line of defense in some of these states. One after the other, fellow pro-family groups have folded under the pressure.

And if they break our lines, the flood gates will open and the Homosexual Agenda will flow like sewage throughout our entire country...

That's why I need your help today.

If we reach my goal of $80,000 by midnight on Independence Day, I will fully implement the plan to launch our pro-Family message nation-wide.

By bypassing the mainstream media, your contribution will help me spread our message even further than before.

For example, a contribution of $25 will buy 6,250 banner ad placements on WorldNetDaily.

And $10 will pay for 5,800 banner ads on, $50 will pay for 7,150 banner ads on Newsmax, and $100 will buy 15,000 banner ad placements on Drudgereport.

So can I coun't on you to make a generous contribution of $10, $15, or even $25?

You and I are not a fringe minority.

In fact, we both know the majority of Americans are still committed to moral virtue and defeating those who seek to tear it down.

But if you and I don't fight back against the censorship and political correctness today, none of us may be able to publicly speak out in future battles.

That's why I have to ask, will you please send a generous contribution to save our freedom of speech?

The Homosexual Lobby will stop at nothing to tear down Traditional Values across our nation -- and silencing your Public Advocate is the first step.

Public Advocate's best hope is to show the Homosexual Lobby we will not be intimidated.  Your generous contribution will give me the resources necessary to do just that.

So will you please contribute $10, $15, or even $25 to keep your Public Advocate strong?

The fact is every dollar is critical to reach our $80,000 goal by July 4th.

We will not be silenced.

We have to show them that this country will be true to the principles it was founded on.

Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States

P.S. This fight isn't about equality.

The Homosexual Lobby wants to silence everyone who may disagree with the Homosexual Agenda.  And they are winning.

I've created a plan that will smash any illusion they had of intimidating the pro-Family Movement into silence.

Will you help me raise $80,000 by midnight on July 4th?

Can you chip in a contribution of $10, $15, or even $25 right away?

Let us stand together this Independence Day.

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