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Should Californians be forced to accept homosexual “marriage?”

The U.S. Supreme Court is gearing up to decide the issue, and I need your immediate help.

The legal battle over California’s Proposition 8, which defines marriage as one man and one woman, is headed to the Supreme Court.

And there is so much more on the line in this case.

If the Court rules against Prop 8, it will change the entire face of our nation.

If you haven’t heard, Proposition 8 is a state constitutional amendment fully supported by the California voters.  But the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that it is unconstitutional to ban homosexual marriages...

...and if the U.S. Supreme Court agrees with them, it will create a de facto legalization of homosexual “marriage” in every single state!

With just one ruling, the Homosexual Lobby could wipe out decades of hard work to protect marriage and the family.

That’s why I need you to do two things right away:

First, I need you to sign Public Advocate's Amicus brief cover letter in support of Proposition 8 to the Supreme Court.

Then I need you to chip in a contribution of $5, $10 or even $50 to support this battle.

This fight is going to take a serious commitment from you and thousands of other Americans.

Pro-family Californians can’t win this fight without our help.

And they have been fighting this struggle for a very long time.

You see, Californians first outlawed homosexual “marriage” twelve years ago when they passed Proposition 22 by a huge majority.

But ultra-liberals on the California State Supreme Court later ruled the law illegal under the state constitution.

So Public Advocate and other pro-family groups passed Prop 8 through a second referendum, adding the definition of true marriage to the state’s constitution.

But only months ago, the infamously liberal 9th District Federal Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the definition of marriage as one man and one woman illegal under the U.S. constitution.

The good news is that the fight does not stop there.  The bad news is that the stakes are now higher than ever with the case before the U.S. Supreme Court.

As you may remember from our Boy Scouts’ Supreme Court battle, the only way you and I can weigh in on a Court decision is to file an Amicus brief.

This is essentially a legal document outlining why the Court should take one side or the other.

Tens of thousands of Public Advocate supporters signed our brief to the Supreme Court in the Boy Scouts’ case, and I believe it made the difference.

Your signed Amicus brief -- along with thousands more from pro-family Americans across the nation -- will let the Supreme Court know you and I oppose immoral homosexual “marriage.”

I want as many Public Advocate supporters as possible to sign onto the brief to remind the Supreme Court that the vast majority of Americans do NOT want homosexual “marriage” to be a constitutionally protected right.

And every dollar you and I raise today lets me contact more pro-family Americans to ask them to stand against the radical Homosexual Lobby.

I have calculated that I need to raise $37,125 to pay for this fight. Maybe even more...

The legal ramifications of loosing this case are staggering.

If the Supreme Court rules that it is unconstitutional for Californians to define marriage as one man and one woman, then it will happen in each of the more than 30 states who have already passed similar laws.

The Homosexual Lobby will only have to find a single pair of radical homosexual activists in any pro-family state to file a suit...

...and then the local courts will merely look to the Supreme Court’s decision in favor of the Homosexual Agenda and...

...poof!  Instant homosexual “marriage.”

If the U.S. Supreme Court supports this assault on pro-marriage laws, there will be no stopping the radical Homosexual Lobby.

Once they force you and me to legally bless their profane unions, then next will be homosexual adoption.

And mandatory homosexual education.

And finally, the complete Gay Bill of Special Rights.

My friend, I cannot overstate the severity of this fight.

That’s why I hope you will join me in asking the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold state marriage laws by adding your signature to the Amicus brief cover by clicking here.

We also need to spread the word to as many Americans as we can -- to recruit an overwhelming number of signers.

But I need your financial help to do it.

In the past, you’ve given generously in support of Public Advocate.

If at all possible, please chip in a contribution of $5, $10, $50 or whatever you can afford so I can rally as many pro-family Americans in this fight.

Lawyers for the radical Homosexual Lobby will soon submit briefs to the Supreme Court.  But just as we did for the Boy Scouts, you and I will fight back with an Amicus brief of our own.

Can I count on your help?

Thank you.

Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States

P.S. The Homosexual Lobby wants the U.S. Supreme Court to rule that unnatural homosexual “marriage” is a protected right under the U.S. Constitution.

This would invalidate every law in every state that bans homosexual marriage overnight!

I must raise $37,125 immediately if Public Advocate is to have any chance of influencing the Supreme Court in favor of California’s Proposition 8.

Please sign the Amicus brief cover along with a contribution of $5, $10, -- or whatever you can afford –- so I can rally many more pro-family Americans to this fight.

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