Personal Liberty Alerts

Latest From John Myers May 9, 2012
Obamamania Or Obama Mayhem? Obamamania Or Obama Mayhem? »
Obama tells us that the Republican Party is the challenge because it is mired in the past. If by the past Obama means America's wealth and greatness, then he is correct. If he is given another four years, America's greatness will be lost and a superpower will be eviscerated. More »

Freedom Watch

Ron Paul's Stealth Campaign Ron Paul's Stealth Campaign »
You won't hear this from the talking heads in the mainstream media, but the Ron Paul ground game is working as Paul tries to deny Romney the 1,144 delegates needed to win the nomination and force a brokered convention. It's time to tell the GOP: no Paul, no vote. More »

Personal Liberty News

Racist Teachers Making Minorities Dumb Racist Teachers Making Minorities Dumb »
Since the "political correctness" disease struck the United States in the 1990s Americans on the whole have become petrified of saying or doing anything that could be misconstrued as callous, or worse, racist. Oversensitivity is causing many Americans trouble. More »

Your Loving Government Your Loving Government »
The Administration of Barack Obama has made it pretty clear with a recent campaign website launch what it thinks the role of government is in Americans' lives: Lifelong nanny. The initiative features a fictitious woman named Julia, whose life can be followed from the age of 3 to 67 by clicking through a number of slides. More »

Abortion Advocates Raise Money Through Bowl-A-Thon Abortion Advocates Raise Money Through Bowl-A-Thon »
Bowling teams across the Nation assembled to raise money for abortions. Hundreds of teams participated including Coat Hanger, Feminist Drinking Club, Gutter Balls and Screwballs.  More »

School System Bans Bake Sales School System Bans Bake Sales »
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health is banning any fundraiser that might compete with a healthy school lunch. Instead of PTA apple pie, students will have to eat a regular apple. And booster club banana bread will be replaced by an ordinary peel-it-and-eat-it banana. More »

2nd Amendment Under Fire

Anti-Gun Lobby Makes War On Florida

The anti-gun lobby has taken its battle to Florida. Now under fire is the Sunshine State's Stand Your Ground law.
The lobby is using the Trayvon Martin shooting — the complete details of which we still don't know — to generate an irrational fear of self-defense laws. Race hucksters Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson stoked emotions by injecting a racial element to the shooting that did not exist. President Barack Obama also chimed in and ratcheted up the rhetoric.
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