The Global Robin Hood

Reply to the document you sent me entitled, 'Head of Obama's Jobs Council.'

Obama and his administration are only following the dictates of the Pope's Encyclical, Caritas in Veritate, which means Charity in Truth. In this Encyclical, charity is defined as 'the forcible redistribution of the world's wealth'. And truth is defined as 'everybody must comply, no exceptions!' And this Encyclical also gives the United Nations cart blanch power to enforce it. Sound outrageous? Don't you believe it! This is what the New World Order is all about!

This Encyclical, Caritas in Vertate, admits that its directives are founded on the premises established by Roman Catholic Social Doctrine and it is being imposed globally. What this Encyclical does is makes the Pope the world's Robin Hood, granting him authority to take from the rich nations of the world and give to the poor nations of the world in the name of charity. Who are the rich nations of the world? The PROTESTANT nations. And who are the poor nations of the world? CATHOLIC and other Jesuit controlled pagan nations like China and India and other nations to where our best jobs and industries are going.

Here's a link to the Pope's Encyclical:

And here's a link to a qualified explanation of it by Pastor Richard Bennett, a former Roman Catholic priest of 22 years who served at the Vatican who can interpret and explain "Pope-speak" so the average man can understand it.

This is no joke, Obama and his administration and even Congress is following this Encyclical.

Please feel free to forward this to all those who received the 'Head of Obama's Jobs Council' document.

Tom Friess

Inquisition Update

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